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In any case, it seems that scientists have lost sight of the function and purpose of an embryo. Its function is to grow and develop into a living organism. According to the Vedic scriptures, once the genetic material of the male is implanted into the female egg, material life begins. The soul, or the self, enters the embryo at that moment. Hence, destroying the embryo from that point onwards is in effect killing life. The law of nature dictates that every material action performed has a reaction, and the principle of karma applies a positive or negative quality on every conceivable action. Scientists have failed to realise that although there is nothing wrong with trying to cure disease, the karmic effect of an action has to be taken into account. Ironically, instead of helping cure material miseries, they are producing future material misery in the form of the negative karma accrued from the killing of these innumerable embryos.


The most logical conclusion is to realise that the soul and the consciousness, being a symptom of the soul, are not made of matter; they are unidentifiable but undoubtedly exist, just as thoughts undoubtedly exist even though one cannot see or touch them. There is a higher, spiritual dimension than this material condition. In this dimension, there is no disease and death, because there is no longer identification with matter – a temporary manifestation that will undoubtedly cease to exist. It makes rational sense to instead identify with antimatter, or the one eternal aspect of ourselves – the soul. What follows is a realisation that it is perfectly acceptable to try and look after our material condition within the obvious confounds that God has already provided in the form of the material energy. However, this is not the be-all and end-all of life, there is a higher purpose to strive for. Death should not be feared as the end of life, but should be seen as the moment we spend our lives preparing for, so that our consciousness is focussed on God in order to attain liberation at that crucial moment.

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HareKrishna! All glories to Srila Prabhupada! I offer my humble obeisances unto Him.


Very nice post. Short but very sweet and nice.This is like a preface to a dissertation. Very nicely put and I can't agree with you more.Haribol!



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"Death should not be feared as the end of life, but should be seen as the moment we spend our lives preparing for, so that our consciousness is focussed on God in order to attain liberation at that crucial moment"


The last line, very nice, especially the line "so that our consciousness is focussed on God" can i add God- Lord Krishna! To me, it sums up Krishna Consciousness. Good going!





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there was a doctor named josph mengele that did many unspeakable medical experiments, but there are many people today that are still alive and healthy because of his experiments. he has done more good then harm by far. though these things seem very horrible; the bigger picture shows he has helped trilions by experimenting on a few hundred.

the medical community has benifeted by his experimentation in ways that are to numerous to mention. so, was he wrong or right?, neather! he was doing his karmic duties and the ones that suffered also were suffering a karmic debt.

so considering the nature of medical experimentation krishna has plans for all this, so i personally say that the medical community should go forward. as krishna will sort this out properly.

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i am sure that people will dislike what i have said but the facts remain about war, ones that suffer were bound by their karma to suffer and the people inflicting the suffering will also suffer at the hands of karma. the effect of ww2 still effect the belivers in our dharma; as i personally was told that a swastica on a ganesha poster on my office wall offended a jew, i politely said "NO! i will not remove it and deal with it!, "i am insulted" and i said "it a holy religious symbol and that is that!" ,"christians can have crosses at work displayed i can have a poster of ganesha there too."


but this remains krishnas plan, lord yamaraja will extract what is due.

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the post that made claim that krishna spoke through him is commiting a bigger sin then any cloning doctor. u have no right ot say this. its extremely offencive! shame on you.

secondly your high regard for your self is such a insult to all vishnavas.

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