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This Muslim asked me this , Answer needed

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This Muslim Guy asked me these questions:


Maccoy, answer this one, simple question. You claim that Hindus do not worship many gods, but just the one supreme God. Why would the supreme God then mainfest himself in human form? Would this not have the effect of allowing any human to claim that he was God, or for any human to worship another human as God? And that would then corrupt the belief that there is only one supreme God?



Whereas in Islam, we believe that God will never appear in ANY visible form on earth, as this would open the gates for people to start worshipping the created rather than the creator. The proof is in Hinduism itself; as you said, many Hindus worship beings other than the supreme God. Would this confusion have occured if your supreme God had not manifested himself in the likeness of a man, a creation of His?

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Hare Krisha,


You mulims do not even have the courage to ask your questions directly.


Anyway, if Lord Krishna wills to appear in this world then HE will appear as such. If ignorant people get confused then that is their problem. One who is destined to know Lord Krishna will know HIM. Others will keep arguing like this guy does.


In islam people may believe that there is one god(whatever their god is). They also believe that killing kafirs and kidnapping their women is right. Hadith has a great act of mohammad where he holds an undersged girl as ransom for his criminal gangsters who killed and pillaged another tribe. Ask that muslim(assuming you are not a muslim) if he can justify such acts of mohammad.

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"You claim that Hindus do not worship many gods, but just the one supreme God. Why would the supreme God then mainfest himself in human form?"


First of all, please forgive my over-heated friend. Sometimes people forget that thinking too much that, "I am Hindu," or, "I am Muslim," is also bodily identification. The spirit soul is an eternal servant of God, and ultimately God is one, although our relationships with Him are many.


Why does the Lord manifest in human form? In the Bhagavad-gita He says that He repeatedly comes to this world whenever religious principles need to be re-established. Sometimes that it in human form, sometimes in other forms. Sometimes too He doesn't come Himself but sends His messenger. Furthermore, our teachers tell us that the Lord enjoys "lila" or sporting pastimes and that therefore His appearances are also to be understood as occasions for the Lord to have various relationships, all rooted in love, with the souls He has created.


"Would this not have the effect of allowing any human to claim that he was God, or for any human to worship another human as God?"


Perhaps. Many humans have claimed to be God. But all you need to test is whether they truly have the power of God and the beauty of God. If you read the scriptures wherein the pastimes of the Lord are told, then you can easily see how those who claim to be God fall short of His greatness.


"Whereas in Islam, we believe that God will never appear in ANY visible form on earth, as this would open the gates for people to start worshipping the created rather than the creator."


While I do not wish denigrate your beliefs, as Islam is also a way to reach the Lord, we feel that claiming that God cannot appear on the earth is to limit His power. What if He wants to appear? We also believe that each revelation of God is based on time, place, and circumstances so that God's messenger may have said that the Lord will never manifest in order to stop a certain wrong from going on.


"The proof is in Hinduism itself; as you said, many Hindus worship beings other than the supreme God. Would this confusion have occured if your supreme God had not manifested himself in the likeness of a man, a creation of His?"


This confusion has occured because God manifests Himself based on our ability to understand Him and to relate to Him, but also taking into account our innermost desires. By innermost desires I mean that our motivations are not always pure and there is a part of us that still hankers after the temporary material things of this world. Therefore God both fulfills our material desires, which manifest as our "karma" or fate, while still offering us a path to Him. With any particular human being some combinations of these things are going on and therefore they are attracted to a particular understanding of God.


Our teachers tell us that developing love of Krishna is the sweetest and topmost understanding, and so we have faith in these teachings and practically find that the methods they teach helps us develop love of God. But I also respect those who are sincerely following the paths of other prophets for they too will ultimately develop love of God.


May all of us who claim to love God forever live in peace. Hare Krishna. Salaam aleikum.

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First of all, the brother who was questioning the monotheistic attributes of Hinduism is not off base, he is just not looking at the large picture. Also, please do not quote Hadiths when referencing Islam, use the Quran. Hadith is hearsay and is the main source of all the is corrupting Islam today. Teachings and stories of slaves, etc. are not applicable today regardless of their origin in the Quran or the Old Testament or the Mahabharata. Once again, people focus on the physical practices and acts not the meaning.


God can manifest however "he/she" desires if necessary. There is no teaching in the Quran that God will never manifest in any form. The belief of the Muslims is the same as Hindus and Judeo-Christians, that there is one supreme being and our goal to to attain that being's presence.


If you desire to study more comparitive religion, please ask and I can point you, or anyone else, in the right direction for self study (I am a Humanities professor). Do NOT rely solely on websites for theological information.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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The person who asked the question has the answer in his own question.

When you say god is Supreem,it is his wish to take any form, any time any where.

If we can questin him means he is not supreem or we are not accepted the god as supreem.

Hare krishna

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