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I am Gay is that a problem

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My dear son, you are showing some interest in Krishna. This is very good for you. Not many is interested in spiritual life. Spiritual life means I am not this body, I am a spirit soul. To realize this you have to approch a bonify Guru. He will tell you what is good for you as spirit soul and he will help you according to your present situation to become a Krishna devotee. How can you get a bonify Guru? Only Krishna knows who is his man, so you pray to Krishna and he will send you his man. Do not be affraid and be patient. Sincere soul will never be deceived. This is Krishnas promise. As soon you will realize (not just teoreticaly from books but from asociation with pure devotee - Guru)that you are spirit soul you will be able to cross over this material designations and acked on the spiritual platform. Then you will be free from all problems that comes from this material bondage. You will realize ananda - bliss that comes from Krishnas service.

This is a huge goal for a tiny spirit soul but it is not imposible. It is possible by the mercy of Sree Caitanya Mahaprabhu who is giving this bigest tresure to every one regardless of his material position. Sree Guru is His representative and if you sincerely serve him he can impart to you this Krishna prem - love to Godhead, love to Krishna.

If you realy want this - then you go for it. It is the best think you can get, it is the perfection of life. Not many is eligable to get this. To find a sudha bhakta - pure devotee is very rear. They have this Krishna prem and they are the only persons that can give it to you.


I wish you all the best in your life and may Krishna bless you.


tunga Vidya dasi


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the bottom line is that being "homosexual" or "heterosexual" defines just that...sexual preference, which is just sensual pleasure.


you have to ask yourself this question:


"will intercourse with a same sex partner produce a child that i can raise to become a servant of Krishna?


that is the only purpose of sexual activity..anything else is just lust.


now you may say, "well what about adoption?"....to that i say "well what about giving up your sexual desires?"


give them up and then you will see what life is truly about.


can you do it for the Lord?....take one step towards Him, and you will see that he will take a thousand steps to you.


There is no such thing as "gay" or "straight". it's just a matter of controlling your senses and directing them towards the service of Krishna.


those who say homosex is not bad as long as you serve Krishna are lost....stop over analyzing it. Just stop and pick: Krishna or Lust. Krishna does not toy with you, so why toy with him.


and believe it when i say this...Krishna will not punish you for making the wrong decision...you will end up punishing your self. He has no desire for you to suffer. He will let you do as you please.



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  • 1 month later...

so where is the problem??? if you really want to join hare krishna society/become krishna concious nobody will embarrass you! planet is full of human beings and all (most /images/graemlins/smile.gif) will be controlled from the three modes of material nature...and some people attracted by the same sex/gay. i don't think that to "demonize" gay is the right way to understand krishnas plan and infinite possibilities in this world. it's better not to judge about gays, it's only a different combination of the three modes of material nature! we don't have to forget that every "normal" person is in a similar position like a gay, because normal person is attracted in girls...so...where is the "real" difference? the difference is small, attracted in girls is natural for a boy, attracted in the same sex is only the other side of the coin! (coin=adherence + aversion)

1. boy likes girl=adherence

2. boy likes boy=perverted adherence (aversion)

krishna-consciousness or the way to become free from the influence from the three modes of material nature means to become free from all adherence/attachment and aversion. so...both problems will solved, problem 1 and 2.

it's uninteresting which problem you have, 1 or 2, fact is that we all have one of them. it's silly to quarrel among one another about 1 and/or 2! and it's unintelligent to demonize or critisize gay people, because we cannot see their lives before. maybe there were a woman/girl in the life before and the attraction rest in present body. and it's normal that girls attracted in boys and boys attracted in girls, only body is now different. people speaking about demonic mentality are in ignorance about reincarnation and karma. in this world we have all posibilities to acting and earning karma and it's all coming from krishna, He gives us the potentiality to get a karma whatever someone want!!! to be a gay is indeed "abormal" but mad/lusty for a girl too.


bhismadeva dasa brahmacari

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Seek the Lord Krishna with your entire being.... when his love fills you, everything else sheds off... That will be your rebirth and your ultimate 'Mukti'. Call on His name with your entire heart and you will find peace...Om Shanti

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is insane, regardless of what spiritual path you follow, or what god/s you worship, you should still depend on your own common sense and civility. Not just with gay rights issues, but with life as a whole.


I'm tired of being told what I am, as if I werent human. Being gay is natural and has been since the beginning of time. If you doubt this, just use your common sense or ever think of simply asking us? Why would people choose to be treated the way they are? To be denied basic rights, not to mention a basic feeling of safety most others take for granted. And what god/s would denie their devotees love and happiness for something that comes natural to them?


In short, we do not choose to be who we are anymore then you do. We're human, and our life is just as valid as yours and we deserve the same chance of happiness as everyone else. Basic civility will take you far, I think you'll find that you learn more when you respect and listen rather then forcing yourself on others.



