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What is your position on milk?

The fact is that in this age, commercial dairy cows are kept pregnant to produce milk and their babies are auctioned to veal slaughter houses. So in essence, when you drink milk you are killing baby cows. I don't think this is good and certainly not karma-free.

Any thoughts?


Hare Krsna.

-Gopalapriya das

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Our Srila Prabhupada came to the west and offered the milk he was buying to Their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krsna...


Is there a problem there to follow the example given by His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada...? ? ?


Jagat Guru Ki Jai....

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Hare Krishna Gopalpryia

Yes prabhuji its very sad what is happening to the cows.This is the age of Kali the dark age.The demons will allways exploit Krishna's energies and what is most dearest to the lord.Iskcon has developed cow proctection programmes.Which i feel is a start.The cow is our mother and should not be treated in such a way.I agree with what you are saying but we should turn that milk into prasdam.At least you care thats a start.Most people do not."Jaya Mata Gow"Hare Krishna(Maharani Devi Dasi)

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We are now in a time where it will get increasingly difficult if not impossible to not commit offenses and engage in karmic activities (due to corporate globalization and a attitude of financial gain over care for life worldwide) when it comes down to trying to maintain in today's society. Not everyone has the ability or is ready to live in a selfsustaining ashram so those living in a society ruled by those of demoniac nature just have to make the best out of a bad bargain.

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"So in essence, when you drink milk you are killing baby cows"


When you eat meat you can be certain without a doubt that you are responsible for it's death, in milk however you cannot tell with absolute certainty that baby cows are killed for it. Of course it's better to, when in doubt, abstain from involving yourself in the object of doubt, but also remember acarya's instructions and the healthwise important qualities of (cooked) milk in a vegeterian diet. If you should also abstain from milk you are probably going to need supplementals in the form of pills, which most likely have some form of cow or other animal death/suffering involved in it and isn't a natural way to add to your diet. Truth is there is no need to kill the calfs to obtain milk,so that some companies engage in this horrible business is another issue. You could try and do some inquiries or look for nearby farms that produce (baby)cow friendly biological milk.



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