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The Confidential Meaning of Rathayatra

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Sri Srimad

Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja


There are many misconceptions about Lord Jagannath and Ratha-yatra. We should understand the tattva that Mahaprabhu described, that Mahaprabhu manifested, because Mahaprabhu is the supreme authority. Who is Jagannath? There is no difference between Mahaprabhu, Krishna and Jagannath: "sei krsna, sei gaura, sei jagannatha". The people in general don’t understand. They have many speculations or concoctions.


They are proud of their material learning, merit, intelligence and knowledge. But one cannot understand the Supreme Lord without the mercy of the Lord. That is the only thing required. And they are not hearing from a sadhu, guru, vaisnava, without which no one can understand. Only a dear devotee of Jagannath, Krishna, Mahaprabhu will understand. Mahaprabhu is an acarya. He came as an acarya, sadhu-guru, and He has described the tattva behind Ratha-yatra. It isn’t easy to understand — paramo nirmatsaranam satam vedyam.1 Srimad Bhagavatam says who can understand — only a vaisnava who is non-envious. Although others may hear, still they cannot understand. It won’t enter into their ears. I will describe the history and tattva of Ratha-yatra according to how Mahaprabhu has revealed it.


Jagannath’s Birthday


Skanda Purana is the biggest Purana of the eighteen Puranas. There is one khanda named Utkal-khanda. In Utkal-khanda we find everything regarding Lord Jagannath and Purusottama-ksetra, which is also known as Jagannath-ksetra. Vyasadeva has written it. In Skanda Purana Lord Jagannath tells Maharaja Indradyumna, "O King, I appeared on the full moon day of the month of Jyestha." This is the day on which we observe Snana Purnima — Lord Jagannath’s public bath. That was in the Svayambhuva manvantara, in the first part of Satya-yuga. Lord Jagannath said, "I appeared, being pleased with the performance of yajna and bhakti." This is the birthday of Jagannath-deva. So every year on this day the public bathing ceremony should be performed — that was the order of Jagannath to Indradyumna Maharaja. Maharaja Indradyumna is a great devotee. He performed one thousand horse sacrifices. Being pleased with his devotee and his yajna performance, Lord Jagannath appeared in the second part of the Svayambhuva manvantara and Brahma installed the deities in the temple.


Ancient History


If you calculate this period you will find the dates on which the building of the Jagannath temple started, when the temple was inaugurated, and when the Deities were installed on their simhasana. This was fifteen crores and thirty-four lakhs (153,400,000) years ago. This is according to the authority of Skanda Purana. Ratha-yatra began in Svarocisa Manu’s time. There are fourteen Manus in one day of Brahma. Their period of reign is called a manvantara. Vaivasvata manvantara is going on now. Svayambhuva is the first Manu, then Svarocisa, followed by Uttama, Tamasa, Raivata, and Caksusa. Presently Vaivasvata Manu is going on. Next will come Savarni, Daksa-savarni, Brahma-savarni, Dharma-savarni, Rudra-savarni, Deva-savarni, Indra-savarni. Fourteen manus in all. Svarocisa Manu is the second Manu and according to Skanda Purana the Ratha-yatra began during his reign. That was Satya-yuga, and Ratha-yatra has been continuing up till now. It is mentioned that this will continue until the end of the second parardha [half] period of Brahma. Brahma’s lifetime is one hundred years. So Ratha-yatra will continue to go on for half of his lifetime.

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