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nobody is born perfect I reckon.But nobody should ever,for any reason be deterred from beggining to love God.He is the only one who can sort your problems out,and for this you need to learn to be sincere and approach Him,in what ever way you can...It is not just a matter of joining the "harrys" either.Krsna is bigger than any movement in the entire universe.If you are sincerely trying to develope spiritually,consider what it says in bhagavad gita,(i cant find mine I think someones got it),that if you cant live up to the standards,just try to respect those who do.I dont know why you are gay,,,life is complicated.But surely this does not stop you from developing qualities where yo u can,,like being good to people,or praying, or thanking Krsna for a beautifull sunset,or a good day...even if you are gay,,Krsna is still in controll of your life,it is still him who is providing you with everything you need,,even your life itself..."all follow my path in all respects "(B.G).anyway the objective of spiritual understanding is to refrain from sex-life,as far as one can.Take your steps towards krsna,by all means.

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find me the proof in the scriptures that says being homosexual is a natural tendency.


does homosex lead to KC children ????


answer: NO, so it's not natural tendency.....our ORIGINAL natural tendencies have been polluted.

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Our previous Acharyas including Prabhupada have said "what ever you are doing just add Krishna". We need to be careful in passing judgement on others. Everyone needs and deserves Krishna's mercy. I think we should welcome everyone in ISKCON and leave the flow of mercy up to Krishna, and not try to be controllers and gate keepers ourselves.

We should never get in the way of stopping anyone from making spiritual progress. How about some compassion here?

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Hare Krishna.


Everyone should be allowed to progress in spiritual life.


Which is better, letting a gay/lesbian person be krishna consciousness or let them be atheists?


A true devotee will want everyone to be krishna conscious. Regardless of the sins commited.


By being KC, that's their only hope of becoming purified.



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The thing is that the gays are not really interested in pursuing a spiritual life , their real interest is in spreading their disease upon society, they want to force any one who is not in the gay community to accept their lifestyle .....................if you ask me they are one of the biggest threats our society faces........and I am not tryng to stirr anything up here , that is just my opinion.

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I agree. How can gays be a threat? Straight men commit rape. Straight men become serial killers, terrorists, bank robbers etc. Does that mean straight men should be eliminated from KC?

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Gay's are a threat because they have an agenda to change societies perception of such a demonic act, they are trying to establish gay marriage so that they can be passed off as normal every day folk.It is a gateway to severe moral decay.


But it might be too late , too much damage has been done already , they are ecery where, on TV , Movies, politics, school systems etc etc etc.


Do yourself a favor and go listen to Jagad Gurus lecture on the subject.

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The bigger problem in KC are the high frequency of broken marriages where a spouse leaves their spouse for another partner, and children are left to fend for themselves.

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If the Husband and wife are both KC, then there is no excuse for divorce.


If one of them in not KC, then I can understand it.


If both are so-called KC and decide to get divorced, they really haven't understood KC.


KC means we live to serve Lord Krishna, and not our senses. This means how could we have disagreements and end up diovorcing?


When we live to serve our senses then we may get fed up with our partner and move onto to another.


A devotee is supposed to be more tolerant then a tree and lower than grass. So how could the husband and wife fight with each other and separate?


In the christain marraiges ceremony they say 'til death do us part'. This has been taken as 'til death to my lust for you'.


If you are KC, then there is no question of lust for anything. Thus devotees should not divorce if they are serious about serving Lord Krishna.


Divorcing means you are fed-up with someone who you once loved and vowed to live with til death. If you cannot keep your vow to a human being, then how can you keep your vow of service to Lord Krishna?


Mother earth can tolerate anything, but not those who break their promises.


If you look at the lives of our grandparents, even those of westerners. Marriage in those days was not based on lust, just by arrangement. Looks and personalities didn't matter in those days, sexul lust is the modern invention of the West. Our grandparents had nothing compared to what we have today but they were a millions times happier in their marriages and lives than any of us today.


The concept of love in the old days was that there was zero love before marriage, and it increased after marriage. In reality the love did increase and that's why divorce was extremely rare of in the days of our grandparents. The modern day conception of love is that 100% love first then marriage. The result is that love decrases after marriages, and eventually decreases to zero within a few years then there is divorce.



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  • 3 weeks later...

This is appalling. I’ve always respected Hinduism and it’s followers because of its usual understanding, pacifist, live and let live majority. But this is beyond insulting. Your saying you need a religious doctrine to point out what common sense can tell you? There is nothing evil or immoral about homosexuality. I am gay, so I cannot speak on behalf of the hetero community. But we do not choose to be gay; it’s just common sense. So I’m finding it immensely hard to understand why the majority is so sure that we do. Is it because you yourselves are actually attracted to both sexes by default? And if so why do you assume we’re the same way.


