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hanuman fasting

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i am a hindu and often fast for various reasons to differnt demi gods such as hanuman. amaaa maa, jalabapa etc.

but never in my life have i prayed for the following :

i have fallen in love with agirl and i want help from god to attract her to me ?


can i pray this to hanuman or any other god ?

i am worried if i do this then gods will be angry with me ?


please advise if you can



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I used to pray for material gains from Sri Hanumanji. I can't offer any advice, except this:


A prison has a very big person attending, all the wardens ask the Prisoners to clean everything up for his arrival..


This person is recognized, prisoners say we want new wings they are so small, so he agrees "ok no problem!". Then they ask for more television time, and some better food at night. "Ok he says".


Why ask for these things?

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Hare Krishna guest. I saw pictures in the Bhagavad-gita As It Is, by Srila Prabhupada that some men make offerings and prayers unto Demigoddess Uma in order to get a young beautiful wife.


However, the verse about it advises that "Less intelligent people ask favors from the demigods and Krishna makes their faith strong so they can pray and obtain these favors from them, but actually it is Lord Krishna Himself the one who allows these favors to be granted."


So it is better to request favors straight from Krishna but guess what, I learned one thing in Hare Krishna temples, that the pure devotees have only one desire "To remain as a servant in the service unto Lord Sri Krishna, that's all, life after life."


Therefore, if Krishna considers that it is better to live single then we must accept.


Remember that we are in the material world due to our attachment to sense gratification, so having a young beautiful maiden for a wife would only make our attachment stronger, even if we promess that it will be a spiritual marriage. That's why Prabhupada wrote that marriage is an entanglement and most be avoided.


Now if somehow the need for a wife keeps burning, well, tell Krishna about it... but be careful, because most of the married devotees would tell you "I shouldn't have married."


It's like a trick from The Lord, "So you think that you can give a woman more love and things than Me? We shall see, because she will always ask you for more than you can give until one day you'll realize that only God can give enough love or things to those souls living inside of female material bodies (women)."


Good luck anyway because maya is maya and it takes Hare Krishna techniques to visualize Vishnu inside of women's hearts and keep up the chanting Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare... again and again, over and over.


Hare Krishna.

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