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xact dates of BG

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haRi b0l,

can some one plz clear mE xact dates when BG was happened n when it got 2 us as a scripture,,also mE n my fren had a argument,,I say

-----> b4 Bible/jesus no chrictianity iz there means,,,no god??

----->He says Bible was written b4 rigveda,,

Can some1 clear me with xact dates of VEDAS,Upanishads,n Gita,,,plzzzzzzz

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The Bhagavad-gita spoken approx. 5137 years ago and it was written in a book around that time.


The Vedas is knowledge that was give to the first living being created by Lord Vishnu, Lord Bramha. Approx 150 trillion years ago. Although it was actually only written down about 5000 years ago. In the current cycle of creation the Vedas has existed for 2 billion years, and 5000 years in written format.


It is fact that the Vedic scriptures are the oldest scriptures known to man, and it's also proven. But still the demons will not accept this truth.


The Bible was written about 300 years after Jesus (1700 years ago), and it has been adulterated many times since then.



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