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In the holy book of Mahabharata, Sri Vidura tells ,” O king Dhritharastra, one should never think of earning material wealth through wrong means like falsehood, bribe, corruption, stealing etc, not to speak of practicing such evils. Wrongly earned money pollutes its possessor to such an extent that, all the activities done with such sinful wealth result in harmful troubles. Even the praise worthy acts like charity, worship, sacrifices etc done by such sinful income produce undesirable results. No amount of purificatory means can set right the defects of ill-begotten wealth


There is much more to learn about Honest Income. Pls do take some time to visit




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Honest income is the key to spiritual success.


However, it gets very difficult to carry on like this during Kali-yuga.


But we must keep up virtue over lust anger and greed.


The key to overcome lust is avoiding attachment to sense gratification through bhakti yoga, devotional service unto Krishna.


Then maya becomes stronger... so all we can do is keep up the yoga, kirtanas, japa, vegetarian food (prashadam), reading Srimad Bhagavatam and Bhagavad Gita... rememberig to be humble as much as we can.


Hare Krishna and may bhakti yoga be with us always.

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my friend is trying to be devotee, works in stock market trading...


...now this is a form of gambling, and it is undesirable, but he has been advised by devotees that as long as the money used is to serve Krsna then it is fine...


....but since he started the job, he has had problems, because he has to work 12 hours a day...his spiritual life is suffering...but he is determined to continue (he wants to earn a lot of money over two years, so that he can retire and become a brahmacari after)...


...is the problems he is suffering a test from Krsna?


Or is Krsna showing his disapproval of his occupation?


I guess we can never know, cos it would be mental speculation...


...i'm tempted, however, to suggest to this friend that maybe his problems are because his occupation involves gambling - and maybe he should quit...


what should i do?!?!?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Haribol Bruz,


Honest Income is almost like one of the four regulative principles.


This is as difficult as any other four regulative principles are.


These things prepare a perfect base and groundwork to practice krishna consciousness and hence if pursued would help us a lot in our progress.


Forgive me if any offences







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Certainly stock market trading needs to be avoided. The argument that as long as the money earned is used for Krishna Consciousness is not a right and positive thinking.


Bhakti Vinod Thakur says that we have to elevate our consciousness from ignorance to passion and from passion to goodness and then Shuddha Satva


If one is new to krishnaConsciousness and working in stock market trading initially it is good idea to use his income for Krishna but continuing to earn income in the same manner on the pretext of offering it to Krishna may not be desirable..


Forgive me if any offences




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