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racism and srimad bhagavatam

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a letter i found on the net,



if you read the srimad bhagvadtam u will understand the aryan religion and how pious people and animals look physically. i.e. your class,race, skin tone and color, beauty, intelligance and weath in this life is due to pious behaviour in the last life. ask a guru he will explain this to you so you will understand this. it discribes the physical looks of a noble person that being beautyful, light skinned,spiriual, intelligent,having wealth or fine featured. but the scriptures do prove these facts to be true, do you believe scripture or are you inventing your our brand of religion?


please dont brand me a racist in my ideas and statements in this email, as i am just very aware of racism and its distructive nature. especially the racisms of blacks and hispanics toward white and asians. alas there is a major differnce between being mean and cruel to a low born person and treating them with kindness and teaching them noble ways and deeds. thought caucasions are superior to other races in looks,true spiriuality, intelligance and pious nature and not being as naturally sinfull, this does not mean to treat other races poorly. one must instuct them in proper behaviors and religiousness.


is this racist? for me to follow this religion and its teachings? i dont thinks so, but then many confuse racism with dispising the sinfull natures, poor behaviour and low intelect that non-caucasion races possess. i generally find blacks and hispanics to be very low class and sinfull as a rule but there are exceptions to that rule. you must note most indian people of india are caucasion and some times with asian mixes, just like the european peoples. caucasions are one of the bigest racial groups of people in the world along with asians. most europeans are of caucasion and sometimes a slight asian admixture. aka indo-europeans. so do humans posess racist additudes of ethnic dislikes? since if i am part asian and caucasion i cannot be racist to asian and caucasions but i can be to negros? or is it classism, or casteism?


can you guess what race i am by my email, most likely no. i will tell you i am caucasion with perhaps asian thousands of generations back, ethnically i am german,french,lapplander, polish, swedish,danish, latvian,huganrian and north indian. i am also a second generation european-american on both sides, raised in germany and northern michigan. so forgive my poor grammar and sentance structure.


did you know the most racist religions in the world is biblical religions i.s. islam, christian, judeo-christians, and judaism. with judaism being the most racist, genocidal, hateful and bigoted of them all. read the bible and especially the babalonian talmud that is a very interesting book if you can stomach it as its condones and promotes rape,incest, murder,genocide, lieing, stealing and a host of other racisms and evils against non-jews. jews are the biggest racists known to the world that is why anti-semitism exists because of their hate for non-jews. ask a jew about it and he will denie it all but it right there in his holy books for all to read. did you know india and america is the only country that has not forced out the jews. perhaps because they know little about their religion. technically anti-semitism is really anti-racism. because most semites are racist by nature. look at the fighting between the semite muslims and semite jews. the policys of isreal against plaisinain peoples are 100% aparthide and pure racism. semites are asian-caucasion peoples.


i am not writing this to upset you but to inform you. i find it is usally just ethnic problems and people being sick of ethinc differances and cultures or religions. did you know arabic people are caucasion and sometimes asian mixed in? most american blacks are usally 85% caucasion or more, a black can be 98% caucasion and still have black features and skin and inteligence. intelligance is genetic and caucsions and asians are more intelligent then blacks. but i know that most people refute this by quoting various quasi-scientific studies. have fun reasearching these facts and please when you have them all sorted out and together get back to me but not till then. thank you and hare krishna!



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Hare Krishna



ask a guru he will explain this to you so you will understand this. it discribes the physical looks of a noble person that being beautyful, light skinned,spiriual, intelligent,having wealth or fine featured. but the scriptures do prove these facts to be true, do you believe scripture or are you inventing your our brand of religion?




Really silly, anything in the name of scriptures!! This person makes one vague statement supposedly from srimad-bhagvatam and then goes off to tangent to express his/her own attitude as if backed by scriptures. If anything the scriptures use the terms yavana/mleccha etc. for persons not following vedic principles (which will include almost all europeans,americans etc., as well as indians who do not follow them). Quite meaningless, supposedly "informing" us of statements of scriptures while lacking even a single scriptural reference.
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I agree with you. I have heard referances to things like this in conversations about casteism.


I am sure someone would be able to find the proper scriptures that clairify this or clairify the confusions.


This is why I want to understand this letter and why I posted it. I have heard indians and vishnavas speak like this before that is why I posted the letter. When I found it, as I have never seen it written of before. i never heard a vishnava speak in a racist or hatefull mannor but they were very suspicous and fearfull of africans, african-americans and spanish people.

I am even fearfull of these people. I feel justified in this fear. Many of my friends of these ethnic groups, they also fear their young people. i am confused why you can not explain this you just pass it off. you can not just ingnore it i know it has some referance besides the limited amount of what you said.

that is what upsets me about people they will not defend there position at least the person did defend it even if the person did not quote the scriptures. you did not defend your position at all. please do this because i am truely wanting to know where he got this information, this person must know some thing and not just making it up even if he is confused.

