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chanting not the only way

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"first guy" do not come here simply to argue, many have given good and detailed answers, comment everything and be practical


do you want to achieve liberation in this very life or not?


we have given to you a system, practical and scientific system to achieve liberation, you are playing this role of anti-fanatic and tolerant..


have you really experienced the practice of the mahamantra and you have found it not effective?


have you something better to go back to godhead in this life?


please.. life is short.... be practical...

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  • 2 weeks later...

If so we should actually claim today's science to be subjective and unscientific as modern science's researches stem from a flawed startingpoint in the first place. And with their flawed material senses and apparatus they are claiming laws and take guesswork theories for fact that are mostly here today and revised/gone tomorrow, and yet modern man is clinging to it as if it were the only undeniable truth. Basically, if I were to go by the rules of modern science, there is nothing outside of the room I am in since I can't see it,feel it touch or hear it. I can use some flawed equipment and reach a bit further but then again have to come to the same conclusion after the next discovery when the equipment's abilities can't reach further. The science of God steps outside of this narrowminded standpoint and doesn't base itself on any material senses,not even the mind. This knowledge is from outside of the material realm, and yet it follows the same principles modern science applies, i.e: theory(scriptures)->practice(strictly following the regulative principles)->result(Krishna consciousness).

This makes the science of God in fact the only actual science whereas the efforts of modern science can be compared to trying to hold on to 'a piece' of ether in their hands. As long as their efforts are not aimed at reaching the center(God), their results are temporary,shortlived in terms of achieving happiness and ultimately useless.



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"but such results are opinion based and are very subjective

does that not make it unscientific?"


every spiritual experience is subjective... if you like you can call Krsna Consciousneee "subjectively scientific" why not?


the important thing is that if we want to understand krsna consciousness we have to practice it... blind faith, feelings, opinions from outside are almost useless


how much are you interested in quitting material world and find happiness and love for god? if both have the same level of interest in such matter, we can easily communicate even if we start from very different positions.. otherwise it is very difficult

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