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Disappearance Day Of Shrila Ishvara Puri

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Disappearance Day Of Shrila Ishvara Puri




The most Holy Disappearance day of Shrila Ishvara Puri - Feb 27,2003


The following are the references showing the glories of Shrila Ishvara Puri in the biographies of Lord Gauranga: CBh 1.9.161-170, 1.11.70-126, 1.17.46-162; CC. 2.10.131-150, 2.8.26-30. Three slokas composed by Isvarapuri have been included in Padyavali (nos. 18, 62 and 75). Also see Bhaktiratnakara 12.2206-2209.


Sri Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami has described in Sri Caitanya Caritamrta that the first sprout of the desire tree of devotion was manifested in the person of Sri Madhavendra Puri, and that that sprout developed into a sapling in the person of Sri Isvara Puri. Then, in the person of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Who was also the gardener Himself, that sapling become the trunk of a enormous tree, the desire tree of devotion.


[CC Adi 9.10-11]


Sri Isvara Puri appeared in this world on the full moon day of the month of Jyestha. He served his guru, Sri Madhavendra Puri, very faithfully, especially during the end of Sri Puri-.'s life. Isvara Puri gave the best service among his disciples. Thus Madhavendra Puri, being very pleased with him, blessed him, saying, 'My dear boy, I can only pray to Krsna that He will be pleased with you.' [CC Antya 8.26-29]


Sri Isvara Puri, in his travels to various holy places, once came to Sridhama Navadvipa, where he stayed in the house of Sri Gopinatha Acarya. At that time Sri Nimai Pandita was absorbed in His pastimes of learning. Isvara Puri entered Nadiya-nagara in disguise and thus no one could understand who he really was.


"That noble minded gentleman, was always absorbed in the mellows of devotion to Sri Krsna. He was thus extremely dear to Sri Krsna and he was an ocean of mercy. No one, however, could recognize him by his dress. By the will of fate, he came to Sri Advaita Acarya's house." [CB Adi 11]


He came to where Sri Advaita Acarya was engaged in worshipping Sri Krsna and quietly sat down there. By his divine lustre one Vaisnava cannot remain hidden from another. Advaita Acarya began to look in his direction again and again. Finally he asked him: "Bap! Who are you? I have a feeling you are a Vaisnava sannyasi."


Sri Isvara Puri very humbly replied: "I am a low class sudra, come to view your lotus feet." Mukunda Datta, who was also present could also understand that this is a Vaisnava sannyasi and thus he contrived to expose him. In his sweet voice, he began a kirtana describing Sri Krsna's pastimes.


When Sri Isvara Puri heard that kirtan he at once fell to the ground, and the earth beneath him became wet with his tears. The devotees present were dumbstruck. "We haven't seen a Vaisnava like this before." Advaita Acarya very firmly embraced him. Now everyone could understand that this is Madhavendra Puri's dearmost disciple, Sri Isvara Puri. Loud shouts of "Hari! Hari!" rose up into the air.


Sri Isvara Puri remained at Navadvipa for some days. One day when Nimai Pandita was returning home from the school, he happened by chance to meet Sri Isvara Puri on the way. Sri Isvara Puri was as though mesmerized while looking at the son of Saci, and thought to himself, "He has all the indications of being a divine personage, and appears very grave indeed."


Srila Isvara Puri inquired, "Oh Viprabor! May I know your name? Where do you live? What is that manuscript in Your hand?" Mahaprabhu very humbly offered His namaskara. Some of his disciples replied, "His name is Nimai Pandit." Exclaiming, "You are the famous Nimai Pandita!" Isvara Puri felt very happy to meet Him. Mahaprabhu, coming forward and bowing his head, humbly requested, "Sripada, please come with Me to My house and be My guest for lunch."


Isvara Puri thought to himself, "What a pleasant demeanor He has!" As though charmed by some mantra he quietly came along with the Pandit to His house. Arriving there, Mahaprabhu personally washed his feet, while in the Deity room, Saci Mata offered the various preparations that she had prepared to the Lord. Then Mahaprabhu served that prasadam to Sri Isvara Puri and afterwards accepted his remnants. Thereafter they sat in the temple (Visnu-grha) and discussed Krsna-katha, by which they both became filled with ecstatic love.


Sri Isvara Puri thus remained at Navadvipa for a few months, staying at the house of Sri Gopinatha Acarya. Everyday Mahaprabhu would come to have darsan of his lotus feet and occasionally He would invite him for lunch. At that time Srila Gadadhara Pandita was just a young boy and Isvara Puri was very affectionate to him. He began to teach him from the book which he had composed, "Sri Krsna Lilamrta".


One evening when Mahaprabhu had come to offer His obeisances to Isvara Puri, Srila Puripada spoke to him, "You are a great pandita. I have composed a manuscript about Sri Krsna's pastimes. If you would please hear it, then I can recite it before You, and You can correct any mistakes that there might be. I will be very pleased if You do this."


Mahaprabhu replied smilingly, "Whatever a devotee speaks is dictated by Sri Krsna Himself. If anyone sees any fault in this then he is simply a sinful wretch. Whatever poems he composes, certainly Krsna is very pleased by that. Krsna accepts the mood in which things are offered as the most substantial part of the offering." To Isvara Puri these words were like drops of nectar and he could understand that Sri Nimai Pandita was an extraordinary person. After passing some days in Nadia, Isvara Puri continued his tour of the holy places.


Meanwhile Mahaprabhu was bringing His pastimes of learning to a close and now desired to reveal His true Self and establish the religion of the age by distributing love of Godhead through the chanting of His Holy Names. Thus He came to Gaya, ostensibly to offer pinda for His departed father and forefathers. Sri Isvara Puri was present at that time at Gaya.


After having offered pinda at the various holy shrines, he finally came to the place where the lotus footprints of Sri Visnu are. While taking darsana and hearing of the glories of the shrine Mahaprabhu fainted and fell to the ground. By the arrangement of Providence, Sri Isvara Puri happened to come to that spot just then and learned from Sri Candrashekar Acarya what had transpired. After a short time Mahaprabhu regained His consciousness, and seeing Isvara Puri He got up to offer His obeisances. Sri Isvara Puri embraced Him and the two of them were drenched by each others tears of love.


