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illicit sex and failure in life

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Illicit sex = failure in life. Discharging semen other than for getting child is illicit sex. I have experienced failures in life due to not protecting semen. People need to understand how dangerous, wasting semen is. One thing is- man looses his manhood due to not protecting semen. He will not be able to produce a male child.(If discharge of man is more compared to woman, child born will be a male).

I have seen many huge people who thinks becoming fat and strong is great. But unfortunately, they don't have capacity to produce a male child. An apparently thin person gets male child, because he is sexually less active. Any way my saying similar to what Clint Eastwood said in movie "Good, bad & the Ugly": There are only 2 kinds of people in this world my freind. One who wastes semen(he will be destroyed), and other who does not discharge his semen(Will be 100% successful in life).

Americans are generally ignorant on the disastrous consequence of not protecting semen. I request them, to come and stay in India to get reformed. (It will be painful initially. But is required).





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Veerya (Semen) – the vital fluid


God is Rasa. Rasa is Veerya, the vital fluid or semen. You can attain eternal bliss and peace by preserving the Veerya. Brahmacharya means control of the Veerya. The vital force or Veerya is preserved only by one who is established in the practice of Brahmacharya. The vital fluid or semen is lost and wasted during sexual indulgence.

From food comes juice or chyle; from chyle comes blood and flesh; from flesh comes fat; from fat comes bones; from bones come marrow. Lastly, from marrow comes semen. The Veerya comes out of the very marrow concealed in the bones. It is found in a subtle state in all the cells of the body. Mark here how precious the semen is! It is the last essence of food. It is the essence of essences.

As the vital force is the most precious substance in the physical body, it should be carefully preserved. Its wastage means loss of physical and mental energy.

It is said that a drop of semen comes out of forty drops of blood. According to Ayurveda it comes from eighty drops of blood.

Just a sugar pervades the entire sugarcane and butter pervades milk, so also semen pervades the whole body. Just as buttermilk is thinned after the butter has been extracted, so also the semen is thinned by its wastage. The more the wastage of the semen, the more the physical and mental weakness.

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