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montreal ratha yatra

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Hare Krsna prabhus matajis,

All Glories to Jagat Guru Srila Prabhupada.

i travelled to montreal to attend the Ratha Yatra there.Arriving just in time for the kirtan and travelling through the town was so wonderfull.All devotees reminded me of Krsna and Lord Jaganatha was glorified so nicely.i was not reminded of any guru except our founder acarya who gave us this nice festival.Many many town peaple attended and took the prasadam.The devotees who put it on including montreal and ottawa did such a great service.There were also lots of shows and plays,some by the travelling "young"devotees from around the world.

Sorry for my poor spelling for i am a lowly mudha,trying to cleanse my heart with Prabhupada's transcendentel audio and books. bhakta christopher

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