Mahaprabhu addressed Isvara Puri, "My journey to Gaya is successful just by My seeing your lotus feet. If one offers Pinda at this holy place, then his forefathers become delivered. But simply by seeing you, tens of millions of forefathers get liberation. Therefore your presence is even more auspicious than that of this holy tirtha. All of the holy tirthas pray for the dust of your lotus feet. Therefore, O Puripada, I am praying at your lotus feet to ferry me across the ocean of material existence and to cause me to drink the nectar from Krsna's lotus feet."


Srila Isvara Puri replied, "Please hear me Panditji, I have understood that You are an incarnation of the Supreme Lord. This morning I saw a very auspicious dream and now that has actually materialized. From the first day I saw you at Navadvipa, I have always thought of You. I get such pleasure by seeing You, as much pleasure as I get by seeing Krsna."


Hearing this, Mahaprabhu bowed his head and smilingly replied, "This is my great fortune."


On another day Mahaprabhu approached Sri Isvara Puri and requested that he initiate Him with the divine mantra. "My mind is becoming very restless in anticipation of this initiation." Srila Puripada very blissfully replied, "What to speak of mantras, I am prepared to offer You my very life." [CB Adi 17.10]


Thereafter Srila Isvara Puri initiated Mahaprabhu with the divine mantra.


diksa-anantare haila, premera prakasa

dese agamana punah premera vilasa


"In Gaya, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was initiated by Isvara Puri, and immediately afterwards He exhibited signs of love of Godhead. He again displayed such symptoms after returning home." [CC Adi 17.9]


One morning Srila Isvara Puri came to where Mahaprabhu was staying.


Mahaprabhu was extremely pleased to see him and after offering His obeisances He invited him to stay for lunch. Isvara Puri replied that, "Being able to accept foodstuffs from Your hand is a matter of great fortune for me." Mahaprabhu Himself cooked and then very carefully served His guru the prasadam. Afterwards he smeared sandalwood paste on his body and put a garland of flowers around his neck. Thus the Supreme Lord Himself taught how one should serve his guru. Without serving the great devotees, it is not possible to receive love of Godhead. Service to the guru is the door to devotion.


On his return from Gaya, Mahaprabhu came by way of Kumarhatta, the birthplace of His guru, and began to roll on the ground in ecstasy there, as the ground became wet with His tears. Finally He collected some dust from that holy place and bound it in the corner of his upper garment, saying, "This dust is as dear to me as My life." Then he set out for Navadvipa.


The birthplace of Srila Isvara Puri is located within the present town of Halyahor, which is near the Kanchra-para rail station, which is on the Sealdah-Krsnanagar line. One should get down at Kanchra-para station and then proceed by rickshaw to Caitanya Doha. Doha means pond, which is what was created when many followers of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, following in His footsteps, came here and collected earth from the birthplace of Srila Isvara Puri.


Thereafter Mahaprabhu accepted sannyasa and by the order of His mother came to live at Jagannath Puri. By this time Isvara Puri had already left this world. He sent two of his disciples, Sri Govinda and Kasisvara brahmacari, to serve the Lord at Nilacala.



Chaitanya-Bhagavta Adi Chp 11:


Text 69 Lord Visvambhara was rapt in study. He always brought greater and greater bliss to His mother.


Text 70 At this time Sri Isvara Puri, dressed very humbly, entered Navadvipa.


Text 71 He was saintly, devoted, very merciful, dear to Lord Krsna, and overcome by tasting the nectar of Lord Krsna.


Text 72 Because of his humble garments, no one could understand His exalted position. By divine arrangement, he came to Lord Advaita's home.


Text 73 At that moment Lord Advaita was sitting down and absorbed in devotional service. Isvara Puri very humbly sat down before Him.


Text 74 A true Vaisnava cannot conceal his spiritual glory from another true Vaisnava. Again and again Lord Advaita stared at Isvara Puri.


Text 75 Lord Advaita asked, "Son, who are you? My heart thinks that you must be a Vaisnava sannyasi." Text 76 Isvara Puri replied, "I am the lowest of sudras. I have come to see Your feet." Text 77 Aware of what was happening, Mukunda began, with great love, to sing a song describing Lord Krsna's pastimes.


Text 78 Hearing Mukunda's son, Isvara Puri at once fell to the ground.


Text 79 There was no end to the tears flowing from his eyes. Again and again he was plunged in a flood of spiritual love.


Text 80 Lord Advaita at once placed him in His lap. His limbs became splashed by the tears from Isvara Puri's eyes.


Text 81 The love did not stope. It grew more and more. Mukunda happily recited a verse from the scriptures.


Text 82 When Mukunda saw the Vaisnavas' ecstati love, peerless bliss was born in his heart.


Text 83 Everyone could understand the exalted position of Sri Isvara Puri. Gazing at the signs of his spiritual love, everyone called out, "Hari! Hari!" Text 84 In this way Isvara Puri humbly walked in Navadvipa. The materialists could not understand his true glory.


Texts Texts 85-86 One day, after He had left His students and was returning home, by divine arrangement Lord Caitanya saw Isvara Puri. Seeing His servant, the Lord bowed down before him.


Text 87 Lord Caitanya's handsomeness was beyond description. He was the reservoir of all wonderful virtues.


Text 88 Although no one knew what was in His heart, everyone offered Him respect whenever they saw Him.


Text 89 Isvara Puri gazed at the Lord's body, which was very deeply marked with the symptoms of a very exalted person.


Text 90 He asked, "What is Your name, O best of brahmanas? What is the book You carry? What do You teach? Where is Your home?"


Text 91 The others said, "He is Nimai Pandita." Very happy, Isvara Puri said, "You are He!"


