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Dreams about Prabhupada?

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I had a strange dream, I was in a house and there were 3 guys there. I wanted them to leave but they kept throwing things at me. Then suddenly Srila Prabhupada appeared, and it looked like he was going to throw something at me too, so I ducked down on the floor and covered my head, and then what seemed like thousands of lotus pedals fell on me. It was either lotus pedals or tulsi(sp?) leaves, I can't remember. But anyway I started chanting something Sanskrit in my dream, and I remember it ended with "Sri Guru". The weird thing was when I woke up I was still chanting it. Can anyone shed any light on what this dream might mean?


Hare Krishna

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Hare Krishna and dandavat pranam


All glories to Srila Prabhupada and vaishnavas! All glories to Guru and Gauranga!


I have absolutely no qualification to make any meaning of this. However, i will try to give the possibilities to my knowledge. Such a wonderful dream. The first thing that comes to mind is that the lotus petals are a blessing from Srila Prabhupada as your Sri Guru or maybe it indicates that he will help you to a Spiritual Master (if you do not have one already). The other thing is that lotus petals (or tulsi leaves) are placed at the lotus feet of Sri Krishna, so maybe blessings to attain the lotus feet of Krishna. Sri Radha-Krishna are often depicted standing on lotus; Goloka is shaped like lotus etc.

Another thing, maybe you were expecting reprimand from Srila Prabhupada but he gave blessings instead!! (reprimand from pure devotees is in fact a blessing)


I will only say that such dreams constitute a legitimate contact with pure devotees and should not be treated as just another dream.

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