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i am a devotee of krishna even before i heard about ISKCON--


om shree krishnaya namah

i just love krishna as my dear friend--i happened to read the book "krsna" and found the pictures quite interesting---but then when i read on i found passages which has a lot of emphasis on describing the bodily beauty of women and which had a lot of wordly flavour--i felt disgusted for there wasnt any need for this detailed descriptions---they just arouse bad thoughts in those who just think of krishna as a worldly person with many wives--or is it just to tell the foreign devotees the story in terms they are more used to.


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Krsna Book is from the Srimad Bhagavatam, which is by Srila Vyasadeva, the incarnation of Krishna who has written all the Vedic scriptures. If Bhagavan Vyasadeva chose to describe the beauty of the gopis, it is because it is extremely important to the devotee when he reaches the stage of devotion to appreciate such descriptions without attaching material contamination to such descriptions. The only reason they seem worldly is because we are not at the stage of devotion pure enough to understand that the beauty of the gopis is not mundane beauty, but transcendental beauty. The gopis did not have material bodies, but transcendental bodies consisting of eternal bliss and knowledge.


The arousal of bad thoughts just remind us of our own material contamination.


Hare Krishna,

Your Servant.

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"i am a devotee of krishna even before i heard about ISKCON--"


"devotee of krsna" or "krsna bhakta" means "KRSNA LOVER"



a lover wants to know all the activities of the beloved one to increase his feelings, so you have to accept the Krsna's behaviour and appreciate it


srila prabhupada, in this book, shows krsna's life and behaviour as it is..

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no, this is matreial conception. pure devotees will realise that this is only on the spiritual platform. who are we, the shudra's of the kali age, to critize the description of the gopi's or srilavyasadev's scripture-the ripened fruit of vedic lietature? we are merely taking everything to be on our platform, ie materially/for sense gratification. only those gopi's of vraja, knew how to worship krsna with their mind body and soul. every movement, every step, every breath, all they thought of was Krsna. they could not live without him. this was all they thought about. the gopis were just expansions of krsna pleasure potency, which is only spiritual not at all tainted by our fickle and disgusting minds. they gave everything to him, for which, he was always there in vraja caring for them and loving them. all gloried to those gopis, of who, srimati radharani is the most prominent and dear to sri krsna.

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