Text 92 Then Lord Caitanya invited him to accept alms. The two of them went to the Lord's home


Text 93 Saci gave Isvara Puri the food that had been offered to Lord Krsna. He honored the prasadam and then he sat down in the room that was a temple of Lord Visnu.


Text 94 Everyone suggested that he speak about Lord Krsna. As he spoke about Krsna, he was overcome with ecstati love.


Text 95 Seeing this flood of wonderful spiritual love, Lord Caitanya became very pleased. Isvara Puri did not manifest these symptoms of love when materialists were present.


Text 96 For many months Isvara Puri stayed in Gopinatha Acarya's home in Navadvipa.


Text 97 Everyone was very happy to see him. Lord Caitanya repeatedly came to see him.


Text 98 When he saw Isvara Puri, Gadadhara Pandita shed tears of love. Gadadhara was deeply loved by all the Vaisnavas.


Text 99 From childhood Gadadhara was deeply renounced in his heart. Isvara Puri sincerely loved him.


Text 100 To Gadadhara Pandita, Isvara Puri read Krsna-lilamrta, a book he had written.


Text 101 Every evening Isvara Puri would read and lecture from that book, and every evening Lord Caitanya would come and offer obeisances to Isvara Puri's feet.


Text 102 When he saw Lord Caitanya, Isvara Puri would beceome happy. He loved Him dearly, but he did not know that he was seeing the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself.


Text 103 Smiling, Isvara Puri said, "You are a great pandita. I have written a book about Lord Krsna's pastimes.


Text 104 "Please tell me all the mistakes in it. That would make me very, very happy."


Text 105 The Lord replied, "Only a sinner sees faults in a devotee's words describing Lord Krsna.


Text 106 "A devotee does not write poetry whimsically, according to his own personal opinion. Therefore, his poetry, presenting the conclusions of scripture, is always pleasing to Lord Krsna.


Text 107 "An uneducated person may say 'visnaya', and a learned person may say 'visnave'. But noble-hearted Lord Krsna accepts both these prayers. This is described in the following verse:


Text 108 murkho vadati visnaya dhiro vadati visnave ubhayos tu samam punyam bhava-grahi janardanah


" 'An uneducated person may say 'visnaya', and a learned person may say 'visnave'. But Lord Krsna, who is only interested in the love of His devotees, accepts both these prayers equally.'


Text 109 "One who sees faults in a devotee's words is himself at fault. Simply by describing the Lord, a devotee pleases Lord Krsna.


Text 110 "Who is so daring that he will find fault with Your descriptions of spiritual love?"


Text 111 As he heard the Lord's reply, Isvara Puri felt that his entire body was being splashed with nectar.


Text 112 Smiling, Isvara Puri again said, "You will not find any faults. But there must be faults. Please describe them."


Text 113 Every day the Lord visited Isvara Puri. They would happily talk for one or two hours.


Text 114 One day, as He heard Isvara Puri's poetry, Lord Caitanya found a fault. He smiled and said, "The vera is not right."


Text 115 The Lord declared, "That vera is not atmanepada." After speaking these words, the Lord returned to His own home.


Text 116 Isvara Puri was learned in all kinds of books. He was very happy to taste the nectar of learning.


Text 117 He thought of the Lord's statement about the verb. He considered it in every way.


Text 118 He decided that the vera was indeed atmanepada. When the Lord came the next day, Isvara Puri explained this to Him.


Text 119 He said, "What You said is wrong. That vera may be atmanepada. I do not need to change it to parasmaipada." Text 120 Hearing this explanation, the Lord became very happy. Defeated by His servant, the Lord agreed that there was no error in those words.


Text 121 All the Vedas declare, "The Lord always becomes more glorious when He is defeated by His servant."


Text 122 In this way Isvara Puri spent many days tasting the nectar of learning with Lord Caitanya.


Text 123 Made restless by tasting the nectar of devotional service, Isvara Puri did not stay long in any one place. He traveled, purifying every place he visited.


Text 124 Anyone who hears this sacred description of Isvara Puri will reside at the lotus feet of Lord Krsna.


Text 125 The spiritual love that was present in Madhavendra Puri's body entered the body of Isvara Puri.


Text 126 By Lord Krsna's mercy, Isvara Puri obtained the love that was present in his spiritual master. Unhindered in any way, Isvara Puri traveled from place to place.


Text 127 The two moons Sri Krsna Caitanya and Sri Nityananda are my life and soul.


I, Vrndavana dasa, sing the glories of Their feet.


CB Adi Chp 17:


Text 80 After resting for some moments, the Lord sat down to cook.


Text 81 When the cooking was finished, Isvara Puri suddenly arrived.


Text 82 Overcome with love, again and again He chanted the holy name of Lord Krsna.


Walking as if he were intoxicated, he approached the Lord.


Text 83 Leaving His cooking, the Lord very respectfully bowed down and offered him a seat.


Text 84 Laughing, Isvara Puri said, "O pandita, please listen. I have come at the right time."


Text 85 The Lord said, "Today I am fortunate. O saintly one, please accept this meal."


Text 86 Laughing, Isvara Puri said, "What will You eat?" The Lord replied, "I will cook again."


Text 87 Isvara Puri said, "Why should You cook again? Divide the food into two parts."


Text 88 Laughing, the Lord said, "If you wish, then please eat everything.


Text 89 "In a sesame-seed's worth of time I will cook more food. Please don't hesitate. Accept the alms I offer."


Text 90 Then the Lord offered His meal to Isvara Puri. Then the Lord happily went to cook another meal.


Text 91 In this way Lord Caitanya was merciful to Isvara Puri. Isvara Puri never stopped thinking of Krsna. He never thought of anything but Him.


Text 92 With His own graceful hand the Lord served the meal to Isvara Puri. Filled with transcendental bliss, Isvara Puri ate.


Text 93 At that moment, unobserved by anyone, Goddess Laksmi hurried there and cooked another meal for the Lord.


Text 94 Then, after offering a meal to Isvara Puri, Lord Caitanya happily ate His own meal.


