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Radha Krishna Deity Worship

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Hare Krishna

I live quite far from the Hare Krishna temple and cannot go there often, so I would like to start my own deity worship. I chant 4 rounds and have no other deities. Would it be alright for me to start worshipping Radha Krishna deities in my home, or should I wait. I am a neophyte devotee and would like to worship sri Radha Krsna.

Should I buy some deities or should I wait?

Hare Krishna

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Hare Krishna.


Many senior Gurus say, only have Krishna dieties if you are fully commited to worshipping them properly, and thus they don't recommend them to everyone.


But I disagree with this, commitment for Krishna can be built up slowly by anyone who at least follows the 4 regulated principles.


Thus you should buy the dieties.


When the Muslims ruled India, the senior Gurus used to say if you are touched by their water or something then you are no longer good enough to be a Hindu. In this way many Hindus converted to Islam. These Gurus were raskals.

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It is rascaldom to disobey with bonafide acarya's instructions. You should not buy deities if you are unready and unable to properly take care and commit to them. Don't try and skip chapters of this path, when you are ready to have deities in your own house Krishna will provide. No reason to rush or force deity worhip in your own house because taking deities your house is not something to take lightly. First get more acquainted with the basics before venturing into advanced territory. Similarly, one will learn nothing by skipping the first 9 canto's and going straight to the 10th canto of Srimad Bhagavatam or by starting with the more advanced Vedic literature such as Caitanya Caritamrta, when you are not properly situated in Krishna consciousness yet. Taking deities in your own house is not the most important thing for the neophyte devotee so don't worry yourself about Deity worship yet. Just chant the Maha Mantra and read Bhagavat-Gita/Srimad Bhagavatam, and cook Prasadam, and get gradually purified by the process. Even more beneficial is to associate with other devotees and do Kirtan or Bhajan together and hear from them about Krishna. Deity worship is of later concern. Hope this helps!


Hare Krishna.

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instead on Radha-Krishna Deities. From what I have heard, you have to be very careful in your worship of Radha-Krishna deities, and can make offences if you do not know what you are doing. Gaura-Nitai are more forgiving, and do not accept offences as much. Prabhupada wanted every home in america to have Gaura-Nitai, even if they were used as bookends!

So, that is just my humble suggestion.

Hare Krishna

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Hare Krishna!

The thing is that I cannot visit the temple that often so I do not have alot of association of devotees. However, I will try to read more of Prabhupada's books.

Regarding Gaura Nitai deities, I already have a picture of Sri Sri Pancha Tattva, and I do want Sri Sri Radha Krishna deities to worship. Although, for now I will follow the guidelines to worship Chaitanya Mahaprabhu more sincerly and his associates. I was wondering also, what is the significane of offering a cloth to Gaura Nitai/Radha Krishna during aarti?

Also is aarti e.g "Jaya Jagadish Hare" (Gujarati Aarti) forbidden to offer to picture forms of the Lord? And can I offer Tulasi to the picture form?

One other thing; when should I think about purchasing deities for future reference, or will Sri Sri Radha Krsna come to me? Or should I first think about getting Sri Sri Gaura Nitai deities??

Hare Krishna

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I would suggest sticking with Gaura-Nitai. I would not want the offences I would make against Radha-Krishna. But everyone is different.

You just have to ask yourself honestly if you can commit to sticking to a very rigid schedule, for offering waking,putting to rest, dressing, bathing the deities, etc....

Just be honest with yourself. I got Gaura-Nitai deities about a year ago but still have not begun worshiping them, because I am not fully ready to commit to it every single day, and be strict about it. I don't want to prematurely install them and make offences.

I would try to find a temple close to you or anywhere really, that has a webcam in their templeroom, and often you can watch the classes live, or at a later time, and you can take part in arati, programs, or whatever, just through your computer. I know Los Angeles Temple has a great live camera, and you can get audio too. You can have Darshan of the deities everyday and hear lectures.

I can imagine it is hard to be far from a temple, and I am happy you are trying to live a Krishna Conscious life, without the association of devotees.

