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Hare Krishna Mahaprabhu, it is written in Bhagavad Gita in the chapter entitled The Opulence of the Absolute that among the agents of the law Krishna is Yama, the Master of Death.


In the book about Ajamila -I don't remember the title- it is described that the servants of Yama are the Yamadutas, they are living entities inside of ugly bodies and they are allowed to take the fallen souls into the hellish planets after death of their material bodies. Thus the Yamadutas are the worshipers of Yamaraja. Ajamila was a saintly person that fell apart from yoga due to his attraction towards a prostitute, actually he married her and then fell down in a life without restrictions so at the moment of his death Ajamila's soul was going to be taken to hell by the yamadutas. Fortunately for his case during that moment of his death Ajamila chanted the name of one of his sons that was named Narayana, and because this name is one of the Holy Names of Krishna then the Vishnudutas arrived on time to rescue Ajamila's soul.


Therefore it is better to serve Krishna as a devotee of Srila Prabhupada rather than serve Yama as a yamaduta. In the end no demon is scarier than Krishna Himself so we better take shelter at the lotus feet of Vishnu or Krishna.


Hare Krishna Mahaprabhu.

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