Text 95 Anyone who hears this account of the Lord's offering a meal to Isvara Puri attains a great treasure of pure love for Lord Krsna.


Text 96 Then, with His own graceful hand, the Lord anointed Isvara Puri's limbs with splendid fragrances.


Text 97 The Lord was very pleased with Isvara Puri. Who has the power to describe how the Lord was pleased?


Text 98 Lord Caitanya, who is the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself, personally saw Isvara Puri's birthplace.


Text 99 Lord Caitanya said, "I offer My respectful obeisances to Kumarahatta, the village where Sri Isvara Puri descended to this world."


Text 100 Whehn he visited that place Lord Caitanya shed many tears. There He said no word other than "Isvara Puri".


Text 101 At that place the Lord picked up some earth, placed it in a bag, and tied that bag to His outer garment.


Text 102 The Lord said, "This earth is from the birthplace of Isvara Puri. It is My wealth. It is My life-breath. It keeps Me alive."


Text 103 In this way Lord Caitanya loved Isvara Puri. The all-powerful Lord thus expands the glories of His devotee.


Text 104 The Lord said, "What I came to Gaya to do is now done. I have seen Isvara Puri." Text 105 On another day, in a secluded place, Lord Caitanya, speaking sweet words, told Isvara Puri a of His desire for mantra-diksa (spiritual initiation).


Text 106 Isvara Puri said, "Why do You ask for mantra initiation? It is I who should surrender my life to You"


Text 107 Then, in that place, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Narayana, who is the siksa-guru (insturcting spiritual master, of everyone, accepted initiation into chanting the ten-syllable mantra.


Text 108 Then Lord Caitanya circumambulated Isvara Puri. The Lord said, "Now I give My body to you.


Text 109 "Please cast your glance of mercy upon Me, so I may be flooded by an ocean of pure love for Lord Krsna."


Text 110 Hearing these words, Isvara Puri embraced the Lord, holding Him to his chest.


Text 111 The tears of love flowing from their eyes drenched their bodies. Agitated with love, they could not remain peaceful.


Text 112 In this way giving His mercy to Isvara Puri, Lord Caitanya, who is Lord Hari with a fair complexion, remained in Gaya for some days.


Text 113 Now was the time for the Lord to reveal His true self. Day by day the glory of His devotional love grew greater and greater.


Chaitanya Mangala


57. There He worshiped the devas and pitas. Then He hurried to see Lord Visnu's footprints.


58. There He met a sannyasi who was a great devotee of the Lord, a sannyasi named Isvara Puri.


59. To Him Lord Visvambhara offered obeisances and said: "I am very fortunate to see your two feet."


60. Falling sown before that sannyasi's feet, and overcome with emotion, the Lord spoke these words. Tears streamed from the Lord's merciful reddish eyes.


61. "How will I be able to cross the ocean of repeated birth and death? Please give Me devotion to Lord Krsna's lotus feet.


62. "I do not see any way to attain that devotion but by accepting initiation from a great devotee of Lord Krsna. All the words spoken by the Purana's and by the mouths of the great devotees bear witness to this truth."


63. Hearing these words, in a secluded place Isvara Puri repeated to the Lord the maha-mantra.


64. Thus attaining Lord Krsna's maha-mantra, Lord Visvambhara felt bliss in His heart. The hairs of His body stood erect.


65. Tears streamed form His eyes. The hairs of His body stood erect. He called out: "Radha! Radha!" He was tossed by waves of bliss.


66. His heart became rapt in thinking of Vraja. His heart was plunged in the sweet nectar of madhurya-rasa.


67. His body became wild with the love Radha' feels for Lord Krsna.


Loudly He called: "Krsna! Krsna!" 68. He called out: "Vrndavana! Govardhana!" and laughed. With great joy He roared: "Kalindi! Yamuna!"


69. One moment He called out: "Balarama! Sridama! Sudama!" The next moment He called out: "Nanda! Yasoda!"


70. "White and dark surabhi cows!" He roared in a deep voice. The next moment He called out: "Gopi friends!" The Lord had became wild.


71. One moment He placed a straw between His teeth and became like a servant. The next moment He was filled with pride. "I am He", He declared.


72. "I lifted Govardhana Hill. I killed Aghasura. I killed Putana and a host of demons."


73. The next moment He manifested a three-fold-bending form, a form with a flute at His mouth. From the four directions all who saw were filled with wonder.


74. Tears streamed from His eyes. His voice was choked with emotion.


With sweet words He said to His guru: 75. "By your mercy I have attained the goal of My life. From today My life of materialism has fled."


76. In this way the Lord showed the perfect example of devotion for one's guru.


Cc Adi 9.11


sri-isvarapuri-rupe ankura pusta haila

apane caitanya-mali skandha upajila


The seed of devotional service next fructified in the form of Sri Isvara Puri, and then the gardener Himself, Caitanya Mahaprabhu, became the main trunk of the tree of devotional service.




Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura writes in his Anubhasya, "Sri Isvara Puri was a resident of Kumara-hatta, where there is now a railroad station known as Kamarhatta. Nearby there is another station, named Halisahara, which belongs to the Eastern Railway. This railway runs from the eastern section of Calcutta."


