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WVA Nagar Kirtan For Sri Jiva Goswami

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Sri Vrindavan Dham, December 23rd 1998


On December 22nd the Radha Damodar Temple in Sri Vrindavan Dham has organized the yearly Nagar Sankirtan in order to commemorate the disappearance day of Srila Jiva Goswami, who was the original founder of the temple. Since Sri Jiva Goswami is the inaugurator of the Visva Vaisnava Raja Sabha, I thought that his glorification would have been complete if we could remind the devotees and the public of this aspect of his divine personality.


Sri Jiva Goswami was also the one who first spoke about acintya-bhedabheda tattva, unity in diversity, the philosophical foundations of the W.V.A. World Vaishnava Association. I explained these points to the director of the temple, Nirmalchandra Goswami, who did not make any objection for us to carry with us the colorful flags of the WVA. Besides, we carried also with us the picture of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, who revived the Visva Vaisnava Raja Sabha in our modern times, and the picture of Srila Bhakti Promode Puri Goswami Maharaj, the Founder President of the Sabha in his current form as the World Vaishnava Association. Many devotees from different Vaisnava Societies (Gaudiya Vedanta Samiti, Iskcon, Vrinda, Acitya, Gaudiya Math) and locals have followed the procession singing and dancing along the streets. By the mercy of Sri Jiva Goswami, it was quite a warm day in the coldest winter Vrindavan-basis remembered in 26 years.


After the darshan of Sri Sri Radha Damodara, all the devotees have been served with the mahaprasada of Their Lordships.


Sri Jiva Goswamipada Tirobhava mahotsav ki Jay!

Sri Rupanuga Guruvarga ki jay!

WVA Nagar Kirtan ki jay!


Sripad BB Parivrajak Swami

Coordinator of the WVA Symposium and Unification Committee


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