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everyone...please advice!

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when i got married to my husband my mother insulted my husband a lot because he didnt have a lot of money. and because of that our relationship soured. and because my mother was behaving this way my husband's parents also mistreated me.



and my husband abused my family a lot and there were many times my husband and i seperated and everytime my parents tried to separate us, still somehow we got back together, because my husband always came back for me. everyone had a terrible time with this marriage.


after my brother got married, my parents and brother especially my mother is boycotting me. actually it is my mother who wants to boycot me. i went for the marriage to another country with the children where the marriage was to take place and my mother insulted me a lot there and also the children. she behaved like this cruel person and hardly a mother to me. but to tell you the truth she never really was a mother to me. thats another story. they have a lot of resentment towards me for many things, and one of that is taking up krishna concsiousness. when i went for the marriage my mother didnt even care for my children nor did she give me any food. i had to survive on some fruits and nuts somebody gave me when they came to visit me. she knew my diet requirements and she was angry for my beliefs and she just didnt care.


she will do anything for my brother because she is one of them....eats meat etc. after my brothers marriage the whole family has boycotted me. they just dont want any of our association. i know it is my own karma. it hurts me sometimes that a mother can make everyone boycot her own daughter and especially for dedicating life to Krishna.


i feel fortunate that i am not feeling any love or attachment to my family but i am not able to move on. the whole incident of my brothers wedding is a nightmare for me. everytime i think about it and it hurts me. i want to move on but somehow i am not able to resolve within myself.


i am sorry i am not able to give a lot of detail to my life story but i just want to ask all of you vaishnavas that if i should still associate with them even though they dont want anything to do with me?



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i wish everything will go better for you. It sucks that people are so mean especially to thier own family. I just want to tell you not to worry cause your mum is harming herself doing that. And you don't have to feel miserable, everything will pass, just try to respect them as souls, but don't force them to accept you. if there is no solution, just try to put yourself in a more favorable situation.love.

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sounds like your family has severe problems, your only hurting your self by assocating with them, you have plenty for spiritual family. give them the "i love you but i can deal with you" speech and move on. it a hard road, but better left alone. they will have to deal with the effects of what they have done, you don't have to cut them off just avoid trouble and steer clear , it simples and not so simple.


my blood family was totally open to my beliefs though my mother a shinto buddhist did not like it and my father an agnostic thought i was nuts. my native latvian grandfather was a vishnava even sent to india for religious education as a teen in like 1910. so my mother was critical of hindu issues of caste being raised in a hindu household and rebelled and was critical of my hindu beliefs. plus her marrage to my father was arranged so that did not help. along with me being exactally like my grandfather in most all aspects she was bothered at my taking his religion instead of hers.


i am second generation american and i was raised in a very nationalist latvian/german family so were all very extreme in our ethnic,racial, religious and political opinions. i was taught to have proper moral conduct at all times. so of course i can fathom a family acting in such a mannor. my family even excepted my cousin and his new wife that was a negro woman from the islands, a total no-no to marry a non-european, but family is family so this woman was totally welcome in our home!


so this issues of your family peoplems sound so wrong to me.

my exwife was from a low income german family and my family was good to her even though she was not of our class of people. my father loved my new wife even though she was irish. he was born in the 30's so he was very critical of social issues, today most can marry anyone and get along fine in life if they act properly.


believe me i have faced a court of non-devotees in my divorce and i came out smelling like a rose to the judge. a psychatric doctor that was their expert wittness said only positive things about my regigious beliefs, in fact he quoted me almost exactally about the positives of our dharma and he did not hear my testamony even.


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sounds like your family has severe problems, your only hurting your self by assocating with them, you have plenty for spiritual family. give them the "i love you but i can't deal with you" speech and move on. it a hard road, but better left alone. they will have to deal with the effects of what they have done, you don't have to cut them off just avoid trouble and steer clear , it simples and not so simple.


my blood family was totally open to my beliefs though my mother a shinto buddhist did not like it and my father an agnostic thought i was nuts. my native latvian grandfather was a vishnava even sent to india for religious education as a teen in like 1910. so my mother was critical of hindu issues of caste being raised in a hindu household and rebelled and was critical of my hindu beliefs. plus her marrage to my father was arranged so that did not help. along with me being exactally like my grandfather in most all aspects she was bothered at my taking his religion instead of hers.


i am second generation american and i was raised in a very nationalist latvian/german family so were all very extreme in our ethnic,racial, religious and political opinions. i was taught to have proper moral conduct at all times. so of course i can't fathom a family acting in such a mannor. my family even excepted my cousin and his new wife that was a negro woman from the islands, a total no-no to marry a non-european, but family is family so this woman was totally welcome in our home!


so this issues of your family peoplems sound so wrong to me.

my exwife was from a low income german family and my family was good to her even though she was not of our class of people. my father loved my new wife even though she was irish. he was born in the 30's so he was very critical of social issues, today most can marry anyone and get along fine in life if they act properly.


believe me i have faced a court of non-devotees in my divorce and i came out smelling like a rose to the judge. a psychatric doctor that was their expert wittness said only positive things about my regigious beliefs, in fact he quoted me almost exactally about the positives of our dharma and he did not hear my testamony even.


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please disregard the first post i made as it contains some errors in typing ones that make a total misstating out what eh rest of the content of my post says.


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