Isvara Puri appeared in a brahmana family and was the most beloved disciple of Srila Madhavendra Puri. In the last portion of Sri Caitanya-caritamrta (Antya 8.28-31), it is stated:


isvara-puri gosani kare sri-. sevana

sva-haste karena mala-mutradi marjana

nirantara krsna-nama karaya smarana

krsna-nama krsna-lila sunaya anuksana

tusta hana puri tanre kaila alingana

vara dila krsne tomara ha-uka prema-dhana

sei haite isvara-puri premera sagara


"At the last stage of his life Sri Madhavendra Puri became an invalid and was completely unable to move, and Isvara Puri so completely engaged himself in his service that he personally cleaned up his stool and urine. Always chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra and reminding Sri Madhavendra Puri about the pastimes of Lord Krsna in the last stage of his life, Isvara Puri gave the best service among his disciples. Thus Madhavendra Puri, being very pleased with him, blessed him, saying, 'My dear boy, I can only pray to Krsna that He will be pleased with you.' Thus Isvara Puri, by the grace of his spiritual master, Sri Madhavendra Puri, became a great devotee in the ocean of love of Godhead." Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti states in his Gurv-astaka prayer, yasya prasadad bhagavat-prasado yasyaprasadan na gatih kuto 'pi: ** "By the mercy of the spiritual master one is blessed by the mercy of Krsna. Without the grace of the spiritual master one cannot make any advancement." It is by the mercy of the spiritual master that one becomes perfect, as vividly exemplified here. A Vaisnava is always protected by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but if he appears to be an invalid, this gives a chance to his disciples to serve him. Isvara Puri pleased his spiritual master by service, and by the blessings of his spiritual master he became such a great personality that Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu accepted him as His spiritual master.


Srila Isvara Puri was the spiritual master of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, but before initiating Lord Caitanya he went to Navadvipa and lived for a few months in the house of Gopinatha Acarya. At that time Lord Caitanya became acquainted with him, and it is understood that he served Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu by reciting his book, Krsna-lilamrta. This is explained in Sri Caitanya-bhagavata, Adi-khanda, Chapter Eleven.


To teach others by example how to be a faithful disciple of one's spiritual master, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, visited the birthplace of Isvara Puri at Kumara-hatta and collected some earth from his birth site. This He kept very carefully, and He used to eat a small portion of it daily. This is stated in the Caitanya-bhagavata, Adi-khanda, Chapter Seventeen. It has now become customary for devotees, following the example of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, to go there and collect some earth from that place.


Adi 9.12


Verses by Sri Isvara Puri





svarajyam pratipadya nirbhayam ami mukta bhavantu dvijah

asmakam tu kadamba-kunja-kuhara-pronmilad-indivara-

sreni-syamala-dhama-nama jusatam janmastu laksavadhi


yoga-of yoga; sruti-and Vedic study; upapatti-attainment; nirjana-in a solitary; vana-forest; dhyana-meditation; adhva-path; sambhavita-may be; svarajyam-kingdom; pratipadya-entering; nirbhayam-fearless; ami-they; muktah-liberated; bhavantu-may become; dvijah-the twice-born; asmakam-of us; tu-however; kadamba-of kadamba trees; kunja-of a grove; kuhara-deep within; pronmilat-blooming; indivara-of blue lotus flowers; sreni-of a series; syamala-a dark; dhama-splendor; nama-the name; jusatam-engaged; janma-birth; astu-may be; laksa-avadhi-100,000.


Let the twice-born enter the fearless kingdom of yoga, Vedic study, and solitary meditation in the forest. Let them become liberated in that way. As for us, we will spend hundreds of thousands of births chanting the holy name of Lord Krsna, whose splendid dark complexion and yellow garments are like a host of blue lotus flowers blooming in a grove of yellow-flower-bearing kadamba trees.




nrtyan vayu-vighurnitaih sva-vitapair gayann alinam rutair

muncann asru maranda-bindubhir alam romanca-vanankuraih

makando 'pi mukunda murcchati tava smrtya nu vrndavane

bruhi prana-samana cetasi katham namapi nayati te


nrtyan-dancing; vayu-by the wind; vighurnitaih-agitated; sva-own; vitapaih-by the branches; gayan-singing; alinam-of the bees; rutaih-with the sounds; muncan-releasing; asru-tears; maranda-of honey; bindubhih-with drops; alam-greatly; romanca-hairs standing erect; vana-in the forest; ankuraih-by the new sprouts; makandah-the mango tree; api-also; mukunda-O Krsna; murchati-faints; tava-of You; smrtya-by the memory; nu-indeed; vrndavane-in Vrndavana; bruhi-please tell; prana-as life; samana-who is as dear; cetasi-in the heart; katham-why?; nama-the name; api-even; na-does not; ayati-arrive; te-Your.


This mango tree in Vrndavana is now overwhelmed by remembering You. It dances, moving it's branches in the breeze. It sings in the form of these humming bees. It sheds tears in the form of these many drops of honey. Its hairs stand erect in ecstasy in the form of these new sprouts. O Mukunda, as dear to me as my own life, why is this tree so filled with love for You? Who am I so hard-hearted that even Your name will not enter my heart? -Sri Isvara Puri




dhanyanam hrdi bhasatam girivara-pratyagra-kunjaukasam

satyananda-rasam vikara-vibhava-vyavrttam antar-mahah

asmakam kila ballavi-rati-raso vrndatavi-lalaso

gopah ko 'pi mahendranila-ruciras citte muhuh kridatu


dhanyanam-of those who are fortunate; hrdi-in the heart; bhasatam-manifest; girivara-of Govardhana Hill; prati-in each; agra-kunja-grove; aukasam-residing; satya-transcendental; ananda-of bliss; rasam-nectar; vikara-vibhava-vyavrta-m-transcendental ecstasy; antah-in the heart; mahah-festival; asmakam-of us; kila-indeed; ballavi-with the gopis; rati-rasah-with the nectar of love; vrnda-atavi-in Vrndavana forest; lalasah-eagerly enjoying pastimes; gopah-cowherd boy; kah api-a certain; maha-great; indranila-of a sapphire; rucirah-with the splendor; citte-in the heart; muhuh-repeatedly; kridatu-may enjoy pastimes.


May the cowherd boy who is a festival of ecstatic bliss for the hearts of the fortunate creatures residing in the groves of Govardhana Hill, who is the lover of the gopis, who eagerly enjoy pastimes in Vrndavana forest, and whose complexion is as splendid as a great sapphire, eternally enjoy transcendental pastimes in our hearts.


Sri Isvara Puri




daiva-yoge isvara-puri-o sei-ksane

ailena isvara-icchaya sei-sthane


At that moment, by the desire of the Supreme Lord, Sri Isvara Puri arrived at that place.