Good luck, and write here anytime you need a little bit of association or have a question


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Hare Krishna

Thanks for the encouragment

I do have a Tulasi plant but how often should I worship her? Also, am I allowed to perfom simple aarti with one lamp for Radha krsna/Pancha tattva? What aarti could I perfom? eg, Mangala aarti?

Hare Krishna!

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  • 1 year later...



i am from radhagopinath tenple,mumbai,india.

i would suggest u to please wait for a while.

coz deity worship is not so simple.

for the time being u can get photos of radha krishna, gaur nitai, prabhupada, narsingha dev....... n worship dem.

hair bol!

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  • 4 weeks later...

u can worship the pictures, as they are non-different from the 3-dimensional murti (form of the lord) and no u shouldnt sing jaye jagadisha hare arati to them. this is a song for material gain, u can chant vaisnava songs like gaura arati- guruvastakam etc.


generally u dont offer tulasi in the home. u can worship her everyday and sing her kirtan. yes eka-dipa (1 lamp) is fine.


but i am of the opinion that if u truly desire to have deities and worship them, then u should. it is one of the nine processes of devotional service. i myself have radha kunjabihari (marble) and nitai-gaurasundara (neem wood) deities in my home and worship them everyday. however, i have been trained to do this as i am a pujari.


but start by sincerely worshipping the pictures and krsna will manifest to u one day.


ur servant,

manu dasa

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Hare Krishna

I live quite far from the Hare Krishna temple and cannot go there often, so I would like to start my own deity worship. I chant 4 rounds and have no other deities. Would it be alright for me to start worshipping Radha Krishna deities in my home, or should I wait. I am a neophyte devotee and would like to worship sri Radha Krsna.

Should I buy some deities or should I wait?

Hare Krishna


Hari Bolo!


You could do like I did sixteen years ago - make some [blue] murtis of your own - these are hand painted and made of plastic - not very difficult to do - then you may love them more and may be more inclined to serve them:



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how did you make them from plastic?



Hari Bolo!


You could do like I did sixteen years ago - make some [blue] murtis of your own - these are hand painted and made of plastic - not very difficult to do - then you may love them more and may be more inclined to serve them:

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i was under the impression that you could offer tulsi leaeves to krsna in home worship. also, if srimati tulsi flowers, you have to offer them as you cannot throw them. also, if you want to offer food you need tulsi on the offering.

so is it alright to offer tulasi at the lords lotus feet?





u can worship the pictures, as they are non-different from the 3-dimensional murti (form of the lord) and no u shouldnt sing jaye jagadisha hare arati to them. this is a song for material gain, u can chant vaisnava songs like gaura arati- guruvastakam etc.

generally u dont offer tulasi in the home. u can worship her everyday and sing her kirtan. yes eka-dipa (1 lamp) is fine.

but i am of the opinion that if u truly desire to have deities and worship them, then u should. it is one of the nine processes of devotional service. i myself have radha kunjabihari (marble) and nitai-gaurasundara (neem wood) deities in my home and worship them everyday. however, i have been trained to do this as i am a pujari.

but start by sincerely worshipping the pictures and krsna will manifest to u one day.

ur servant,

manu dasa

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generally as i said in home worship, we dont put tulasi on the bhoga arpana (food offering) u dont "need it" as u say. i place tulasi by mudra and by calling her in mantra.


usually tulasi leaves are for INSTALLED deities. but of course if u have srimati tulasi devi and she flowers u offer the manjaris. never throw them out, i was not suggesting this either.


and about the plastic, this is fine i guess for home worship, although it is not considered to be one of the "bona fide" materials for archana. where shastra says- stone, metal, clay, cow dung etc.