There are those in this world, purely attracted to the opposite sex, those that are partial to both, and then those that are attracted to the same. Now the ones born with an equal attraction for both may choose their preference. However the other two extremes cannot change the way they were naturally created. So you’re telling them to go their entire lives unhappy and in fear of being true to themselves, just because you do not approve.


And saying that gays do not seek a spiritual life is beyond idiocy. I was born into a Christian family, but rejected it at the age of 13 when I discovered the obvious ignorance of it when I realized I was different. Since then I have covered the basics and gone a little more in depth in numerous religions. Including paganism, Buddhism and it’s different branches, Taoism, Animism, Jainism (which I’m also a vegan and have nothing but the highest respect for their devotion to pro-life), Kemetic Orthodox, and your own Hinduism, amongst others.


We have the same craving to understand why and who we are, and our place in the universe just as everyone else does. To count a person out of that just because they’re different, whether it is because of sexuality, race, political stance, or otherwise is just cruel ignorance at it’s finest and only furthers to support hate, as the two walk hand in hand.


I’m still struggling with my faith; I hope I find my answers. I’ve found that the majority of the religions in this world are earth based, which while promising leaves something to be desired. As if they assume the world will be here forever. Our world is about 4.5 billion years old. And we’ve been there with you for as long as you have been with us. But our sun is about middle aged right now, in another 1.5 – 2 billion years, it’s going to expand and become a red dwarf, taking out Mercury, Venus, and Earth in the process before it becomes a white dwarf in the final act of a sort of cosmic rebirth. And while this thought terrifies me, as everything we’ve ever known will be stardust and forgotten, I find comfort in the fact that if we had all the answers what would be the point in living. It’s our sense of pioneering, search for knowledge that drives us. Gays and Heteros both included. We’re all living beings, all lives just as valid, and this blind ignorance and hate only halts the progress and good of all.


So gays do seek and explore the spiritual, just as you do. We do not seek to exclude you or halt your progress, so why do you find it necessary to attempt to halt ours? I realize this does not go for all of you, there have been just as many of you on this site defending equality as those against it. But please give thought to what you say and do before you judge so hastily. Thank you.


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Take your homosexual propaganda to Gay.com......... we are looking to detach ourselfs from the filth of this world, you sir are simply looking to add to it.


I am not in ignorance I have done plenty of research on the matter, Homosexuals have fallen into the worst kind of ignorance.

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I'd truly like to know how trying to promote equality and acceptance adds to anything negative? And I believe that you'll find the "filth" in this world comes from people such as yourself turning eachother against one another.


You make bold comments without delving into why you feel the way you do, simply a run-by bashing to futher encourage the debate.

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If you want to be gay be gay I am nobody to judge you.


However be prepared to have your lifestyle rejected by our Gurus teachings.Just as drug use, gambling, etc, etc,

are forbidden so is being gay.


I cant believe the dmonic programs the gays are trying to push on our kids , I know all about it. the tuition for gays to go to college as long as they get involved in gay issues, the gay clubs in schools, gay marraige, etc etc etc,


It is evil, just plain evil and I cant beleive you come on the site to preach that junk.

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I preached nothing. Let me be perfectly clear about that. I am only one person, who sees things differently then everyone else through my personal experiences and have expressed them here, it was never my intention to "preach" at anyone, including you.


I am not fully aware of how Hinduism regards homosexuality, although I am beginning to. I had hoped for more openness and understanding. In all honesty this reminds me of the current Christian hatefulness that’s happening in America right now.


I don't understand how you can compare homosexuality with drug abuse and gambling, simply because of the fact that these are personal choices, where being gay so obviously isn’t, and if you thought about it you'd realize that. Indeed a person may choose not to act on it, and live a life of unhappiness in the dark. Or they can choose to be true to who they were born to be. I'll leave it up to you to decide which path the divine would favor. Living a lie, or having the courage to stand up for what you believe.


Also... you make it sound as if gays are targeting your kids, as if we're out to turn them. Well by that logic straight parents only have straight kids... that’s a little mind boggling because if that’s true... then how did homosexuality begin?


And these things that you call demonic I call progress. It's showing the world that we're people too. And I think any group that would reach out to gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender individuals as children and young adults would save them a lot of grief and fear and maybe enhance their lives for the better. Why would you deny them that? I don't see how it's affecting you at all. It's funny how it seems to be the ones our rights have nothing to do with that seem to be the most concerned.


Your really abandoning reason and civility here. We've been around just as long as you... but unlike race, we're not as easy to target, because we're born into any home, anywhere, at any given time. We're not a disease, a lifestyle, or a choice. We are who we are by nature, proud by choice.


It's clear that I won’t find what I'm searching for here, so this will be my last posting. Not because you've shamed me or my thoughts, because I stand by them because I believe them to be true. But because I don’t enjoy conflict or having to defend myself, especially towards those that are supposed to know the full extent of love. I wish you all the very best though, and hope that I've at least opened a few minds.


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