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understanding god--pls clarify

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I have been confused since several years regarding god. Some ppl worship jesus, some ppl worship allah. some ppl worship krishna(ans some hindu gods). I am not worried about ppl whoc does it for material benefits(what happens to them). I am concerned about what happens to those ppl who worship with pure love for god and not expecting material benefits. I have been thinking is there multile gods( my string feeling is it can not be). If a person worshipping either jesus or allah with his pure hear is not allowed for liberation?

I remember one quote from bhgavad gita

" arjuna: what happens to those who worship according to their own imagination are they in goodness, passion,ignorance?

krishna: (my interpretation only) based on once mode i mean if they there worshipping with mode of good ness i mean those ppl who doesnt envy others& i mean pure they will finally reach me"


Does this mean every one who loves god whether it will be jesus or allah etc.. and worship with pure love and not expecting any material benefits will reach the god??


For example if we say krishna is only god:

the person ( who is pure)living in some parts of the world may not even get the chance to know krishna. will he has to reborn again and again till he knows krishna.


Myself( worship krishna since childhood) would like to know from great souls like you who would like to open discussion

so that i will know some thing new


Please help me in this regard

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Hello Venkat,


First of all let me start by saying that I don't consider myself to be a great soul, but I still would like to comment on your questions to the best of my infinitesmall knowledge.

To start, there is only one God, and he manifests himself in various limitless ways and has just as many names, if this wasn't the case, he wouldn't be Supreme and All-knowing, All-sustaining anymore. To quote Sri Srimad Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj who put it so nicely:


" All are within Krishna, nothing can be outside Krishna. even if it is said that a particle of dust is outside Krishna, He will loose His Absolute position, He will become finite."


So your 'string' feeling is correct, also when we observe B.G. ch.7 v.7:

"O' conqueror of wealth [Arjuna], there is no Truth superior to Me. Everything rests upon Me, as pearls are strung on a thread."


So Krsna, Allah, Jehovah etc. are some of the countless names of the one and only Supreme Lord, God, or Krsna. But when we speak of Krsna's name and form we should know this to be His original name and form.

By his many manifestations, God has supplied us with a variety of means to attain Him because not everybody has the same approach to religion. Also, we should not see Jesus as God , but rather as a bonafied Avatara who brought the principles of Bhakti in the west.


" " arjuna: what happens to those who worship according to their own imagination are they in goodness, passion,ignorance?

krishna: (my interpretation only) based on once mode i mean if they there worshipping with mode of good ness i mean those ppl who doesnt envy others& i mean pure they will finally reach me""


As far as I know,if a soul, after many many lives reaches the stage of Pure love of God he is known to have surpassed the modes of material nature, so goodness, passion and ignorance don't apply to this transcendental state anymore.In this stage there is automatically no more desire for material benefit but, as Lord Krsna Himself states, a soul in such a state is very,very rare. So yes, in this stage of pure devotional service he is sure to attain God.


But lucky for the less advanced souls, the Lord also promises that the efforts of the souls who have but started,or are already on the path of this magnificent process will not be in vain, and they will certainly be born again with a natural hankering for knowledge of God and are so allowed to carry on where they left off. So Krsna will make sure such souls are born in the proper circumstances with ample possibilities of getting knowledge of Him, so even if he is born on a remote island somewhere, Krsna will make sure that this soul will 'get in touch' with Him some way or another.

I sincerely hope this to be correct and helpful to you,



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anyone who loves God, in whatever form and name, deeply and profoundly is a pure devotee and goes directly to God, and if they were wrong about their concept of God then they find out the truth! but ignorance is rampant and Krishna wont hold that against anyone, after all we are all ignorant fools trying to be perfect like Him, God recognises a genuine heart and gives all to that heart

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