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Ayurvedic Approach To Breaking The Nicotine Habit

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WARNING: Sri Guru Has Determined That Smoking Is Dangerous To Your Spiritual and Physical Health


"People are already intoxicated by material enjoyment, and if they indulge in further intoxication, what chance is there for self-realization?" ‹Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (Cc Madhya 7. 128, purport)


Devotees of the Lord, under the order of the spiritual master, are enjoined to give up intoxicants, including tobacco. But anyone who has ever tried to quit smoking knows how difficult it can be. However, whether you've already tried or are thinking about it, this Ayurvedic approach can help make the difficult job of quitting easier.


Some readers may object: "Why give advice here on something all devotees should have done a long time ago? You either follow the four regulative principles, or you're not a devotee. Period." The ever-merciful Srila Prabhupada, however, has taken a much more compassionate approach: "Suppose if I see somebody smoking, but he is doing Krsna consciousness very nicely. So we should not deride. We shall give him concession to reform. It does not mean that because he has accidentally smoked, smoking, that does not mean he has become immediately disqualified." (Nov 25, 1968)


Regardless of whether you quit smoking upon first coming in contact with Krsna consciousness or you are ready to quit now, the important thing to remember is that you can do it. The order of Sri Guru is always accompanied by the capacity to follow His instruction. Thousands of karmis succeed every day, so what to speak of the Lord's own devotees! Don't get discouraged. It took time to learn how to smoke, and it will take time to learn how to stop.


"One becomes habituated to smoking due to bad association: sangat sanjayate kamah. Because of bad association one learns how to smoke, how to gamble, how to eat meat, and how to take intoxicants. In America the government is spending millions of dollars to stop this intoxication habit among the young people. But the government does not know how to stop it. Here is the remedy: Krsna consciousness. It is practical. Anyone who seriously takes up the process of Krsna consciousness can immediately give up all bad habits, including intoxication." (DWT 13)


"There are two things: sreya and preya. I have discussed all these thing many times. Preya means immediately very palatable. That is called preya. And sreya means ultimately good. [...] There are many examples. Just like smoking. Smoking. Everyone knows, the scientists, the doctor, they declare, "This is a nonsense thing. It should be avoided." They advertise even in the packet also. But people still smoke. But that is called preya. That is called preya. Preya means immediately very nice. And sreya means when one gives it up, "No, it will keep my health nice." That is sreya. Try to understand what is sreya and preya. (Jan 10, '74)


Once you give up smoking, you'll find your body responds with some immediate changes. Your heart rate and blood pressure begin to return to normal. Breathing becomes easier. And you lower your risk of getting heart attacks and other serious smoking related illnesses. More importantly, you'll know that you are pleasing Sri Guru and Gauranga, and that your spiritual health has just taken a turn for the better!


Reasons To Quit

The rule against smoking is explicitly stated: "in the sastra it is forbidden, striya suna pana dyuta yatra papas catur-vidha. Striya, avaidha, illicit sex, striya, suna, jiva ko hatya, killing the animals. Striya suna pana... Pana means smoking also. Drinking liquor and smoking. Dhuma pana. This pana is forbidden." (Bg3, Dec 27, '75)


"Smoking is intoxication. Now if you have to follow the rules, you cannot smoke, it will be troublesome for you. Because you are habituated to smoke, and I say "You don't smoke," it will be very difficult for you." (SB 6.1.6-15, Sep 12, '68)


Devotees have very powerful reasons for quitting, besides their health. But smoking is deadly. In fact, smoking kills over 400,000 Americans every year. That's more than alcohol, suicides, homicides, fires, illegal drugs, and AIDS combined.


You've probably heard about nicotine and tar, but did you know that cigarette smoke also contains 4,000 dangerous chemicals, including the following? Ammonia (found in floor cleaners); Formaldehyde (for preservation of cadavers); Arsenic (rat poison); Methane (rocket fuel); Butane (lighter fluid); Cadmium (toxic metal in batteries); Hydrogen Cyanide (gas chamber poison); and Carbon Monoxide (car exhaust) are just some of the toxic substances found in cigarettes.


