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Only Krishna and Vedic Philosophy

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Hare Krishna.


"Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reaction. Do not fear." Lord Krishna (Bg. 18.66)



We are getting deviated from our goal by some ignorant deceiving preachers of other religions. Which is maya, trying to capture us.


Since this is hare-krishna.org. Let's keep our discussion on Lord Krishna and the Vedic Philosophy. Not any other God or scripture.


Please talk about krishna, quote about krishna, think about krishna, preach about krishna. Not any other God.


Only talk about the Vedic scriptures like the Bhagavad-gita and Srimad Bhagavatam, not any other scripture which is nothing but man made concoctions.


Just ignore any comments or statements on other Gods or scriptures.


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Dear Devotees,


I fully agree that let us have Krishna Katha only and if we have any philospohical doubts then we can discuss them.


I facilitate few Bhakti Vriksha programs in Chicago and Milwaukee and during the entire sessions we discuss only Krishna Katha. We avoid mundane topics during the sessions.


I can also train devotees to become facilitators and teach them how to go about starting and conducting Bhakti Vriksha groups. Thats the most wonderful forum for preaching Krishna Consciousness. It can change lives of individuals and families.


Our Milwaukee program was started just 3-4 months back and we have regular attnedance of more than 25 devotees - mostly families of professionals. More families join every month.


In this short period devotees have taken to chanting few rounds and many have become vegetarians after attending few programs.


And this has happenned on its own. Nobody ever told them to stop eating things or compulsorily chant. We just gave them the taste of the Holy name and they took it up gradually.


There are hundres and thousands of souls waiting for Krishna's mercy. Let us give it to them rather than involve in time wasting mud slinging and calling of names.


Any devotee wanting my help to start a Bhakti Vriksha program is welcome to write and I will try to help to the best of my ability.


I have come from India only for serving the mission of Srila Prabhupada and ready to serve vaisnavas.


Thank you prabhus and matajis.


Your servant,

Subuddhi Krishna das


(630) 830-1140



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"We are getting deviated from our goal by some ignorant deceiving preachers of other religions. Which is maya, trying to capture us.

Since this is hare-krishna.org. Let's keep our discussion on Lord Krishna and the Vedic Philosophy. Not any other God or scripture."


i do not think that to speak of some other religion is a great problem, but the problem is if who is from another cultural background or religious faith wants to discuss knowing nothing about krsna conscious philosophy


hare krishna!!




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Hare Krishna.


The problem is not other religions, nor the other religion's 'God'(since there is only one 'Supreme' God no matter the scripture), but it is rather the dangerous thinking that one can be freely picking and mixing ingredients from this and that spiritual path and add it with one's own mental concoctions to form some own delusional path or religion, and then try to convince a crowd that is unsusceptible for that kind of nonsense, that is becoming a nuisance on this board.


I don't mind a few topics about how Jesus' teachings compare with the Vaisnava view (or something along that line), as long as the views presented are treated respectfully (and if possible, backed up by religious scriptures), from both sides (Christian and Vaisnava alike) mind you. I say this because alot of those in favor of the Vedic scriptures are keen to talk very disrespectfully about the Bible and Jesus, which goes against Vedic principles. It is our 'home', they are the guests, so let's treat them respectfully even though in their ignorance they say the most offensive things.


Ignorant and offensive posts should simply be ignored or refuted by well-considered answers backed up by the scriptures and teachings of our spiritual masters. So if you're getting worked up over some comments by the occasional offensive guest who posts something hurtful out of their own ignorance you have only yourself to blame.


That said, I also don't see the point of stalwart Christians or people with invented religions lingering here when they are simply preaching and never listening to our views, stubbornly clinging to their one-sided (and often erronous) convictions. This sort of one-way lane preaching is useless to us because there is never a way to have a civilized conversation in this way, and moreso because we are already solidly convinced of our way and have the ability to back it up by means of authentic religious scriptures and most of all by living examples in the form of the bonafide spiritual masters who perfectly execute the path we believe in. So consequently it becomes more useless to us when it is nonsensical preaching not backed up by quotes from 'their' subsequent religious scriptures or spiritual teachers.

Hope this helps!



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Hare Krishna.


Maya is very strong, it's more powerful than the wind.


Controlling the mind is like contorlling the wind, very difficult. But it is possible through KC.


If you leave then the ignorant deceiving Christians like Vinshnu have won over you. Don't let the wicked win over you. Arjuna stand and fight.


Simply ignore any comments or articles which are not on Krishna or the Vedic scriptures.


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Hare Krishna,


I full agree with KCP. Yes let's only discuss about Krishna. So all KC Devotees we can certainly drive away this MAYA (distractors) by just NOT RESPONDING to any post which talks on other subject than KRISHNA.


The writers will disappear when they have no takers (readers).


Hari Bol

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  • 2 months later...
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Hi Mr. Hare-Krishna!


Do you think only Bhagwad Gita and Shrimad Bagwatam - these two books is all that the Vedas consists of?? How ignorant!!


Did Krishna say that?


Coming to Krishna doesn't mean ignoring and offending others!


If you lived in Krishna Consciousness, you would soon recognize the importance of His other expansions as well! After He created them. We have no right to disrespect them!


Hari bol!

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Religion without philosophy is Fanaticism ansd therefore u cannot call a KC devotee a fanatic beacuse


Even if you start reading 10 verses of Bhagvatam everyday you will be able to complete it in a span of 5 years and then what Chaitanya Caritramratas or the works of Rupa goswamis.It will take us a life time to read all the literature written on krishna let alone taking out time to read the other puranas.So yes we should limit ourselves to reading and talking only about Brahma madhva gaudiya Vaishnavism

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