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Is jivatma a replica of the material human body but with spiritual qualities like eternity, blissfulness etc? To experience its blissful existence it ought to have sense organs – right?


Seek guidance from a pure devotee/s.

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Is jivatma a replica of the material human body but with spiritual qualities like eternity, blissfulness etc?

••the opposite.. a material human body is the perverted mortal version of a satcitananda spirtual body


To experience its blissful existence it ought to have sense organs – right?

••yes... remember only that in spiritual realm you do not have a soul separated by body, and mind and sense separated by gross body.... the reality is the same


Seek guidance from a pure devotee/s.

••i am not at all pure nor devotee.... but these are basic notions... are you satisfacted?


hari bol!!

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Thank you friend - getting closer to the point for sure.Experiencing is the only truth in here - contemplation is imppssible with our limited intelligence.

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We forget our past with transmigration into another body.Does the liberated soul remember its past?


We are not able to know the kind if existence of the departed soul of our friend, family member - But does the departed soul know what's happening to us - does it remain attached to the worldly relations?

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We forget our past with transmigration into another body.Does the liberated soul remember its past?

--liberated means CIT, completely conscious... let us be careful that we consider that he's in this world acting through transcendental lilas not by karma


But does the departed soul know what's happening to us -

--if that soul si going to another body of ignorance it is impossible


does it remain attached to the worldly relations?

--no... if that soul remains attached he becomes a ghost living in his old house together with his old relatives, attached also to the old body rottening in the grave. For this purpose we burn dead bodies, to help souls to go in the next destination without a useless and very long permanence in the most painful condition of a ghost's body.

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