When Lord Sri Gaurasundara's hair stood on end due to love of God while seeing His own lotus feet, by the will of the Lord and by providence, Sri Isvara Puripada arrived there as a mahanta-guru in order to serve his own Lord by assisting Him in His pastimes. In order to disclose that He was a descendent of Srimad Purnaprajna Madhvacarya Anandatirtha in the Vedic disciplic succession, Sri Gaurasundara, who is the Supreme Lord of all acaryas, inspired Isvara Puripada to come there.




isvara-purire dekhi' sri-gaurasundara

namaskarilena ati kariya adara


On seeing him, Sri Gaurasundara respectfully offered obeisances.


TEXT 48 isvara-puri-o gauracandrere dekhiya alingana karilena maha-harsa haiya Isvara Puri was also delighted to see Gauracandra, and he happily embraced Him.




donhakara vigraha donhakara prema-jale

sincita haila premananda-kutuhale


In the ecstasy of meeting each other, they both became soaked with tears of love.


As an affectionate unalloyed confidential disciple of Madhavendra Puri, who is the original seedling of the desire tree of love of God, Sri Isvara Puripada is attached to prema-bhakti, loving devotional service. By seeing Gaurasundara's display of a devotee's characteristics, the eternally perfect mood of the devotees was enhanced and manifest. Now, for the benefit of the people, the meeting and flowers of loving devotional exchanges between the Supreme Lord and the topmost devotee and mahanta-guru destroyed the contamination in the polluted hearts of persons who were averse to Krsna.


Being filled with wonderful ecstasy, Sri Gaurasundara began to describe the glories of the lotus feet of the spiritual master, who is the bestower of transcendental knowledge and who is unlimitedly superior to Gaya-tirtha.




prabhu bale,-"gaya-yatra saphala amara

yata-ksane dekhilana carana tomara


The Lord said, "My journey to Gaya has become successful, because I was able to see your lotus feet.


While wandering throughout the fourteen worlds under the shelter of karma and jnana, by good fortune and piety resulting from devotional service, the living entities receive the opportunity to see the lotus feet of the spiritual master, who is the reservoir of the seed of devotional service.


Just by seeing the spiritual master, one's unauthorized, mundane, sensual, argument-based knowledge is checked and the topmost shining glories of devotional service manifest in the heart. This is the fruit of visiting holy places. Srimad Bhaktivinoda Thakura, the crest-jewel of the mahajanas, has written in his Kalyana-kalpa-taru as follows:


mana, tumi tirthe sada rata ayodhya, mathura, maya, kasi, kanci, avantiya, dvaravati, ara ache yata


1) My dear mind, you are always attached to all the different places of pilgrimage, such as Ayodhya, Mathura, Haridvara, Kasi, Kanci, Avanti, Dvaraka, and so on.


tumi caha bhramibare, e sakala bare bare, mukti-labha karibara tare se sakala taba bhrama, nirarthaka parisrama, citta sthira tirthe nahi kare


2) You want to travel to all these holy places of pilgrimage again and again for the sake of obtaining liberation. But it is clear that your heart is not becoming resolutely fixed up by going to all these places; therefore all of your wanderings are simply useless labor.


tirtha-phala sadhu-sanga, sadhu-sange antaranga sri-krsna-bhajana manohara yatha sadhu, tatha tirtha, sthira kari' nija citta, sadhu-sanga kara nirantara


3) The real benefit of visiting any holy place is to achieve the association of the pure-hearted devotees of the Lord living there. Establishing intimate and friendly relations with such great souls, let your mind to be captivated by performing the charming worship of Lord Krsna in their association.


Wherever the Lord's devotees are living, that place becomes a place of pilgrimage. Therefore you should become fixed by constantly remaining in the company of such devotees.


ye tirthe vaisnava nai, se tirthete nahi yai, ki labha hantiya dura-desa yathaya vaisnava-gana, sei stana vrndavana, sei sthane ananda asesa


4) Personally, I never bother to visit any so-called place of pilgrimage which is devoid of the presence of unalloyed devotees, for what other worthwhile benefit could possibly be gained by taking the trouble of walking to such faraway places? Only that place which is graced by the presence of the devotees is actually Vrndavana, and only there can you come into contact with unlimited spiritual pleasure.


krsna-bhakti yei sthane, mukti dasi seikhane, salila tathaya mandakini giri tatha govardhana, bhumi tatha vrndavana, avirbhuta apani hladini


5) Liberation personified is herself the humble maidservant of the place which is surcharged with devotion to Krsna. All the water at the place is the celestial Ganges, every hill there is Govardhana, and the very earth is indeed Vrndavana. Only such a place can manifest the eternal spiritual joy which is revealed by the Lord's pleasure-potency.


vinoda kahiche bhai, bhramiya ki phala pai, vaisnava-sevana mora vrata


6) I ask you now, dear brother, what benefit would I get by circumambulating all the holy places of pilgrimage? Personally, my vow is to serve the Vaisnava with firm resolution and untiring endeavor.


TEXT 51-52


tirthe pinda dile se nistare pitr-gana

seha,-yare pinda deya, tare' sei jana

toma' dekhilei matra koti-pitr-gana

sei-ksane sarva-bandha paya vimocana


"If one offers oblations to the forefathers in a holy place, then the forefathers are delivered. But one delivers only he to whom the oblation was offered. By seeing you, however, millions of forefathers are immediately freed from material bondage.


"Only those forefathers who are offered oblations at Gaya are delivered as a result of receiving those oblations, yet simply on the strength of piety accrued by seeing an eternally perfect associate of Krsna like yourself, millions of forefathers whose names are unknown are immediately delivered from the ocean of material existence. There is no need to separately offer them oblations for their deliverance. of Millions of the forefathers of those most fortunate living entities who receive the mercy of seeing a beloved associate of the Lord are released from the bondage of repeated birth and death; in other words, they engage in worshiping the Lord and attain Vaikuntha."




ataeva tirtha nahe tomara samana

tirther-o parama tumi mangala pradhana


"Therefore holy places are not equal to you, for you purify even the holy places.


