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"In 10 days, the situation will change."-- Most important for Shree Acharya

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Thursday, December 09, 2004

Sudden Letter: "In 10 days, the situation will change."

The fact that the TN police queried columnist Gurumurthy only to complain about the columns he wrote about the case suggests that they are getting desperate. The following article from the Tamil weekly, if true, could complicate things for the police.-- EXPERT

Vikatan Article dated 12-12-2004 http://www.vikatan.com/jv/2004/dec/12122004/jv0201.asp


Sudden Letter: "In 10 days, the situation will change."


Tuesday, December 7… Around 10:30 am, a man about 35 years of age came to our office and handed an envelope to the office receptionist, immediately turned around and vanished.

When we read the letter, our reaction was surprise, shock and confusion. This letter was appeared to be written by contractor Ravi Subramaniam, for whom the police is searching in connection with the murder of Sankarraman.

Was it really Ravi Subramaniam? From where did he send it? We don't have any answers for these questions. We are publishing this letter as it is in full for our readers without having confirmed the veracity of what Ravi Subramanian has said on his behalf:

"Respected Junior Vikatan Editor:

My name is Ravi Subramaniam. You must have known about me quite well. The police are searching for me in a case with which I have no connection. I was minding my contract business but police have made false accusations against me and are hunting me.

I have lots of things to say. But if I say them to the police, it may not have any impact. I want to clear up for you all the false accusations the police are spreading in the press about me. I respectfully request you to take this to the people.

The contract business had been in my family for generations. Only after I became successful did I start on the path of bhakthi. I went to several maths all over India – I respected the social service being performed by the maths. In the same way out of admiration for their social service, I became a devotee of the Kanchi Math too.

Even though Jayendra Swamigal was in an exalted peetham and a sanyasi, the way he used to mingle freely with ordinary people without aloofness, the way he would express opinions, freely without any hesitation – all this increased my admiration for him. I considered him a human devata. I started attending his functions. Throughout the world, Jayendra Swamigal has thousands of devotees like me. But nowadays, if you follow a madaadipathi of your choice, the police consider it a crime.

I saw stories in the newspapers claiming that I introduced women to the Kanchi Math. This is too horrible for even God to bear!

God does not distinguish between male devotees and female devotees. For god, there can only be devotees.

Whenever I started any new business project, I would bring the plan to the Math for blessing before I started work on it. Only in this way, have I taken some of my friends to the Math. In connection with my trade, there have also been some businesswomen whom I know professionally.

In all this, I have never met Jayendra Swamigal alone to get the blessing. I stood in line with the rest of the public to get his blessing. This is how Jayendra Swamigal likes it.

Other than that – the stories police are shamelessly spreading in the press about my having taken actresses to the Math and left them there – are all a monstrous lie. I am not that type of person. The Math also won't condone such acts. If anybody does such things out of over-eagerness, the Math will scold them. The present accounts linking actresses to the math are a police conspiracy.

Police make it sound as if I introduced Appu to Jayendra Swamigal. Appu is an aasthika. He got there himself. Their description of him as a dada can only be accepted to a certain extent. A North Chennai Congress Party member who is close to Appu told me that all the big-shots in society use him for their selfish ends and afterwards land him in trouble. I know details about Appu only through this person. I have seen him a few times in the Mutt also.

I want to say something else. Some police officers and some senior AIADMK have also come to the Math with Appu and the people in the Math know this too.

I want to relate some details about other ways Appu got involved with the Math. Recently, Appu has helped a number of temples: Melmaruvathur Aadi Parashakthi temple, Samayapuram Maariamman Temple, a Pondy Ashram, an Amman temple next to Madurai -- like this, there are many temples where he has given donation. In the same way, I think he might have helped charities related to the Sankaramatam also. Police are trying to show as though anybody who likes the Math is a criminal. The same way, Chief Minister Jayalalitha has also given so much help to the Math. What would they say about her?

Truth be told, in this case, the police are being duplicitous. I wonder whether even the investigating officers know why they are conducting this enquiry with such ferocity.

