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Clear Your Heart For God To Appear

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In Kathopnishad, it is written that this body is the Chariot. A suitable boat to cross the ocean of births and deaths. The mind is the reign or bridle to control the horses, the senses. The intellect (wisdom) is the charioteer. Atma (the soul) is the owner of the chariot.In Gita Lord Sri Krishna says, To those who are constantly devoted and worship Me with love, I give understandingby which tnhey can come to Me.


In the run-up to Rath yatra, a procession was taken out by the devotees from the birth-site of Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Thakur Prabhupad. On way to Gundicha Mandir, dancing and chanting along with devotees, His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj, WHO WAS LEADING THE Sankirtan-procession, stopped for offering obeisance at Sri Jagannath Vallabh Vatika, where he elaborated on Rathyatra, as given above.


Then at Gundicha, all were thrilled with the loud chants of Hare Krishna! It was like power cleansing of the mind.


Explaing the significance, Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj said that one who is blessed by Lord Jagannath, can come to participate here. Supreme Lord has got affection for all. His affection for us equals billions of parents! Whosoever sees Jagannathdeva in the chariot, is rescued from this cycle of births and deaths.


When we do not want His grace, we say, He is not kind to me. We blame others, thinking ourselves to be alright.


Those who have eagerness to serve, get His support. When we want His service, He supports. But we do not want His service, we want to enjoy! Look into your heart, whether you want His service or...


Even the trees engaged for the making of the Ratha, are rescued by the Lord. Being immobile living beings,trees are unable to render a direct service. If they are put in service, their life is successful. Everything is from Jagannathdeva, in Him and it should remain for Him. A Service cannot go futile.


Lord Jagannath is appearing eternally in the hearts of the pure devotees. I have appeared, extending His both hands to embrace all, but His darshan is possible only with the eyes of love.


There is no place for Laxmi Devi in Gundicha Mandir, where Lord will stay.


Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu took all devotees to cleanse the Gundicha, a day before the Rath yatra. This is to clear your heart for God to appear. If our desires are removed, then the heart becomes sanctified. In a sanctified heart, Lord of the Universe Sri Jagannath appears!


Rathyatra signifies the desire of the Gopis to take Sri Krishna from Kurukshetra to Vrindavana. Original Rath Yatra was started by Indradyumna Mahara in Satya-Yuga. There is an evidence in the scriptures that Prahlad Maharaj had drawn the Ratha.


In Puri there are 62 festivals throughout the year. Rath Yatra is most attractive. It begins with the Chandan Yatra on Akshaya-Trtiya, then Snan-Yatra then Gundicha Marjan and culminates in Rath-Yatra.


Submitted by Rasaviharidas, Secretary,


GOKUL, India. Email: Rasaviharidas@indiatimes.com


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