"Only one who is offered oblations at Gaya is delivered, but for one who sees a Vaisnava, millions of his forefathers are liberated. Therefore the Vaisnavas are much more exalted than the holy places. You are the purifier of all holy places and a more beneficial Vaisnava guru. This is confirmed in the following statement of Dharmaraja Yudhisthira to Bhaktaraja Vidura in Srimad Bhagavatam (1.13.10):


bhavad-vidha bhagavatas tirtha-bhutah svayam vibho

tirthi-kurvanti tirthani svantah-sthena gadabhrta


'My Lord, devotees like your good self are verily holy places personified.


Because you carry the Personality of Godhead within your heart, you turn all places into places of pilgrimage.'"




samsara-samudra haite uddharaha more

ei ami deha samarpilana tomare


"Please deliver Me from the ocean of material existence. I surrender Myself unto you.


Simply taking shelter at the lotus feet of a spiritual master is the main entrance to the practice of devotional service to the Lord. That is why Srila Rupa Gosvami Prabhupada, who is the spiritual master of all servants and the acarya of abhidheya, has, in the course of describing the symptoms of devotional service in his Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, written as follows: guru-padasrayas tasmat krsna-diksadi-siksanam visrambhena guroh seva sadhu-vartmanuvartanam


Those living entities who desire their eternal ultimate benefit and freedom from material bondage should first take shelter of a bona fide spiritual master who is a manifestation of the Supreme Lord. There is no way of being delivered from the ocean of anarthas without fully surrendering at the lotus feet of the spiritual master. Unless one takes shelter of a bona fide spiritual master who is fixed in the Absolute Truth and conversant in Vedic knowledge, a living entity cannot attain the goal of life by any other process such as argument. The argument-afflicted hearts of godless people who are ever-forgetful of the lotus feet of the spiritual master and who are averse to the Vedic way of life have taken shelter of the four defects-bhrama (the tendency to commit mistakes), pramada (the tendency to be illusioned), vipralipsa (the tendency to cheat) and karanapatava (imperfect senses)-in such a way that there is no scope for taking shelter of the lotus feet of the spiritual master, rather there is only guru-droh and bhagavata-droha, aversion to the spiritual master and aversion to the Supreme Lord.


Those who are determined to merge into the ocean of material existence have no goal other than the unauthorized path of argument. They are unable to accept the shelter of the Vedic way of life or a bona fide spiritual master. If persons who are averse to the service of the Lord and who follow the path of argument proudly accept a so-called guru who is an attached householder and who is covered by unauthorized seminal considerations as their spiritual master, and if, being induced by blind faith, they continue like this for millions of kalpas, they will never achieve eternal benefit. In order to propagate this great truth and educate people, jagad-guru Sri Gaurasundara considered Himself a surrendered soul at the lotus feet of the guru and thus instructed everyone about saranagati, in the form of atma-niksepa and karpanya, full self-surrender and humility.


Those who follow the path of material argument in order to fulfil te deficiency and insubstantiality of a spiritual master who is fully surrendered to Krsna and whose all endeavors are meant for the pleasure of Krsna have no possibility of being delivered from the pangs of hell.




'krsna-.-padmera amrta-rasa pana amare karao tumi'-ei cahi dana"


"I beg that you make Me drink the nectar of Krsna's lotus feet." Persons in whose hearts the eternally beneficial realization, sajatiyasaye snigdhe sadhau sangah svato vare-"One should associate with the devotees who are more advanced than oneself and endowed with a similar type of affection for the Lord," is prominent can alone fully surrender, or take shelter of the lotus feet of the spiritual master. Considering that the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord are the only object of service and to set example for practitioners who desire love of God, the Lord, who is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, exhibited the pastime of accepting Sri Isvara Puripada, the recipient of Madhavendra Puripada's mercy, as His spiritual master and thus bestowed mercy on him. There was no discrimination between the begging at the lotus feet of the spiritual master for the alm of drinking the nectar of Krsna's lotus feet by the Lord, who acted as the disciple, and the awarding of that alm by the donor Isvara Puripada, who acted as the guru.


na dhanam na janam na sundarim

kavitam va jagad-isa kamaye

mama janmani janmanisvare

bhavatad bhaktir ahaituki tvayi


"O Almighty Lord, I have no desire to accumulate wealth, nor to enjoy beautiful women. Nor do I want any number of followers. What I want only is the causeless mercy of Your devotional service in my life, birth after birth." The purport of this verse that the Lord offered in prayer at the lotus feet of Sri Gadadhara was manifest and constantly remained in the heart of Sri Isvara Puripada on the strength of the full nonduplicitous mercy of Sri Madhavendra Puri.




balena isvara-puri,-"sunaha, pandita!

tumi ye isvara-amsa,-janinu niscita


Isvara Puri then said, "Listen, dear Pandita. I know without doubt that You are an expansion of the Supreme Lord.


Isvara Puripada is the Lord's associate and servant of the maha-bhagavata guru. He was constantly engaged in chanting the holy names of the Lord.


Therefore, since the principle of offering respect to others without expecting any honor was brightly shining in him, he instructed Gaurasundara, who acted as his disciple, as follows: "You are the knower of all living entities' bondage and liberation. You are an expansion of the Supreme Lord; in other words, You are directly the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and all other controllers are Your expansions-I am confident about this." In consideration of the Absolute Truth, the living entities are the fragmental parts and parcels of the Lord, who is full in six opulences. But in this case, since Gaurasundara was enacting the pastimes of a disciple, He exhibited the pastime of hearing from the lotus mouth of His spiritual master in disciplic succession the conclusion that the living entities are parts of Lord Visnu, in other words, they are separated parts.


jivera 'svarupa' haya--krsnera 'nitya-dasa'

krsnera 'tatastha-sakti' 'bhedabheda-prakasa


"It is the living entity's constitutional position to be an eternal servant of Krsna because he is the marginal energy of Krsna and a manifestation simultaneously one and different from the Lord." Constitutionally the separated parts of the Supreme Lord have no material designations; in other words, the living entities can not remain in any occupation other than the service of the Lord. Only the living entities who are averse to the service of the Lord and are forgetful of their constitutional position are subjected to the bondage of material existence. The valor of body and mind is prominent in their activities. The Lord is the Supersoul, and the living entity is infinitesimal soul and therefore His fragmental part. The Lord is great fully cognizant personality, and the spirit soul is a minute liberated spiritual spark.




ye tomara panditya, ye caritra tomara

seha ki isvara-amsa bai haya ara?


