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The Power of Prabhupada's Books

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Dear Sivarama Swami,


Hare Krishna. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I hope you do not mind my writing to you. I have never written to a spiritual master before. You do not know me. My name is Bhaktin Dora and I live in pecs (Hungary). I am 14 years old, and I live at home with my mother and older sister.


In 1992 I went to the Hare Krishna festival with a friend. I was not very interested, but I enjoyed the chanting and dancing at the end. After it was over I bought a book, The Science of Self-Realization. I do not know why, generally I never read. I think it was because of the chanting. I took the book home and cannot remember what happened to it. One day my mother found it and was very angry with it. She thought that I was reading this kind of thing. You see our family members are all very strict Catholics. They thought that Krishna consciousness was some kind of "brainwashing". Actually I wasn't reading the book. I had forgotten all about it. Somehow it just "appeared". Anyway my mother was going to throw it away.


My Grandmother who was 68 was in the kitchen at that time. She lives in the apartment upstairs. She came in and took the book. She looked at it and scolded me in a heavy way. I thought that would be the end of it. I did not mind it so much as I was in a lot my at that time.


About a week later I overheard a conversation between my mother and grandmother. Granny was saying that this was not some ordinary book. She said that what Prabhupada was saying about Jesus Christ and that Krishna was God. I was very surprised. She said that we should listen to what Prabhupada said and chant Hare Krishna because that was the religion for this age. There was a lot of talk about how Christianity was no more and no one was following the bible, but what Prabhupada said was pure and perfect.


Things really took a turn from there. One day my grandmother visited the . center here and began to chant on beads. She also began to buy Prabhupada's books one by one. She was spending all her pension on buying what she called the "beautiful, holy Bhagvatam". Sometimes she could only afford to eat potatoes, but she kept buying the books. The devotees came up to her flat and helped her set up an altar. When I went upstairs they had taken all the pictures down, and there were Krishna's pictures everywhere.


That was really the beginning. One night granny had a dream about Prabhupada. Something really happened to her then. I don't know what it was, but she began to get very enthusiastic. Next she began to get the whole family involved. I mean, not just me and my mother and sister, but her two sons their wives and six children as well as her brother, sister and relatives. Before she used to carry a bible with her and quote Jesus Christ. Now she has a Bhagavad Gita and quotes the "good lord Prabhupada". She became a veritable transcendental terror. Every one in the family has to chant at least one round a day. In addition granny made everyone became vegetarian including my dog sikra, and we offer our food to the picture of Prabhupada and lord Caitanya.


Now I am also getting out of Maya and chanting and reading a little also. Where I go to school there my friends inquire about Krishna, as they know that I am a devotee. The whole family goes for ., all sixteen of us. During the Christmas marathon we all tried to distribute Prabhupada's books. Even granny would take the books to the market and sell them to the vendors. Everyone is afraid of her because she is fearless. They all think that she has gone crazy, but she doesn't care.


Now she is saving to go to Budapest to see the newly installed deities. She has heard that Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda "came" to Hungary and are being worshipped there by some devotees. She says she wants to see God just once in this life.


At this year's HareKrishna festival, you were speaking to the guests after the kirtana. You must remember my grandmother because she came and sat right besides you and asked so many questions. At the end when you stood to leave, she even kissed your hands, remember? I also wanted to ask a question, but I was shy. Could I please ask you now? I hope you do not mind Maharaja.


I want to know what kind of man Srila Prabhupada was. He must have been so dear to Krishna to spread this message all over the world. What are these books that changed my family so much? How is it possible that he can speak so powerfully through them? You must feel very fortunate to be his disciple. How great a man he is? Sometimes my granny chants in front of a picture of Krishna she cries. How does Prabhupada do that? I want to cry like that too. Granny dreams of Prabhupada and sometimes she talks to his picture. Although it says on the cover of the book that he passed away, is Prabhupada really dead or he is still alive? Do you think I can meet him some day?


I am sorry that I have gone on so. I would like to be a good devotee one-day and help you and Prabhupada spread Krsna consciousness. Please could you answer my questions?


Your servant,

Bhaktin Dora.


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Dear Bhaktin Dora,


You do not know me. My name is Garima Nabh living in Nigeria. I read your article and was very impressed. Your family is fortunate to get the association of Prabhupada through his books. Prabhupada lives in his books and if you keep on reading his books, he will speak to you. I also have alot of his books which i read everyday. I always feel Srila Prabhupada's presence because he is our eternal guide. I am sure that one day you will be a great devotee.


Keep on reading the books(they are not ordinary ones) and keep on chanting Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.


Your Servant,


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Dear Bhaktin Dora,


Iam Anand from India. I read you story and am very impressed. I feel very grateful for your family and your grandmother. She must be a pure soul to be i contact with Srila Prabhupada. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada! Like you even i had the opportunity to buy(by accident) Prabhupada's books and now Iam slowly trying to be a devotee.Iam inspired by people like you and thankyou for sharing your wonderful story.Harekrishna!

About your doubt whether Prabhupada is alive or dead?I will answer to the best of my limited knowledge. Prabhupada is physically no more but we should understand that this physical body is temporary and is just like a dress.But Srila Prabhupada spiritually never ceases to exist. He exists through His books and words. So distribute his books to as many people as possible and seek his mercy. HareKrishna!

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