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Hare Krishna, All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


Historic Jagannath Rath Yatra Festival

One could have easily mistaken this to be the effort of a large ISKCON temple in the neighborhood. What was put up by a handful of enthusiastic devotees from Nagpada on 9th April was unprecedented.

The rath yatra was flagged off at about 2:30 pm with the local municipal authority sweeping the streets for Lord Jagannath. All the apprehensions of the local devotees, wanting to give the mercy of Lord Jagannath to the maximum number of people, were cast away as ecstasy reigned supreme with hundreds of people joining in to dance for the pleasure of Their Lordships Jagannath, Baldev and Subhadra. As the cart royally passed through over dozen streets of Kamathipura, more than a thousand joined in the festivities. A large young group dancing most excitedly was the major highlight of the parade. As hundreds of teenagers danced wildly non-stop for over four and half hours, even the onlookers were dragged in by the uproarious kirtan. Many unabashedly joined in as the brahmacharis led by Gaur Gopal Prabhu, Akinchana Krishna Prabhu and Gauranga Prabhu led ecstatic kirtans one after another. The narrow lanes lined with many rugged and dilapidated structures, with drainage lines flowing freely everywhere had a sanctified transformation on this historic evening.

Beautiful rangolis were drawn in front of the cart as it turned into each street. Bullock carts carrying children, medical and police vans to avert trouble (fortunately there was none), banners, flags and festoons, volunteers offering chaas, water and juices at every corner made it a very memorable event. At every second block, local residents atop their buildings showered Marigolds and other fragrant flowers on the procession.

The local Telugu sangha center, where the pandal had been set up had around 1500 people squeezed in to hear every word of the lecture given by H.G. Shyamanand Prabhu. The arati, kirtans and prasadam for all the guests made it an unforgettable experience. It was most inspiring to see what the enthusiasm and determination of even a few devotees can do to spread the glories of the holy name.

As the last kirtan ended and the crowd thronged to the prasadam tables, Bhakta Raj was seen making friends with Murtuza, a local, who was deeply touched by this devotional effort. Mutuza is now looking forward to the monthly Prerana on 23rd April……


Barsana Eye camp

We continue with the realizations of devotees, who participated in the Barsana Eye camp, 2005.

Like every year, the experience was very satisfying and fulfilling. I am sure that a book can easily be compiled with realizations of all the volunteers.

The arrangement for stay and prasadam was of very high quality, almost like a private Nursing Home. We volunteers would look after not only the medical needs but also personal needs of the Brijwasis - like feeding them, taking them to the toilet etc.

Satisfied with our services, many Brijwasis would get homemade roti, makhan-misri, buttermilk for us. We were also offered Mahaprasadam from various Temples of Barsana.

One Brijwasi lovingly called me one day and made me sit next to her. Then she insisted that I should go with her to her house and she wanted to feed me sweet milk prepared with her own hands. This touched my heart so much due to her genuine loving gesture.

Another Brijwasi lady refused to go home on discharge and kept on requesting that she wanted to stay with us there. This was so inspiring and encouraging!

The entire team of 18-20 volunteers was trying to serve the Brijwasis with a grateful heart that they were accepting some service from us. Everyone had only one motive – to serve the Brijwasis in the best way. Everyone would do any menial service without any hesitation in a very humble mood. This was instilled in our hearts by H. H. Radhanath Maharaj, who taught us in what mood we should serve the Brijwasis.

We could feel inner happiness by serving these great devotees of Srimati Radharani. I am indebted to my Guru Maharaj and all Vaishnavas for allowing me to be an insignificant servant in this great service, and pray that they continue to allow me to render some service in this Camp every year.

Premamanjari devi dasi (Post-operative Ward In-charge)


News from Gopal’s Garden High School

One more memorable event of the year…..

Our school was blessed by the visit of H.H. Chandramouli Maharaj, H.G. Jananivas Prabhu and H.G. Yadubara Prabhu on Monday (4/4/05). The staff and children of Gopal’s Garden High School welcomed them with heartfelt happiness. Children of first, second, third standards sang ‘the school song’ – ‘Prabhupada has built this world a home……’. Children of fourth, fifth, and sixth standard sang ‘Krishna jinka naam hai….’. They greeted the children with a big smile.

They visited each and every classroom spending ample time with the children and had a nice interaction with them. Children of Khelanvan were making an ice-cream cone out of chart paper as a summer activity. When it was offered with love to Jananivas Prabhu, instantly he made funny noises and said “I love to have Ice-cream” and that way he won the hearts of the kids. Children of second standard chanted Bhagavad Gita Slokas with translation. These wonderful devotees were really proud to see our small children singing with love and devotion. When they entered the 3rd standard and saw the charts put up on the topic ‘Agriculture’, immediately Jananivas Prabhu said, “Man sows the seeds, rain comes, but Krishna makes the crops to grow.” Children of 3rd standard chanted the sloka ‘Vidya Vinaya sampanne…..’ along with the translation.

When they visited 7th std. and saw the charts on ‘Static Electricity’, they asked the children how they would connect the topic to Krishna consciousness. Children replied, “when we get positively charged in Krishna Consciousness, we can spread this positive charge among so many people – We will not allow ourselves to become negatively charged by bad company.”

H.H. Chandramouli Maharaj was very much appreciative about the ‘Soul talk’ – sessions happening in our school. He said, ‘It is very nice that children are given freedom to express themselves’.

It was indeed a great experience for all of us and we are fortunate to get the blessings of these great devotees.


ISKCON Youth Services yatra

This year, the IYS yatra is going to Sri Rangam, Rameshwaram and Madurai. The dates are from 22nd June to 30th June, 2005. Only unmarried boys in the age group of 18-30 are allowed. The last date for registration is 20th of April 2005. Forms are available in the gift shop. Completed forms have to be returned to gift shop only. For more details see the temple notice board or contact H.G. Vrajbihari Prabhu.


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