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If You read read the Bible as a follower of one of the faiths that originate from that book you will notice that there are two creation stories. First God mad man and woman in his image, then he made man then woman from the rib of man after forming man from the dust of the earth in his image but still in his image as male an female the Bible says in our image we made them male and female. Jesus known as the only begotten son of god through Mary notice that because before the flood of Noah sons of God came down from heaven and knew the women here on earth, Jesus prayed a secificated prayer to maked the kingdom of heaven be here on earth as it is in heaven above. By doing so making images of those thing which was previously forbidden or called idolaterous is now a welcomed practice,


I write this response to you in dear one please, anythin in the heavens above and on earth bring into yout home and build as place ti goi and meet and love and bring joy so that the lotus feet of krishna can dance his feet amoung our with songs of praise. Adorn yours self as he does and enjoy life as the peacock strut for the dance to begin and the others to follow as the flute is played,

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Hare Krsna,

Originally Posted by Guest

Hare Krishna

I live quite far from the Hare Krishna temple and cannot go there often, so I would like to start my own deity worship. I chant 4 rounds and have no other deities. Would it be alright for me to start worshipping Radha Krishna deities in my home, or should I wait. I am a neophyte devotee and would like to worship sri Radha Krsna.

Should I buy some deities or should I wait?

Hare Krishna

As others have stated above, it would be nice for you to begin your deity worship with a set of Gaura Nitai. They are very merciful and will forgive offenses more readily than Radha Krsna deities. As you become more fix in your devotion and regularity you came also get Radha-Krsna for worship. Srila Prabhupada wished to see Gaura Nitai worship in everyhome.

I can't post url addresses yet, so you should visit krishna (dot) com for nice detailed articles on daily deity home worship and also you can puchase deities and all items necessary for Their worship.

Here are some quotes from Srila Prabhhupada on Gaura Nitai worship:

We are worshipping Lord Krishna and Lord Balaram in their forms of Gaura-Nitai because They are most forgiving of our shortcomings.


"Irregularity in worshipping Guru and Gauranga can be tolerated, as They are always kind and forgiving, but irregularity in worshipping Lord Jagannath and Sri Sri Radha-Krishna is not good."

"Lord Chaitanya is very kind and He accepts the simplest worship or sincere chanting of the holy name of Krishna."

"Gaura-Nitai can be established anywhere, and it is simple to worship Them. Simply chant before Their Lordships. He doesn't mind that you haven't decorated very nicely, but if you chant and dance, He is very pleased."

The Hare Krishna maha-mantra goes like this:

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama Hare Hare


So, to begin with, Gaura Nitai is very nice. Just chanting your rounds before Them is worshiping them. If you can do more such as dressing and arti and offering foodstuffs this is great!

I myself live far from a temple and have a very beautful set of Gaura NItai who are so merciful toward me. I worship them to the best of my ability but I know it's not perfect worship. But They are SOOO sweet.

Someday, I too wish to have lovely Radha Krsna deities, but until I'm settled and know I can do at least one arti daily for Them and care for Them properly I will not attempt Radha Krsna deity worship. Hope this helps you. Don't lose heart, the Lord accepts whatever service you are able to perform regardless of how great or small it is. Hare Krsna!

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They are soo cute aren't They? I love them! Their forms are brass which I painted. What looks like chandan on Their faces is actually gold. The lighting in the pics isn't so great, sorry about that. They are 8 inches tall including bases. I got them trough krishna. com. Having Sri Gaura Nitai with me again is soo enlivening! I see Them first thing in the morning and last thing at night.

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Guest guest

wow, it must be great to worship deities, seeing yours has really increased me desire to worship deities, although due to family situation i cannot.

so i will go on worshipping sri radha krsna in picture form along with gopal, panca tattvs, sita rama laxman hanuman, nrsingha and tulasi maharani.


i plan to buy some deities from krishna.com one day


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Hare Krishna

I live quite far from the Hare Krishna temple and cannot go there often, so I would like to start my own deity worship. I chant 4 rounds and have no other deities. Would it be alright for me to start worshipping Radha Krishna deities in my home, or should I wait. I am a neophyte devotee and would like to worship sri Radha Krsna.

Should I buy some deities or should I wait?

Hare Krishna

you have to consult with devotees and go to temple even it may be far away to ask about deity installation

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