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if you read krsna book you will find this activity


liberated souls and bhagavan do not need to sleep, to eat, to drink and so on, but they do these things freely enjoying their various and blissful relationship

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i find that it is the case with a lot of things...


So is every material activity available in the spiritual world, but without the karmic problems?

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yes... material world is a perverted reflection of the spiritual one, so nothing is missing in vaikunta


and in some sense there's also karma.. god has complete control on both worlds, indirectly through mahamaya for the material world and directly in vaikunta

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yes.. the pure devotees of krsna


their sleep is not sleeping because they dream of krsna


their eating and drinking is not eatink and drinking because they take only krsna prasadam

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you misunderstood, these pure devotees no longer sleep or eat or drink AT ALL, they haven't simply changed their mindset about the activities, they simply no longer need to engage these activities at all, they derive nutrition from air, prana, from sun, humans are capable of so much more that what they are doing presently

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I wonder how to sleep less and don't be a sleepy zombie thoughout the day (if you know what i mean). So far i reduced my sleep to 7-7 1/2 hours. any suggetions how to sleep less. The one i know is to eat less. Any others?

Your ever well wisher,


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you misunderstood, these pure devotees no longer sleep or eat or drink AT ALL

..i have understood very well, to stop sleeping or eating is a sign of some power and austerity.. of course there could be also devotion, but it is not necessary. A great devotee is simply surrendered to krsna, and one can be surrendered also if he eats or sleep because doing it he's absorbed in remembering Him without interruption. So eating or not eating is irrilevant for judging who is a devotee or not


humans are capable of so much more that what they are doing presently

..yes.. surrendering to sri krsna.. other things are marginal



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bhagavad gita does not teach to sleep a number of hours, gita teach to sleep the right time, no more, no less


so what's the use to try to sleep less than your need? are you believing that it will bring you more close to krsna?


you realize yourself spiritually chanting hare krishna mantra and dedicating your own life to krishna... if you make it difficult not having the right sleeping time this is against your spiritual advancement


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hey patrick, don't force youself to sleep less, make sure you get what you need, however, the more pure you become the less you will sleep and the more alert you will be, this has happened spontaneously with me, i sleep much less than i used to and am twice as alert, but this is the result of good sadhana and healthy diet, which consists of lots of fresh fruit, salads and vegetables, raw where possible, keep complex carbs to a minimum as over indulgence results in it being undigested and then it ferments in your gut and you feel drugged, also make sure you're breathing correctly, pranic breathing, where the chest doesn't move but the abdomen does, in truth the body is designed to survive on prana alone which we get from oxygen, so drink heaps of water too...HARIBOL!!!

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Hey, i want to wake up at 4am to do my rounds, but i can only do that if I go to sleep at 9pm at the latest. A lot of Kirtans and bhajans etc go on past 9pm - so that is unrealistic.


I know many people wake up do their rounds then go back to sleep - but I find that hard to do, since I have eczema, and sleep pattern has to be regular for me. If I go back to sleep then I find myself feeling more tired and itchy after I re-awake. I can't keep having showers again to refresh my body like other devotees, becaue the more I shower the skin gets weaker - I can only shower once a day...



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I think Moksha is also a sleep...in krishna consiousness..no bad dreams( like our life)..no good dreams...no dreams at all....nothingness...zeroness...to merge into Divine...isnt it...?

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it isn't nothingness, since you are experiencing transcendental emotions of loving affection for Krishna...


if u mean impersonal realisation, yeah that is like sleep, it think...

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