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Struggling a little

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So for the last couple weeks I haven't really been able to chant. I guess I've had some doubts, reading some uninspiring things about ISKCON or whatever. But I know in the back of my mind that I want to be conscious of Krishna, it's just hard sometimes. I've also been very stressed out and depressed, not sure if that has anything to do with it though. So if anyone could suggest anything I'd really appreciate it.

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Hi Max,


Bingo - you do show your determination in chanting - and that's good. Just smile as Krishna smiles over the most horrific happenings - and get over the depression - restart the chanting, because you are inclined to... and you'll be able to win over those disturbing thoughts. I bet you will. Similar things happened to me toooooo in KC.


All the best to you friend.



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Dear Prabhu,


HareKrishna! All glories to Srila Prabhupada! I offer my humble obeisances unto Him!


Dont leave chanting...prabhu!This is the test of Maya. I have touched bottom many times in chanting and also have been in your situation reading all horrible things about ISKCON.I can tell you one thing,


ISKCON is based on an age old tradition which has its roots thousands of years before.One should be proud to follow that tradition. Since it is very old, obviously it is difficult to follow and people who become Krishna Conscious initially, tend to fall down becasue of the strict regulations. There is nothing wrong in it. Just that those people have to come back and do this all over again. But we should not think of all those problems. As Prabupada says this world is materialistic so wherever there is maya and materialism, there will be problems and he said this answer to someone who asked about the problems in ISKCON. Yes, there are problems in ISKCON but there are problems everywhere. But I guess we come to ISKCON to get away from all the material problems and when we find find problems here, we feel depressed.


Dont forget one thing, problems are due to material desires and not due to the flaw in philosophy or supremecy of Krishna. There are many devotees in ISKCON and many are in the process of cleansing themselves and always in danger of falling down. So that is why Prabhupada always said we should chant, go to temple and associate with devotees and eat Prasadam. This will dispel our doubts as doubts are like demons. Chanting and serving Krishna purely and sincerely is the panacea for all material problems. But you have to realize how many devotess chant sincerely, purely and serve Krishna. So to reach that stage of purity we have to chant and do the needy, till then we are in danger of falling down. But REMEMBER!-KRISHNA will never leave use even if you have managed to chant 1 round. krishna is so sweet HE will protect you.


Dont worry, I have many similar feelings, but keep chanting &manage to associate with devotees and listen to lectures, HE will protect you. NO DOUBT- my personal experience!





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All glories to Prabhupada!I offer my humble obeisances unto Him!


when I mentioned earlier about Prabhupada's comments on problems in ISKCON and his answer about problems averywere in this material world is that he was trying to say that ISKCON is in this material world and material world is full of maya and with problems. So he was implying that ISKCON will also have problems. But he also said that ISKCON will stay for 10,000 years.I gues what Iam trying to say is problems permeate into all walks of life and we should be mature about it. ISKCON will have problems because there are advanced devotees and devotees like me(neophyte),so always bound to have problems.Once you fall down, you dislike ISKCON and its principles and henceforth badmouth it. But dont worry, keep chanting &iam sure KRISHNA will protect you.





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Dear Max

Everyone has doubts, do not feel guilty about them, for Krsna does not demand belief, only a little hope and sincerity in one's practice.

Belief and doubt are the two faces of the same coin whose metal is only ignorance. Neither belief nor doubt are knowledge and one must remember or learn this for otherwise one leaves oneself open to mistaking the one for the other.

Krsna Consciousness is not a blind faith religion. The direct experience of transcendentalism awards one perfect knowledge. Until the award of that experience of direct cognition of the soul by the soul, of the experience of forever doubts there will be. Krsna didn't mind them and Srila Prabhupadaq didn't either, in fact he praised those who had them as being intelligent. So don't be hard on yourself, The only people that demand that you must believe in God and threaten you with damnation if you do not are the ones who have never seen Him. Just chant Hare Krsna.

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