Nicotine is the addictive drug in tobacco. Studies have shown nicotine to be as addictive as heroin and cocaine. It raises your blood pressure and heart rate each time you smoke. Because of its addictive nature, when the level of nicotine in your blood lowers, you may reach for a cigarette without even thinking about it. What you are actually doing is treating withdrawal symptoms of nicotine.


Smoking Related Diseases

One out of two smokers will die from smoking related diseases. The following are some of the most common:



Cancer (lip, mouth, throat, larynx, bladder, pancreas, stomach, cervix, and kidney)

Cardiovascular Disease




Low birthweight

Lung cancer

Peripheral Vascular Disease


Premature birth



The first step to quitting is to set a date. Mark a specific day on your calendar so you can prepare for it. Choose an auspicious day, such as Ekadasi or the advent of a divine personality. But don't delay too long waiting for the 'perfect' occasion. Remember, there's no time like the present.


Choose A Method

There are many ways to quit, and different methods suit different people. They all fall under one of two general categories:


Sudden - For most people this is the most successful way. It means stopping suddenly and complete. One day you smoke, the next you don't.


Gradual - If you're very dependent on nicotine, try cutting down by 5-10 cigarettes a day. Then set a date to give them all up. Be warned, this method takes time and it is easy to lose your determination.


Whatever method you use, concentrate on getting through each day without smoking, one day at a time. Say to yourself, "I will please Sri Guru: I will not have a cigarette today."


If you slip, don't panic. And whatever you do, don't give up on your plan to quit. Many successful quitters have made several serious attempts. In fact, it takes the average smoker seven times to quit for good. Try to identify what went wrong and give it another shot. Go back and use this article as your personal instruction manual and resource.


"Nasta-prayesu, one who has taken to devotional service, hearing about Krsna, he has not become completely perfect even. Because, due to his past habit, he may do something wrong. Just like one was habituated in smoking. And he has taken initiation, and he has taken to Krsna consciousness, but due to the influence of some friend, he sometimes, suppose he smokes. So if unconsciously induced by others he commits some sinful activity, that is excused. But if he consciously does something sinful activity, that is not excused." (SB 1.2.18, Oct 29, '72)


Withdrawal symptoms you experience are actually good news. They mean your body is flushing out the harmful tobacco chemicals. They won't last long; usually between a few days and two to three weeks.


"Tapasya means I am habituated to smoking, suppose, and the spiritual master says, "You cannot smoke." So if he gives up smoking, he feels some inconvenience, some uncomfortable position. But because the spiritual master has ordered, he gives it up. This is called tapasya. Even at his inconvenience, he abides by the order of the spiritual master, regulative principle. This is called tapasya. He feels some inconvenience, but what can be done?" (SB 5.5.1, Lect., Sep 12, '69)


Ayurvedic Strategies Removing nicotine, tar and other toxic compounds from the organism requires addressing the three intake channels (udak-water, prana-air, and anna-food), as well as the dhatus (tissues). Toxins in the former are more easily eliminated than in the latter.


To deal with nicotine, tar and other toxic compounds in the channels, please consider these recommendations:

drink plenty of cool (not cold) water, better yet if it is kept in a container made of copper, which scrapes away ama (toxic deposits);

perform neti kriya morning and night (with the help of a neti pot, allow room-temperature normal saline solution to enter one nostril and flow out the other; then, reverse.); and, practice bhastrika pranayama, morning and night, to expel contaminants in the upper airways (any good hatha yoga manual will have simple instructions).


For nicotine, tar and other toxic compounds already deposited in the dhatus: take three tablets or one rounded tablespoon of triphala every night, before bedtime; take a constitutionally appropriate rasayana every morning, such as Chyavanaprash, which will help detoxification; and submit to Pancakarma (purification therapies) on a seasonal basis (this must be done under the supervision of a Vaidya).


Please note that some devotees may experience between 3 to 5 pounds of weight gain. It's normal, although not everyone gains weight. Remember, putting on weight for a while is not nearly as harmful as smoking. You can loose the weight later.


If you feel that you need more help or support during any part of this process, consider the following options:

Try joining Quit Smoking classes.

Seek counseling

Ask your health care provider for help.

Email DASA at dasayur@earthlink.net


May Bhagavan bless us with sincerity to follow the order of Sri Guru!

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