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Never Eat:


* Onions

* Garlic

* Meat

* Fish

* Eggs

* Carrots


is what I read on a website. But why no carrots? What's wrong with that? This is confusing as I've got about 3 Vedic cooking books from the Krishna temples which have loads of recipes with carrots in them. Can some explain this? I understand the reasoning for all of the above but can find no fault in eating carrots.


Thank you and


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Hare Krishna!


All glories to Srila Prabhupada! I offer my humble obeisances unto him!


you know what...i have read this myself but i thought it was no carrots during only Ekadasi days. But, then, even on Ekadasi days, i heard ISKCON prasadam had carrots in it. So, i figured, i will eat carrots when i feel like it. Actually, iam not a big fan of carrots.


ANyways, i guess, you can forego the information on the website or abstain from it. I chose the earlier one and no...i dont know why know the reason for no carrots.





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ISKCON does not observe this carrot restriction.


certainly on Ekadasi carrot and coconut halava is a favourite treat!


Gaudiya Math (Narayana Maharaj etc) do not eat carrots.


The story i read is this (pasted from gaudiya - discussions website):




There is supposedly a story in some Purana about the origin of carrots, onions, garlic, fish and red lentils. The story about a a sage and his wife runs as follows:


The sage was about to perform a gomedha-yajna, and in the morning, a cow was slain, which was to be rejuvenated in the evening time. However, the wife of the sage, weak as she was, since the couple lived in the forest on fruits and roots, cut a piece from the cow and cooked it. However, she was unable to eat it, and threw the flesh away.


In the evening, as the cow was given a new life, different parts of the flesh also turned back to life. A part of the flesh that landed on the ground became garlic, the second part that landed in the water became fish, the blood that fell on the ground became red lentils (masura), the skin became onions and the bone became carrots. Therefore all of them are considered unfit for eating.




also some vaisnava groups restrict eating eggplant. Don't ask me why!

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yes, mushrooms are foodstuffs in the mode of ignorance. It is also said in the Ayurveda that they cost far more energy to digest than the amount of energy they are able to reciprocate, hence the fact they are not used.

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In some circumstances that is. For instance the milk from factory farmed cows. These may be full of hormones chemicals etc making it tamasic. It is not only milk. Not only this purchasing this milk causes increases the business of the dairy producers and in turn causes increased suffering to the cows. Only milk from cows that are properly treated, calves fed first etc, should be taken.

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Now you are just talking about the sinful process alot of modern facilities apply for extracting milk,which is true and horrible, but still we can't apply this label to milk in the same way we apply this to i.e. meat,fish and eggs, because the abovementioned foodstuffs are always situated in those gunas, regardless. On a sidenote,I have long searched for this proper milk and have recently found it. I now take my milk only from properly treated cows, they live together with their calves, and bulls even.It is almost unprocessed and I must say you can taste the happiness of the cows. I would really like to dissuade all people from taking any other milk, especially devotees.

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Yes that is exactly what I mean. Milk from properly treated cows is not tamasic it is Sattvic. The same way milk may be sattvic but if left to long it spoils and becomes tamasic even though it is still milk, I believe the situation is the same for before the milk has been produced. Sattva has to do with the entire process and not just because it comes from the same place in the cow that pure milk comes from, the chemistry is very different. You can't call it sattvic if there is such brutal treatment to obtain it.


I am by no means advocating veganism since because it is interesting to note that before modern times where you could synthesize vitamins, milk was the only vegetarian source of Vitamin B12!!

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Its ok to eat carrots & red lentils & egg plant then ?


I have been gradually trying to follow KC regs more and more since I became interested in KC about 18 mnths ago,

and cut out meat and fish quickly , phased eggs out about 6 mnths later, and have been trying to avoid eating mushrooms (as they grow on dung), garlic and onions when possible, as they are supposed to disturb the conciousness (and make you smell).


I find it is awkward with garlic and onion as they are in so many products, albeit in small quantities.


It seems to be going a bit far not eating eggplant, carrots and lentils though ?


Hare Krishna

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I don't think where the mushrooms grow is the problem. almost all fertilizer has some kind of dung in it. Houses used to be pasted with dung and puja is done on a dung pasted altar. The problem with all of these foods is the chemical effect on the body. Some mushrooms can even act as hallucinogens. All of the things like garlic, onion, peppers, have strong mind disturbing effects. Eggplant is more subtle and can act as a mild aphrodisiac. The beta carotene in carrots I am told can also increase the sex drive. But that is an even smaller effect. We have to weigh the effects of these with the overall level of purity of the body. Today our bodies are less pure because of increased pollution chemical fertilizers etc, some of these foods may not make a difference as a result. So keep an awareness of mind. Stop taking those foods which you notice cause you to be fidgity.

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I believe that just as you can find God within you, you can find what foods work for you best. For what I learned on my own experience, no law applies the same to me than it will apply to another human. The world is lost on following eachother on different paths...why we follow this or other religion? the truth is nobody has a clue about anything, and answers can only be found within you. I can rack up with the perfect spiritual food that a book might tell me and this be just a perfect ultimate diahrrea formula and kill me. Is our responsibility to learn our own body and monitor what works best.

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While the odd person will have some kind of dietary peculiarity, the things that are disallowed are generally the same for all people. They may not affect all people to the same degree because there are many factors at work. So you do have to find what works for you but the things that are outlined here are a good place to start if you want to see what things make a difference. Remember cocaine, marijuana, magic mushrooms are all plants, other things we eat also have bad effects but to a much lesser degree. There are real chemical effects going on. It is not something sinful about the food or anything like that.. Think about eating peppers and then trying to do some maths.. you wont be able to concentrate will you

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