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Mani Manjari Didi Leaves Her Body

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In San Diego, California, Syamasundar dasa and his wife Mani Manjari devi dasi, a disciple of Srila Narayana Maharaja, relocated into a quiet neighborhood in North Park and visited the Gaudia Math temple downtown.


She felt pain in her abdomen and went in for a check-up. A CT scan was ordered and in June, cancer of the liver was found. She accepted it as Krishna's arrangement.


Hospice* came and helped. They would ask Mani if see would like something read to her, and she would have them read descriptions of Radha and Krishna pastimes. She would preach to everyone, even at a whisper.


Syamasundar took care of her in her last days, while see lay in bed 23 hours a day. He built her shelves for her Dieties and pictures of Narayana Maharaja and Prabhupada, a canopy around her bed with netting and flowers hanging, and a simple stereo player with auto reverse so that the bhajans would go 24 hours.


She left on October 22, 2001 at noon. No more pain. The devotees and friends of the Temple downtown were performing Vedic rituals and bhajans.


"She was always talking Radha Krishna... She is there now." - Shom


Syamasundar's email address is: shommani@hotmail.com


A cassette with Mani reading "1000 names of Radharani" is available upon request.


*A medical organization that gives 200% comfort for the patient.

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