As for Auditor Radhakrishnan and Thirukotiyur Madhavan, these two are not good people. Many do not know the other face of these two. They do vengeful acts. They have no respect for religion.

Now that he is putting on a goody-goody act, will the police look into whether [Auditor Radhakrishnan] has 5-6 crores? If they enquire into how he amassed so much wealth, many facts will come out. He thinks the crooked things he has done, for which he used to use the Math's name in high places, will not come out. We can bring out everything.

While at the Math, Radhakrishnan played with finances in a big way. When they came to Swamigal's attention, after he had confirmed through various means that Radhakrishnan was guilty, he gave him a big scolding and, rightfully, for his own welfare, told him: `Don't do crimes against God'.

Even after that, Radhakrishnan used the Math's name to do more crookedness, and this, some people know full well. Only after this was he dismissed from the Math and told not to come near there. At that time, he went to see Periyaswami [ie JS] and Chinnaswami [VS] and he vowed : `I'm going to see to it that you pay for this.' – this, many people know.

As long as he was in the Math, many people who were harmed by him did not touch him. After he left the Math, his enemies have taken him aside and threatened him from time to time.

All these are to a point open knowledge. It appears there is no connection between the Math and Radhakrishnan's assault.

As for Thirukottiyur Madhavan, he is an enemy of Hindus. As the puppet of a number of wealthy people, he was blindly opposing Jayendra Swamigal. In temple matters, Madhavan had conflicts with others about how things should be done there. If someone came to ask for an auspicious time for some good undertaking, he would also interfere and give a conflicting opinion. Like this, in business also, he had enmities. For that, someone might have beaten him up.

But now, all the blame is being heaped on the Math. Whatever accusations they throw, the Math has the strength to bear it. With the blessings of the ancestors and of past good deeds, nobody can do any harm to the Math.

If Jayendra Swamigal did not have truth on his side, why would Kathiravan change his testimony? He himself has said in open court that his first statement was because of police torture.

Only now have I seen Kathiravan, Chinna and the rest of the accused in the papers. Police are giving me a leading role in the drama they are enacting to entangle Jayendra Swamigal in a big way. Let me specifically and emphatically tell you this much: They are just concocting the case.

You have to take another thing to the people. Some months ago, Jayendra Swami and people close to certain politicians had a difference of opinion regarding the appointment of an auditor for the Math. You can enquire into whether this is true or not. These few people were insisting that someone close to AIADMK should be appointed to oversee Math accounts. But the Math declined this as unnecessary. This is one thing I know of that may be the reason for anger against Jayendra Swami.

Besides this, there are important politicians who have been compelled to take action against Jayendra Swami for political reasons.

Also, the politicians putting Jayendra Swami in this suffocating position are demeaning their own Hindu-dharm. The leaders of other religions condemn Jayendra Swamigal's arrest, but these leaders are derogatorily crowing over it. This can only be said to be a treason against Hindu religion.

Another thing, I saw in the papers that police are saying I am going about Delhi disguised as a Sardar. I have to laugh. I am not in any disguise. I am only myself. Police are spreading rumors about me, my family and my personal life. The people who are close to me know what I am like and how my family is. I even saw in the press that my family is angry that I am associated with the Math. If someone goes to the temple, will their family ask "Why are you going there?" Even if you tell a lie, it should make some sense!

Finally, it is my wish to surrender myself. But I feel in my heart that my life will be in danger at the hands of the police. I am getting word from some AIADMK higher-ups that they will shoot me and, like always, make up a story that I was trying to escape and finish the case very easily. That is why, mourning my destiny, I am in hiding.

I can definitely say that in another 10 days, the whole situation will change. There is going to be an important turn in Sankarraman's case. I think it's enough if I come out then. If the police had conducted their case openly without bias, I wouldn't have gone into hiding even now. Whatever I know I would have told them. Whatever I am telling you now, I would have unhesitatingly told the police.But they are proceeding with a master plan which goes beyond even this murder case. They are spreading news that I am in their custody in a way that even my family would believe it – there is some cunning behind this.

Editor Sir, I have told you what is on my mind. As to the truth of this, God is the witness.


Respectful Greetings,

Ravi Subramaniam.


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