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Kunti's Memorial Service

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Three days after Kunti left her body a feast and memorial was held in her honor. The events seemed so special in thier personal little way that they should be accounted. I don't know that I am so qualified to speak about Kunti,. I am not an old New Vrndavana devotee and have only lived in this particular temple for three years, with the exception of a couple of months in my past. There are others more qualified to speak about her, though currently it appears that it falls to me.


June 17, 1998, was her official funeral or memorial. There was an entire, wonderful program. First, a fire sacrifice. Next many devotees spoke about Kunti. The stories were so nice and described her well. You could tell that the devotees really knew her and that it was a family. One spoke about how Kunti never thought she was too good for anyone or a better devotee than anyone, but always came to you on your level. I noticed it too. Actually, several devotees mentioned this as well. She was a humble, an honestly humble devotee. It was not a game or a show. She was really like that.


Although she was dying Kunti never acted that way. Of course sometimes her bodily illness would take over. That is different. However when that wasn't happening she was her normal, blissful self. She seemed to take her prognosis well. Matter of fact, one devotee mentioned how even in this condition she was trying to help others. That reminded me of one time when I went to visit her, she was talking with someone from her bed about their problems, trying to help her.


Kunti's room was filled with Krishna and Prabhupada. Pictures were everywhere. She especially liked the philosophy and the books and had the books on her computer. When she was still able to type she would look up various aspects of the philsophy. Even her screen saver was the maha mantra.


Many told wonderful stories, and after the sharing of memories. After that there was a video of Kunti. During her last days she was interviewed by Channel two, and that is part of what we saw. It was incredible. Even into her final dying days she was preaching. Then there were parts of her last days on the video with her daughter taking care of her, trying to make things nice for her, and the devotees doing the same. The film showed how she was painted with gopi dots once and her daughter asked, "How do you feel?" Kunti said, "I feel dotty." Everyone chuckled. Often she seemd to be like little girl, very sweet and innocent.


Next was a Pushpanjali where we all offered flowers to pictures of her spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada, and to her. It was very moving.


Then there was a feast cooked by Advaita prabhu and Radhanatha Maharaja. For those who don't know, Advaita is a terrific cook. He is one of those people who can pick up a handful of something, smell it and know exactly what it is, feel it and decide it is the right or wrong amount to throw in the pot. It was a wonderful feast.


Next came the procession. It went past Prabhupada's Palace and up to Madhuvana, where Kunti wanted her ashes distributed. We had a gathering there where several devotees talked again. It was wonderful. Varshana Swami spoke explaining that Prabhupada picked the right name for her.


Advaita prabhu told a story of the old days when Kunti did sankirtana with the other women and he was the driver. He would sleep all day and drive all night while they would do sankirtana all day. He said Kunti hated driving. The women would all get in and go to sleep after a hard day, but she would remain awake. He would look in his mirror and see two eyes looking back at him and every now and than she would say, "Advaita prabhu, are you alright?" He would say, "Yes Kunti, I am alright." She was afraid he would fall asleep. Sometimes she would come and sit up front to make sure he would stay awake, and he would tease her. On the side she was sitting he would close one eye and pretend to nod off, jerking his head back and forth too. She would shout, "Advaita, wake up!" He would laugh. He did tell her, and she would laugh. Recently he appologized to her for this, but she told him she enjoyed it too. Kunti had a great sense of humor.


During her illness Balabhadra dasa would go to her room almost every day and read Krishna book to her. Actually Karnamrta said he would read but she would often respond or fill in the blanks, so they were really reciting together. Therefore while we were at Madhuvana, Balabhadra prabhu read "Wonderful Krishna" to us all.


Radhanatha Maharaja related a very interesting story. Kunti read that Prabhupada said the spiritual world is like halavah and the material world is like puffed rice, that we have all come here to eat puffed rice. She said to Radhanatha Maharaja, "You know, I have never in my entire life eatten puffed rice. You must get me some puffed rice so I can finish doing that and leave this world." Radhanatha Maharaja said he would. He left New Vrndavana and was at the airpoprt. He asked one devotee if he would buy Kunti some puffed rice, and he said he would. Six months later (now) Radhanatha Maharaja returned and visited Kunti. She told him she still had not tasted puffed rice and therefore could not leave this world. He turned to the devotee who he had made the request to, and the devotee said he forgot to buy it. Radhanatha Maharaja he asked another devotee to please run across to Yamuna's health food store and get puffed rice. He did. Kunti was given the puffed rice. She ate it and said, "Now I have finished my business in the material world and can go back to Godhead." Radhanatha Maharaja pointed out that two days later she left her body.


Then there was an aroti. Karnamrta stated that her mother loved kirtana's by Lalita Madhava das and Abhaya dasa, two gurukuli's. Therefore she asked them to sing and play mrdunga for the ceremony, which they did. Kunti's ashes were distrubuted under and around a tree she had specified that was at Madhuvana. She use to live in this area. It is torn down now but it was a house and farm, with a barn. Varshana Swami said that Kutni expressed this as the place she was born, that is, the place Prabhupada initiated her, so it is the place she has asked to have her ashes spread.


Kunti was a pioneer. She was one of the first devotees who helpeld start New Vrndavana. I could have never undergone the austerities she did, but not only did she undergo them, but she did them joyously. She called New Vrndavana her home. Kunti left her body staring at a picture of Radha Krishna and to the chanting of Hare Krishna.


What is interesting is that rain had been threatening all day, but aside from a few sprinkles here or there nothing serious happened until it was all over. The very last thing scheduled was to pass out slices of cheese cake, which were successfully distributed. Right after that we were all suddenly drenched. We washed our hands in the rain and some who brought cars ran to them, only to end up soaked. It was all great.


I don't know Kunti as well as many who lived here with her for years but I do know her a bit. Twenty-two years ago I lived in Bahulabana for two months, which isn't much. /images/graemlins/smile.gif I lived in the New Barn. In a room diagonally across from mine lived Kunti and her son Kapila. I remember her smiling face, which was always smiling even now, into her last days. She wanted to make everyone happy, everyone Krishna Conscious. When I returned and met her here again it was as if no time had lapsed between us, even though it was twenty years. Kunti was like that. So warm, freindly and open. That is what many of the devotees said about her. One even mentioned in his talk in the temple room that he felt he should go visit her and cheer her up, but she actually made him feel better and he didn't know if he really did much for her. /images/graemlins/smile.gif That was Kunti.


I hope, in my feeble attempt, I have accurately described this days wonderful events. So many devotees were involved and I am sorry if I accidentally left out any names. They have all done such great service by helping her to pass from this world to the next. I also hope I have properly glorified Kunti, who would tell me to stop saying such things. She was so humble.


Hare Krishna.


Your Servant,

Prtha dd

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