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To all my dear brothers and sisters. I am writing to call all of you to greater responsibility in saving the souls caught in the delusional web of materialism the world over. Your chanting and divine contemplations raise ALL beings to transcendental bliss, not just yourself. The more you immerse yourself in the transcendental vibrations of KRSNA the more you and the surrounding environment is lifted beyond the darkness of ignorance and into the sublime peace and ecstasy of KRSNA. Thus, I call everyone to extend themselves beyond their comfort zone and commit to greater effort. I call you all to add a mere one extra mantra to your rounds everyday. If today you completed 108 then tomorrow do 109 and then 110 and so forth. You don’t have to commit to an entire extra round immediately. If you do this gradually everyday, you will be able to reach vibrational heights beyond any human conception, and you will take with you those who surround you. 16 rounds was a compromise on Srila Prabhupada’s part, it is by no means a number one should sit on. How long have you stayed there? Please add an extra mantra everyday. It is surprisingly easy. As a very psychic person the misery of this world is crushing my human heart. I am fortunate that I see KRSNA everywhere, but there are so many who see only the despair and death in their current human reality. Beloved Bhagavan is asking that you do this for ALL of humanity, not just yourself, of course you will receive all the benefits thereof. Mantras save souls! It’s true! Dedicate all your actions to the benefit and enlightenment of the world, to the unification of all religious and political ideology. KRSNA says this is easier to do than we are being led to believe. We must surrender ALL doubt and fear. If you cling to one iota of self-doubt or self-fear, the power you wield in your heart is weakened considerably. We must have unshakeable faith and confidence and a warrior-of-the-light attitude. We must cease indulging in the petty “issues” of life. We have one duty here on earth at this time - commit to chanting 16 rounds morning AND night MINIMUM, and constantly sing/chant silently in our heads throughout the day constantly remembering KRSNA. Devotees everywhere will become a spiritual force to be reckoned with. It doesn't matter if you are initiated or not. The dark clouds of fear that hang around the hearts of KRSNA’s children will be dispersed. Imagine! This chanting is our TRUE power of transformation, not our proselytising, book distribution, prasadam etc. The more you chant and the more you think about KRSNA the more you shine with the true God effulgence. This is the worst time to be lazy, to be thinking ‘I can do better tomorrow’. We stand in the midst of a purificatory fire. The world is ablaze repaying karmic debt. Now is the time! Now is the chance! In a few more years you will scarcely recognise our Earth. We are at a junction and the direction we take is ours to choose. Take to the streets and perform kirtan. Alone if you have to! As long as we have breath in our lungs we can always do more. Add just one mantra each day or every other day. What could be simpler? And commit! I thank you all for everything you have already done. You service is precious beyond words. I thank you all in advance for your continuing effort to benefit mankind in loving service of KRSNA. HARIBOL!!!

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