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Do all Christians & Muslims go to hell?

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The above statement might seem absurd, but going by the fact, (i suppose atleast 90% of Christians & Muslims are meat eaters) majority of them enjoy meat & that too of a cow. Now if you go by Indian Shastra you can easily conclude that these guys must be going to hell, since it is mentioned that meat eating is a serious sin & Cow is considered as a mother. Learned Guru's your comments please.

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Description of Life On The Hellish Planets


What exactly is hell? The Vedic scriptures describe hell as planets where the sinners are taken after this life for their punishment.


From the Srimad Bhagavatam canto 5.


There are thousands of hellish planets. Here are the names and details of life on some of these hellish planets. Each planet is meant for punishing the humans according to their sins.


Animal Killers/Tormentors


In this life, an envious person commits violent acts against many living entities. Therefore after his death, when he is taken to hell by Yamarāja, those living entities who were hurt by him appear as animals called rurus to inflict very severe pain upon him. Learned scholars call this hell Raurava. Not generally seen in this world, the ruru is more envious than a snake.


Punishment in the hell called Mahāraurava is compulsory for a person who maintains his own body by hurting others. In this hell, ruru animals known as kravyāda torment him and eat his flesh.


For the maintenance of their bodies and the satisfaction of their tongues, cruel persons cook poor animals and birds alive. Such persons are condemned even by man-eaters. In their next lives they are carried by the Yamadūtas to the hell known as Kumbhīpāka, where they are cooked in boiling oil.


If a human being kills or torments insignificant creatures. The Supreme Lord punishes such a man by putting him into the hell known as Andhakūpa, where he is attacked by all the birds and beasts, reptiles, mosquitoes, lice, worms, flies, and any other creatures he tormented during his life. They attack him from all sides, robbing him of the pleasure of sleep. Unable to rest, he constantly wanders about in the darkness. Thus in Andhakūpa his suffering is just like that of a creature in the lower species.


Those who hunt and kill animals unnecessarily, he is placed after death into the hell known as Prāṇarodha. There the assistants of Yamarāja make him their targets and pierce him with arrows.


** end of srimad bhagavatam **


One important thing is that know-one goes to hell for ever. Hell and heaven are temporary. After a life in hell, the sinners will get another chance.


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  • 1 month later...
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the idea of hell for unknowlageable people is amazing to me, i would lovea reasonable explanation to why meat eaters that are not informed go to hell?

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it is very simple, take this example: if someone murders a person, and he is taken too the court, then he cant make the excuse that i didn't know that i wasn't allowed to murder. if he knows or not he will be punished.


this is a clear answer, if you dont understand than your mind isnt clear yet, so try to come to the mode of goodness

and you will see things as they are. And i know that you cant take critic because youre conciousness isnt purified yet but it is my duty to say this for your own good.


best wishes

Hare Krishna


hare krishna

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if others eat even excrement and go to hell or fly heaven will this mean you are better able to live the life you have don't wait for any other person to perfect themself before you do, criticise only yourself.

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Hare Krishna,


Not sure about Christians as there is no prescription that prescribes the eating of meat, however in the case of Islam it is clearly stated in the Qu'ran that meat-eating is allowed under strict regulations. I.e. the creature should be slaughtered according to a specific ritual and whilst uttering the name of God etc. Since it is thus allowed by Allah,God, it cannot condemn them to hell. They don't go by the Vedic scriptures, they go by their own scriptures and therefore have different jurisdiction and consequently a different level of God-realization. We should all observe the principles of time & circumstance, God's message to guide a certain people, like when Muhammed preached the Qu'ran. Given the desert environment, and the type of people living in that environment, a certain religious prescription is made specifically for those people in such circumstances. But now Islam has spread worldwide, to different habitats, but they keep the principles set for the original time & circumstance. Vedic scriptures are the universal standard,the original dharma and they address every time & circumstance. However, different people, different tastes, so God can deliver specific temporary dharma's to guide a specific people with specific needs, as in the case of Christianity, Islam, Bhuddism etc..



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This is from the Gospel of the Holy 12. The original gospel from which the present 4 are derived


12. And certain of the Elders and Scribes from the Temple came unto him saying, Why do thy disciples teach men that it is unlawful to eat the flesh of beasts though they be offered in sacrifice as by Moses ordained.

13. For it is written, God said to Noah, The fear and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the field, and every bird of the air, and every fish of the sea, into your hand they are delivered.

14. And Jesus said unto them, Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias speak of you, and your forefathers, sayings This people draweth nigh unto Me, with their mouths, and honour me with their lips, but their heart is far from me, for in vain do they worship Me teaching and believing, and teaching for divine doctrines, the commandments of men in my name but to satisfy their own lusts.

15. As also Jeremiah bear witness when he saith, concerning blood offerings and sacrifices I the Lord God commanded none of these things in the day that ye came out of Egypt, but only this I commanded you to do, righteousness, walk in the ancient paths, do justice, love, mercy, and walk humbly with thy God.

16. But ye did not hearken to Me, Who in the beginning gave you all manner of seed, and fruit of the trees and seed having been for the food and healing of man and beast. And they said, Thou speakest against the law.

17. And he said “Against Moses indeed I do not speak, nor against the law, but against them who corrupted his law, which he permitted for the hardness of your hearts.”

18. But, behold, a greater than Moses is here! and they were wrath and took up stones to cast at him. And Jesus passed through their midst and was hidden from their violence.


- Gospel of the Holy Twelve Book 6 Lection 1



WE see here clearly why meat eating was allowed. Note that you always had to do something special with it, HALAL or KOSHER, because the society at the time accepted meat eating these things were instituted to make people think about why they have to do these things, Why do we have to do something special when we kill an animal and not a plant. But these meanings are largely forgotten.

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Jesus is criticizing for eating meat in the name of sacrifice, but then doing away with the sacrifice.


“Against Moses indeed I do not speak, nor against the law, but against them who corrupted his law, which he permitted for the hardness of your hearts.”


it reminds me of Buddhadeva. he established buddhist philosophy to throw out the vedas. why throw out the vedas? because people were committing too many animal sacrifices in the name of vedas. so better to throw out the old books and reestablish the same concepts, such as dharma, karma, and ahimsa. interesting parallel.

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"Jesus is criticizing for eating meat in the name of sacrifice, but then doing away with the sacrifice. "


He was not criticizing meat eating in the name of sacrifice. The people were telling him that Moses said they could eat meat if it was Kosher. He told them NO this is wrong that it is never right to eat meat these laws like kosher were only there to wean people away gradually

"which he permitted for the hardness of your hearts".


But he never tried to get the people to abandon the old ways.. he even said "Walk in the ancient paths".

Buddha I have heard also told a lot of the brahmins that THEY are wrong but their ancestors knew the truth, indicating that the vedas were correct but they had the wrong understanding of it

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if others eat even excrement and go to hell or fly heaven will this mean you are better able to live the life you have don't wait for any other person to perfect themself before you do, criticise only yourself.



hari bol



I dont know what you mean by this vague words. If you want too make a point, do it clearly. But if you have nothing to say be silent.

Also, to be critical isnt bad, but the intention can be. So

if the intention is good , there is nothing wrong with the critic. If we had too follow your philosophy the world would fall into chaos. Then for example a father could not critizise his child for doing something wrong. The child would then turn a burden for himself and for others.

please understand me, im not saying your a child, its just a extreme example for making this point clear. Also if there

wasn't any need for critic then why does a guru rectifies and chastise a student if needed.


Thank you for your reply.


Hare Krishna

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