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What the person said about the jews I have also read about and have had jews tell me this true about orthodox jews and isreal and the talmud. All my jewish relatives also told me these things too, all of them coverted to hinduism and buddhism, they were all in russian consentration camps to boot, except one that was in the SS in world war and never even knew these camps existed but he remained jewish, in fact he did not know that the nazis disliked jews till after the war. there is much truth in those things about the bible. the statements about them are very historically accurate and historically verifiable. not opinion in the slightest. i read and have had talks with jews about these subjects.

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Well...i dont think bagavatam supports racism. In Hiduism we call the entire world as "one big family" ie. "Vasudeiva kudumbakam". How can hinduism promote racism...there may be some pockets where one sort of people dont mix with others...but it is not about bagavatam or hinduism.



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hey friend, all races are here for a reason and EVERYBODY is treated kind by a true saint and follower of Krishna!

youre so hypocrite, how can you ever get good karma if you always say that everything is the fault of someone.

And second, Vishnu came for the 9th time 2000 years ago,

named yashua, in israel and he carried the bad karma for everyone who believed in his gospel and him.

we are ALL supposed to be good , we are ALL one in ChristVishnu. And we are no matter our rank in this life or the hereafter, not to exalt ourselves! we are supposed to be SERVANTS! Krishna and Jesus came not to be served but to SERVE! Being humble and serving is what a true King is!


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Hare Krishna


Where is the question of defending? The standard sanskrit dictionary meanings of mlechha and yavana are meat-eater and one who does not follow vedic principles respectively. Sometime later it was also applied to people living in certain regions for almost all of them "fit into" the definitions, but that is not the correct meaning of the terms. The Vedic scriptures nowhere mention race as we understand the term today, only sometimes dynasties or people living in certain areas. Point is that these terms apply to the qualities and behaviour of a human being and the race is nowhere in picture. It were the british who first introduced the race term in their interpretations of Vedic scriptures to create a north-south and other divides in india (and of course germans used it to their own end).

Consequently, Jesus is told to a vaishnava by our Spiritual Masters for in his character we find all the vaishnava qualities; same is the case for Prahlada Maharaja, or Mrgari or Valmiki etc. as given in Bhagavatam. In fact we find so many more such examples in the scriptures.


I have no idea of this spanish/african fear factor, but it has nothing to do with race rather with culture; i would rather say that arab countries are much worse as far as tolerance towards other spiritual practises is concerned.

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i think not. how am i a hypocrite? cause i am afraid of some demonic people and i am very justified in this fear. thank you. also the jews religious beliefs are known to most people of a some education. so please don't refer to me as a hypocrite. self protection is not morally wrong. yes the majority of these people are demoniacs (whites,blacks, hispanics and jews) but racism is not good at all and i do not promote it. but if i fear demoniac people i am not a hypocrite, bigot or a racist.


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personally i have little regard for karma, good or bad. to remember krishna is all i care about. if i die tomorrow and go to hell as long as i remember krishna i have all i need.

if i never have any thing good in life what does it matter? as long as i have krishna i have the only good thing in live all the rest enjoyment is poison if it is not about krishna.

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that is bunk! vishnu did not appear in isreal. that is pathetic. the bulk of the bible religions and the christian myth is manmad religion not dharma. the christ myth is just that a myth. please... i have read the oldest greek bible and its not a very dharmic at all, your KJV bible is worthless and is written by a sick (king james) man that was a demoniac woman hating very unsaintly sodomite. the bible writers were meat eater and drank liquor and wines and this connection to jesus to the saint mentioned in scripture is so debateable you can not prove it is the same person. and where in scripture did krishna appear 2000 years ago, if your talking about what i think you are that is so braud is amazing. they have no records of christ existing except the bible it self. the man in the tomb in india is not the same person as the christ figure. if christ did exist he was a vishnava not a jew. the place of gallie was proven to never to have existed. the whole chrsit myth is a collection of stories, and it most likely all hogwash.

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Dear friend

Hare Krishna and dandavat pranam


Please read the post more carefully; there is no mention of hypocrite nor did such a thought even crossed my mind. Unfortunately you read what you wanted to in accordance with your preconceived notion of myself. Only that i would not consider the general rule of "fearing" africans/spanish a logical proposition, what to speak of scriptures.

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My good friend, your fear of demons is NOT justified!

have you no faith? do you not know, that when the Lord is on your side, he can if he wills, and if you ask him, protect you from every demon on the planet at the same time?

and second, the only way to conquer evil, is to do good.

Give. forgive. be serving and humble. that is good.




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