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What ails our love? (Editorial)

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By Sarva Aishvarya Das (President, ISKCON Coimbatore)


I was amazed to see that one of the basic needs of a healthy profiteering corporate structure was identified as Love and care for the employees . More often than not any organization for that matter hinges on Love and care as a key motivation to performance. After a history of trying various different methods at motivation, managerial gurus have arrived back a full circle to Mothering their siblings . . . . .For that some organizations prefer to recruit elderly females in managerial and leadership roles . All glories to their new found motherhood ! ( Little to be spoken here about abuse of womanhood ! ).


What made mother’s love click ? In yesteryears, management of individuals did not reveal this paucity in the work milieu . Its interesting to note that as society emerged into a modern , hedonistic, cold and impersonal group , some very basic human needs were not served by it . Institutions that professed to dole out subtle forms of Love and care attracted love-hungry individuals, only to be displeased with the short lived superficial veneer of love, hidden behind exploitative ends, soaked in self interest . Love in all its mundane forms was disappointing . . . . till they spoke of platonic love _ another disguise.


His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta swami Srila Prabhupada told us that in this material world, there was no genuine love . The unconditional love of a mother for a child was the nearest that we could peek at . Mothers love is vital for the child’s all round growth . In modern times ‘nuclear’ families lack this necessary element as parents are too busy attending to other seemingly important things (for the well being of their child !). Disharmony in families , divorced parents , turbulent childhood etc . . make the unfortunate resident of Kali Yuga a victim of lost love as he roams around , love hungry from one experience to the other . The stage is set for a genuine mother, oozing love .


Though the new found discovery does reveal that Love and care is the thirst of the subordinates, its also a challenging assignment to venture into unconditional love between the employer and the employee . Does that exist ? For the selfish end of the employer can love and care be feigned for the employee ? How can we genuinely love people seems to be the moot question ? Will genuine love give profits ? As managerial gurus tackle this dilemma and try in vain to plummet the human psyche and its needs, the Vedic solution lies near and untouched . . . .


Srila Prabhupada explained that Vedic society or Varnashrama was based on the premise of Love of God . The society was built with God in the center and Love for God was the primary aim and goal of life - Prema pumartho mahan _ In learning to love God a soul automatically develops love for fellow humans . Indeed its not incorrect to say that love for our brethren is only a by product of our love for God . With love for God missing in our lives we will pay the baneful price of loss of love of our fellow humans be they family members or friends or neighbours or countries . In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna openly declares His love for all living beings . At the same time Krishna also woos the souls of this world to worship Him and become His Lover - anityam asukham lokam imam prapya bhajasva mam - Having achieved this temporary miserable life by your choice, worship me .


man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru

mam evaishyasi satyam te pratijane priyo ’si me


Always think of Me, become My devotee, worship Me and offer your homage unto Me. Thus you will come to Me without fail. I promise you this because you are My very dear friend. B Gita . . . . .


Love for God is the central theme and the greatest motivator of our lives . Great saints of yore were full of the “milk of human kindness” which they could give out as their coffers never drained empty due to being filled with the power of their love for God . This is the unconditional love for God referred to as Bhakti in the Vedic tradition . Sree Chaitanya Mahprabhu in His teachings asked us to drink full of this love of God by chanting the Holy names of Krishna : Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare . Jesus Christ, Gods confidential son, gave himself to the masses in love of God “Love thy Lord with all thy heart and all thy soul” was his greatest commandment .


In modern times Srila Prabhupada who was so full of this love risked his life and at an advanced age of 70 years crossed the ocean to the downtrodden land of the USA to give out love of Godhead . It behooves us as intelligent thoughtful human beings to see the practical side of love, stepping out of the black square of exploitative selfish love for our gratification alone, into the realm of genuine love of God and thus of all human beings . Love of God produces love of humans and peace reigns.


Our managerial Gurus will do well to recognize ”Love of God” as an essential prerequisite for a healthy employer in his company, rather than exploit the need of his subordinates, artificially trying to suckle them with new maternal managers...


With lots of genuine love,


Sarva Aishvarya Dasa

President, ISKCON Coimbatore



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