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Haribol ! All Glories to Srila Prabhupada and all devotees!


Please forgive my ignorance but I have a question that has probably been asked in different forms on this site before, but :


Krishna said 'I decsend whenever there is irreligion' in the Gita.


I have read in Srila Prabhupada's works of named incarnations of Lord Krishna eg Buddha.

Does this mean Jesus was an expansion/incarnation of Krishna, although not specifically named ?


Also, how has the lord descended at this present time which must be the most irreligious period ever, with so many people not believing in God. Has he descended as his many K.C. acarya's and devotees ?


Please excuse any offence in my questions - I did not intend any.


Thank you.


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I posted original article - I feel I may have phrased my question about the Acaryas and K.C devotees badly! I apologise as I did not mean to blaspheme in any way - its just that from my point of view it is the Acaryas and many KC devotees who are working tirelessly to deliver the conditioned souls back to God. I guess I meant is that how the Lord has decided to try and save us at this time ?

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Jesus, according to our beloved acarya Srila Prabhupada, was shaktiavesa avatara. That means he is not an incarnation of Krishna, but a resident of the spiritual world who has descended to deliver fallen souls. He is specifically empowered by Krishna to do so.


At this moment, Krishna has not descended himself, but has sent servants down to deliver fallen souls. They may be KC acaryas but may also be from different faiths. Srila Prabhupada was an incarnation of Krsna's potency. Similarly, there are some pure devotees out there who are incarnations of Krsna's potency. I am in no authority to say which ones are pure. There are also many impure devotees, but devotees who are nevertheless sincere and can help fallen souls on their spiritual path.


Also important incarnations of Krishna we don't realise is that:


a) his books such as Bhagavad Gita AS-IT-IS, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedanta Sutra etc are all non-different from Krsna Himself. One gets double the benefit when reading Prabhupada's books because he doesn't manufacture anything, and he acts as a medium showing us his pure devotion. Similarly, Caitanya is still descended in the form of his books etc...


b) the maha-mantra - is the sound of the spititual world - it is non-different from Krsna Himself...not only an incarnation but is Krsna himself, descended...everytime you chant the mantra Krsna descends immediately, but depending on your sincerity he reveals himself accordingly...


c) finally, just look around. Krsna is descended through his mercy, through prasadam, through kirtana, through the sun, moon, the stars the sky...the water, fruits etc...they are all energy of Krishna...remember that as much as possible and you will realise that Krsna is all around us...

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