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Shuffling off this mortal coil..

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Hare Krishna.

My humble obeisances to all devotees.


I am in the process of making a will, and I would appreciate a little advice.


I have been asked to specify my burial wishes ie do I want to be cremated or buried etc, and was wondering what to specify - should I choose cremation ? I was considering specifying a 'green' burial to avoid adding to global warming upon my demise, but from the little I know of vedic culture, it seems cremation is preferred.


Also, is there anything else that I need specify ?


It obviously matters immensely how one should live ones life, but does it matter what happens to your physical remains once you have died


I am rather ignorant of vedic culture but have been trying to make a little progress in devotional service to God, and would like to make a good decision.


Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much.





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cremation is best so your spirit not linger near body after death

only pure devotee such Srila Prabhupada is buried.

Cremation should be before sunset same day death. Many parlours can do this - just ask.

Also ask in will that some friend or family can travel with ashes to Ganga to toss in - it is auspicious.

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Please accept my humble obeinces!

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!


Are there devotees around that you could ask? It may be wise to seek out a trusted servant of Srila Prabhupada and ask in what practical way you could advise others to dispose of the body.


George Harrison was cremated...it was reported that His ashes were spread into the Ganges.

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Hare Krishna!


Many thanks for you responses, my humble obeisances.


I have opted for cremation, and asked that my ashes be scattered in the ganges, as I am not much of a devotee and certainly not very pure, as was Srila Prabhupda.


Thank you for the help.


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