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Sri Radha Rani Vraja Yatra

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Vraja , the land of Lord Krishna is one of the rich and vibrant cultural units of India , which contributes generously to the overall spectrum of Indian Heritage.


The richness of Vraja is evident from the fact that there are thousands of kundas, sarovars and temples in this small area which encompasses just two districts of Mathura and Bharatpur in Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan respectively. There are innumerable hillocks and forests , but unfortunately they are perishing at a fast rate due to the insatiable human greed.


For the last five thousand years this holy land has witnessed the same cultural continuity. The Vrajawasis have been leading a simple and austere life full of content and satisfaction. They flourish and prosper primarily out of their agriculture and cattle.


The 84 kos VrajaYatra has got a lot of significance ? spiritual , cultural , social and ecological. These yatras have their origin way back to the time of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, when the holy land of Vraja was lost to the external world. The ardent disciples of Mahaprabhu Srila Roopa Goswamiji,Srila Sanatana Goswamiji , Srila Jeeva Goswamiji and others brought the innumerable leelasthalis to common knowledge again.


The spiritual aspect of these yatras is the predominant one , but these yatras can have a profound social, cultural and ecological significance.


The Radha Rani Vraja Yatra is one such endeavour which doesn?t segregate spirituality from the social, cultural and ecological aspects of human life. Led by an ardent Vedic savant and a profound scholar of World History Sri Ramesh Baba , this yatra is making deeper social and cultural impact all over the vraja. This yatra has become the means to arouse awareness among the common masses about their great heritage and is helping them to come out of their mental bondages and intellectual slavery.


Spread over a span of 40 days , this yatra traverses the entire course of Vraja , and each time brings out more and more sites to common knowledge. Participation is entirely free of cost ? food , tents , luggage transportation , medicine etc. Every thing is managed by voluntary contributions.


The landmark of this yatra is the fact that it is not focussed on a sectarian and a narrow agenda. Its scope is spread out to wider social, cultural and ecological issues. Its mission and vision is the re-strengthning and restoration of the culture of Vraja. The yatra is a representative of a movement which is breeding up fast in the villages and towns of Vraja. The other encouraging part is that the task of restoration of various sites is being taken by the local participation. Whenever the masses rise up , there is no dearth of resources. Several kundas have been cleaned , desilted and back to life again. A strong mass awareness is being created against the various social evils , which have cropped up into the lives of the Vrajawasis. A big movement is up to save the hillocks from reckless mining, the forests from getting cut down by wood mafia etc etc.


By and large this endeavour presents a model to follow. India , which is composed of such smaller cultural units , can come up only when these smaller units are strengthened and revamped by local movements which are knitted around the true spirituality which the India of yesteryears represent. India , even today is a highly religious country. The religious leaders have more impact and influence on the masses than the politicians.


If India and her heritage has to survive and save the toiling humanity , it has to get pronounced into yet richer and diverse dimensions. For this there is a grave need of local socio-religious movements . The challenge is a big one , but it seems to be the only way out.




The schedule for this year is as follows :


S.No. Date Day Place

1. 8.10.03 Wed Barsana

2. 9.10.03 Thu Barsana

3. 10.10.03 Fri Barsana

4. 11.10.03 Sat Khayara

5. 12.10.03 Sun Nandagaon

6. 13.10.03 Mon Nandagaon

7. 14.10.03 Tue Bathain

8. 15.10.03 Wed Kotvan

9. 16.10.03 Thu Hatana

10. 17.10.03 Fri Kharont

11. 18.10.03 Sat Kosi

12. 19.10.03 Sun Jatwari

13. 20.10.03 Mon Ainchadauji

14. 21.10.03 Tue Gangarol

15. 22.10.03 Wed Sei

16. 23.10.03 Thu Vrindavan

17. 24.10.03 Fri Vrindavan

18. 25.10.03 Sat Vrindavan

19. 26.10.03 Sun Panigaon

20. 27.10.03 Mon Tarapur

21. 28.10.03 Tue Dau Ji

22. 29.10.03 Wed Ramanreti

23. 30.10.03 Thu Lohavan Tiraha

24. 31.10.03 Fri Mathura

25. 1.11.03 Sat Tarasi

26. 2.11.03 Sun Satoha

27. 3.11.03 Mon Ral

28. 4.11.03 Tue Chandra Sarovar

29. 5.11.03 Wed Jatipur

30. 6.11.03 Thu Vidyabhanji Aashram

31. 7.11.03 Fri Bahaj

32. 8.11.03 Sat Parmadra

33. 9.11.03 Sun Khoh

34. 10.11.03 Mon Adibadri

35. 11.11.03 Tue Kedarnath

36. 12.11.03 Wed Kama

37. 13.11.03 Thu Kama

38. 14.11.03 Fri Rethora

39. 15.11.03 Sat Barsana







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