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Lord Rama and Hanuman

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Hare Krishna.


Lord Ram appeared in tetra Yuga, some 0.869 to 2.165 million years back.


One of his pastimes was that he built a bridge between India and Lanka to cross with his army of Monkey soldiers and rescue his Sita. Who was captured by the demon Ravana of Lanka.


NASA has taken pictures between India and Lanka via a satelite and the bridge which Lord Ram built can be clearly seen.


You can see the NASA pictures of the bridge at www.gitamrta.org/bridge.htm


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Hare Krishna i hope that you are gd."Jaya Sri Ram"Jaya Mahaveera Bharungbali Hunuman"!!!!!wow what a question its great !!!!.i would recommend you get a copy of the Ramayana and read it .I have a Copy made from the Gita press.I think ISKCON might have made a copy.Inqire it would be a most inspirational for your spirtiual life .Jaya Sri Rama Jaya Sita Mata.jaya hauman the greatest servant off Sri Rama

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I have read in sanskrit that Valmiki who wrote Ramayana was a Mathematician,I wonder where this mathematics lies in Ramayana.

There is a small random number generator of troops of monkeys that try to cross the ocean from one island to another separated by stone blocks here and there.Just like monkeys they jump here and there finally reach the other side finally the perception emerges.

I took a group of monkeys ( huge number) and created one side of a bridge (start of a process) the other side of a bridge (end of the process).The bridge is made of rocks at any random interval.I used a random number generator and made these monkeys to jump from any rock to any rock and finally they arrive at the other side,(they dump the total number of steps in to an accumulator),finally after n steps I averaged (arithmetic mean) the accumulated value.It gave the length of the bridge.Is it the way our sensory cells works we need to have a re-look.

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As far as i know Valmiki was not a mathematician. There are some Vedic texts which have combined spiritual knowledge and mathematics in the same verses (Vedic mathematics is from them) but i doubt if Ramayana is one of them. Of course, transcendental literature has so many different levels meanings depending on our level of understanding e.g. Lord Chaitanya gave sixty one meanings of one single verse, so it is possible but i have never heard this for Ramayana.

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