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Destiny and Free Will

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Free Will and Destiny.


I believe through the Hindu scriptures that your life has already a destiny. I have the copies of the life of A.C. Bhagtivedanta (the founder) and when he was young he was given something by a priest that said that he would open many temples around the world. Im sorry i do not remember what it is called.


But if we have a destiny then surely it is only up to us which path we follow to get there. If there is a destiny in what we do in life, then what has happened to our Karma. Or is it that our Karma is that of the choices and things we do along the path we have chosen to reach our destiny?


How far does our free will go in life? I know i have many ideas and i appologise for continuously posting with questions, but i am continously learning about my religion.


Hare Krishna!


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I can share with you what I have understood about freedom and determination in life based on simple spiritual studies and personal efforts.

This is obiedience that gives real freedom. This is deep and loving relationship with God and surrender that give true independence. Pacing my path through the cycle can mean realisation of my destiny. If I am an eternal spiritual energy, my destiny is a spiritual realisation. I am a "traveler" who priodically reaches the highest or the lowest stage.

When I perveive the universe as the system in permanent, cyclical change, it appeares as the set of possibilities. I choose all the time and each choice determines next one. But the choices that I make are according to my unique potential. Depending on the stage of my travel I can be totally unaware of what happens with me, totally degenerated, similar to a ping-pong ball or an automatic machine or opposite - I can search and put efforts into purification of myself. Then my perception evolves and I can become aware of what happens with me, of universal laws, of who I truly am in my original form. This is the first step to freedom which means the choice of my attitude towards whatever I face, toward any situation. I accept them as results of my previous karma. If I treat every situation and every person as my teacher I don't have to be afraid of mistakes at all. In fact they can make me grow. Behaving in this way, through humility and obedience I create better future.

Awareness and concentration on "here and now" enable me to feel free and light.

Universe is like a drama which has its complete and accurate scenario. The role of each one is different comprising both happiness and suffering. Everyone is happy up to one's own potential and everyone faces suffering that one is able to endure. Life offers the choice of props which are like playing cards arranged on the table. It is my role to uncover necessary ones. In this accurate scenario my freedom is the question of obedience to the drama rules, of my awareness and humility.

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