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the truth

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what is the truth? Human beings inhabit many parts of this planet. As humans we have created cultures. Now there are many different cultures all over the world and within these cultures we see that humans seem to have some type of innate programming to create culture. No matter where u go on the earth no matter what time period, u will find that humans create certain cultures. Now why is it that we have so many cultures on the earth and so many religions. Due to geographical isolations from other cultures and their immediate enviroment humans have created religons that reflect their culture. They create rituals, mantras, have gods and godesses, some are based on anism, some on supernatural beliefs. NOw in one language one may call the supreem being Krishna, in another they may call it Ashem, IN another alla, these words are all words of power and if used continuosly in prayer or in a mantra such words will have actuall pyschological effects on the psyche. Their is one truth refelected in many ways. There are many roads that will enable u to get to the top of the mountain. I have been a student and practioner of many faiths and i feel that i have come to transend the supperfisal differences of religions and mystic faiths and come to see a common humanity. Krishna is reflected in all cultures of man. Be in the christian, the muslim, the daoist , or even tribal people in New Guini. One can not say that, some one living in New Guyini who knows t\nothing of the Books of the Vedas or Upanisads or the Koran or the bible is not cvapable of attaining Atman or dierct intimate experience with the personality of god head. Through his own system of thoughts, idealogies dogmas ritual and cultural constructs so may a prationer of another faith reach Atma, or what evedr that means. The holy books of all religions are just material reflections of Krishna. Their isa one light yet held within the one light there are many colors, and alll of the colors exist only within the One. So if i sat down and used a mantra In hebrew using words of power it will have the same effects as if i used the Hare Krisna mantra. So is their a right path or is all of this relative to the practioner? IS their a right way? Or to belive taht your way is the right way is that to be content, or closed minded. To relize that all religions are true in their TRUE state that all true prophets from all over the world are mouth peices of Krsna. In the end i feel that Krisna is found every where in many diffeent forms. Peace love, awarness, sacrifice, bhakti, devotion, To love me is better then all things.

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1) all religions based on scriptures like Islam, Christianity, Judaism, etc are bona fide religions...by following them you make spiritual advancement no doubt - however, it is impossible to reach ultimate libertaion in this life by following those religions...if practiced properly one comes back in next life in a family of Krishna devotees and one completes ultimate libertaion in next life...


2) as for tribespeople, they wll have experience of God, through Krishna's mercy he will see sencierity of their efforts to understand the Supreme...BUT, one must also recognise that the people in such cultures do not have the opportunity to understand or see the Veda BECAUSE of bad karma...in a previous life they must have expressed a desire to not know about Krishna or any other bona fide path...but again, if their will is sincere, Krishna will respond...


3) The maha mantra has no equal simply because the uniqueness of the mantra is that it is non-different from Krishna himself...but chanting Christ or Jehovah or Allah will still have spiritual effect, again, if your will is sincere...Just like if I chose to chant Govinda instead of Krishna, it will not have equal effect, even though i am talking about same God, because Govinda is NOT as i understand it non-different from God himself...

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