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the different names don't prove any difference between Krishna or Yawheh as God,as we all know Krishna has countless names.But I do have to say that I've come across sections in the bible where God specifically claims the people of Israel to be His people, and now again I find it in this article.I find it very odd indeed for the Supreme to claim one people as His only, as if the others weren't His. Who am I to say, but I think this seems not like the behaviour of the Supreme Lord, from Who everything originates. So maybe these texts have become perverted over time, who knows?



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the bible does not say the chosen people are the jews. the word jews only appeared in modern times, the hebrews are not the jews and are not relation at all. the jews are not the people of isreal or the ones of the bible. the jews are a group of pagans that one of their kings forced the religion of babylonian talmud and kabbhalla on them. much like the latvians that were vedicans and a king desided that christian religion was a better religion to control them and forced conversion. isreal is not a physical place according to the oldest bibles. the ones printed in the last 1900 years are very inaccurate and purposly rewritten to decieve and mislead the peoples, bacislaly the bible liek the KJV is a book of lies and nonsense. the jews are not the chosen people, this is a modern idea. most jews especially the ordthodox jews are talmudist and kabbhalists and do not beleve in the torah or god for that matter they are atheists.

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the kabbhalla is a book of gematria or numbers and letters like ones and zeros for computers. they claim it to be sacred but it is not as there religion totally is against everything in the scriptures of our acharyas. it pushes the followers to every thing it can to destroy the non-believers. the talmudism of the judains now called jews is a book that porports extreme supremesy of the talmudic peoples something that judeo-christians have bought into this the the root and the misleading ideas of anti-semitism a word that means nothing in modern times. as semetic peoples the typical isreali is not few irarealis are semetic most are indo-europeans.


a religion like the atheististic types of buddhism with a religious trapping.


modern dislike of jews is a basically rooted in the understanding the the rabbis hate non-jews and teach this to there followers, a common thing among muslims and christians but these other groups out number then. thankfully jewish influance in law, government and life is limited to only america and some of this ill influance is being removed from the euro-states. as



they have way of making words into number values and making them all litterly nonsense.

the kabbhalistic tradition is a form of atheism.

modern religious people will only take religion at face value and believe what they are told and see. and never read and learn as i have about this atheistic religion of demonic notions. yes demoniac untill you have studied the talmud do you find the evil insane dogma madmen that are studing and molding young minds in the jewish synagogs and jewish temples.

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do a search on the net of talmud and you will find people that lay claim that it is forgery and fraud when people insult the talmud or sites promoting hate of the these people, but if you find a talmud you can see it for your self and it is not pretty, these people want you to do a internet search and say you know about it. pick up a book of the talmud and you will have to look a bit and you will find statements against your moral code these say this is a old way of thinking and they study it to understand and they dont believe it and or you just dont understand. this is like saying study the koran and not find hate against non muslims and they dont believe it. sure! i belive that then why has every people have negative reactiong to the presence to these people? their strange religion. well read the talmud and you will see but do not go to the net you will only see hate sites and other non-sense.

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