"Can anyone other than an expansion of the Supreme Lord possess the extraordinary learning and characteristics that You have? "Due to absorption in maya, materially conditioned souls are under the control of the illusory energy of the Lord, but for pure spirit souls there is no scope for absorption in maya. The characteristics of conditioned souls and the characteristics of liberated souls are not 'one;' therefore I do not consider You anyone other than an expansion of the Supreme Lord. It is understood from Your learning and characteristics that You are nonother than an expansion of the Supreme Lord."




yena aji ami subha svapna dekhilana

saksate tahara phala ei pailana


"I had an auspicious dream last night, and today I've obtained the fruits of that dream.




satya kahi, pandita! tomara darasane

parananda-sukha yena pai anuksane


"O Pandita, I'm telling You the truth. I'm feeling great ecstasy every moment since I've seen You.




yadavadhi toma' dekhiyachi nadiyaya

tadavadhi citte ara kichu nahi bhaya


"From the time I saw You in Nadia, my heart has had no other attraction.




satya ei kahi,-ithe anya kichu nai

krsna-darasana-sukha toma' dekhi pai"


"I'm speaking the truth, nothing else. When I see You, I feel the happiness of seeing Krsna."


"Since I saw You in Navadvipa, no other subject matter has occupied my heart. This is indeed the truth. There is no doubt about it. As soon as I see You with my eyes smeared with the ointment of love, I experience the same indescribable happiness as when I see Krsna."




suni' priya isvara-purira satya vakya

hasiya balena prabhu,-"mora bada bhagya"


Hearing His beloved Isvara Puri's truthful words, the Lord smiled and said, "It is My great fortune."




ei-mata kata ara kautuka-sambhasa

yata haila, taha varnibena veda-vyasa


In this way the two exchanged many other pleasing words which will be described in the future by Vedavyasa.


TEXT 64 tabe prabhu tana sthane anumati laiya

tirtha-sraddha karibare vasila asiya


The Lord then took leave of Isvara Puri and went to offer oblations to His forefathers.


It is the prescribed duty for one to offer oblations to one's forefathers when visiting a holy place. Gaurahari enacted the pastime of taking permission from Isvara Puripada and offering oblations at Gaya according to prescibed duties. The path of pure devotional service and the path of fruitive activities based on the smrtis are not similar. Only after rejecting fruitive activities can one enter into spiritual life. Since the materially conditioned living entities are not self-realized or God-realized before hearing topics of the Lord, they take to fruitive activities such as offering oblations to their forefathers and the demigods according to external considerations.




phalgu-tirthe kari' balakara pinda dana

tabe gela girisrnge preta-gaya-sthana


The Lord went to the Phalgu River and offered oblations to the forefathers with sand. Then the Lord went to Preta-gaya on top of the hill.


The river Phalgu flows under a bed of sand at Gaya. There is a system for offering oblations with sand at this place. In order to bewilder and deceive fruitive workers, Gaurahari enacted the pastimes of offering oblations to His forefathers with sand. Thereafter He went on top of the hill to Preta-gaya. There are 395 steps leading to Preta-gaya that where built in 1775. The steps were built by Madana Mohana Datta Mahasaya, who was known among people as Kuvera, who was a reknowned "black merchant," and who was born in the famous Datta family of Hata-khola, Calcutta. On the wall of the temple there is an inscription reading: "Sri Sri Radha-Krsnaya namah. Sri Caitanya-candraya namah. Sri Siva-Durga saranam. Jaya Ramah. O Lord Madana-mohana, I beg at Your lotus feet for the benediction of good fortune for me and my entire family. Seeing the difficulty people took to climb this high hill to reach Preta-gaya, a person named Madana Mohana has built a beautiful wide staircase for the benefit of the pilgrims and the peasure of Lord Narayana, the husband of Laksmi." Construction on the 395 steps was begun and completed in the year 1775.




preta-gaya-sraddha kari' sri-sacinandana

daksinaye vakye tusilena vipra-gana


Sri Sacinandana offered sraddha at that place and then satisfied the brahmanas there with sweet words.


After enacting the pastime of offering oblations at Preta-gaya and the Lord satisfied the local brahmanas with daksina in the form of various sweet words. It is seen that pilgrims offer excessive respect and donations to the priests at Gaya. What to speak of this, the foolish most greedy pandas of Gaya have pilgrims worship their feet with flowers and tulasi leaves and thus accumulate grave offenses. That is why the Lord, rather than encouraging such offensive activities, satisfied the pandas simply with sweet words.




tabe uddhariya pitr-gana santarpiya

daksina-manase calilena harsa haiya


After duly delivering the forefathers, the Lord happily went to Daksina-manasa.




tabe calilena prabhu sri-rama-gayaya

rama-avatare sraddha karila yathaya


He next went to Srirama-gaya, where He had previously performed sraddha in His incarnation of Ramacandra.




eho avatare sei-sthane sraddha kari'

tabe yudhisthira-gaya gela gaurahari


In this incarnation He again performed sraddha at that place. Thereafter Lord Gaurahari went to Yudhisthira-gaya.




purve yudhisthira pinda dilena tathaya

sei pritye tatha sraddha kaila gaura-raya


Yudhisthira Maharaja had previously performed sraddha here. Out of affection for Yudhisthira, Gaura also performed sraddha there.




catur-dike prabhure vediya vipra-gana

sraddha karayena sabe padana vacana


All the brahmanas there sat around the Lord and directed Him in the procedure.




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