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Praying to Krishna for something material

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I know we should desire only Krishna's service life after life and all that... and its kinda dumb praying to the demigods knowing that Krishna is the source of everything.


I'm not on that level that I can automatically give up my material desires. I dont want money or fame or a prestigious job like what most people pray for .. all I want is to be with the girl I have feelings for. Is that bad? Does Krishna fulfill material desires?

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Krishna gives you whatever you want. Be careful what you are asking for Dreams when become Reality don't look quite the same...


all best


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If you want a girl then you are asking for your lusty desires to be fulfilled.


She's probably not worth it anyway.


Asking for a girl is far worse than asking for money.


If you want, Krishna can give her to you, but then you will have to suffer. Girls don't come free, they always have side affects.

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and we can say exactly the same about men. he is not asking for lust. it may be only the source of his desires. everyone is responsible for what they want and wether one suffers or not depends on his strenght and trust in Krishna. is it normal for devotees to answer so harshly..? who are you to judge?

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My statements that desiring a woman is lust are to save him from misery and repeated birth and death.


It that being harsh to him?



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funny i love my wife dearly and our sex life has went as long as 2 months between and i only have relations for children and no kids and almost 3 years of marrage, so sex is certainly not why i wanteda girl/woman/wife. i wanted a wife desperatly and it was not for sex, if that is what i wanted i could get that easy from almost any woman as i am very very handsome and have a awesome personallity.

so his lust as you call it is not appplical at least it was not in my case. if anyone says lust was my motivation that is highly offencive to me and my wife.

this assumptin that lust is the only reason to despre a mate that is lowminded.


if ur want regular sex that can be fixed with a few books like how to get chicks, i know they work because they are written by psych docs and i have known a few guys that we litterly unable to meet and approcach woman and suddenly had girlfriends and a social life adn even maintained it.

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If you don't want a wife for sex. Then why don't you have a maid instead? That will no mean hassles and no fights.


Why do you need your wife?

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  • 2 months later...
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I recommend that you read the wonderful and inspiring story of Dhuruva Maharaja in the Srimad Bhavatam (Canto 4, chapter 8 and 9). Eventhough at first, he approached the Supreme Lord with a very materialistic desire and yet in the end, he became one of the greatest and most exalted devotee.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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sri krishna knows everthing...

your deepest desires, your fear, your strength and your weakness. there is no point in hiding anything from him. i have always felt that when the mind desires something, there is definitely a motivator for it..an external stimulant..if you are able to realize that stimulant, your desire will seem very silly indeed...


sri bheeshma said on the bed of arrows after the mahabharata, while reciting the most beautiful vishnu sahasranama,

dharmathi prapnuyaat dharmam

artharthi echhartha mapnuyaat

kaamanavapnuyaat kami

prajarthi chapnuyaat prajaam..


one who is a devotee of narayana, one who remembers him with love and devotion, he gets what he wants...

and the things mentioned are dhrma, artha, kama, praja...


but i ask you be careful before you ask what your mind desires..better to ask him to give what you deserve and what is actually needed...


just like a child who will crave for sweets but will be reprimanded by his mother warning him of a bad stomach ache later...we have to adopt a attitude that looks on sri krishna as our mother..


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sri krishnaya nama

i think it is natural for ordinary people like us to desire

having others---but just think do your really feel she is the most important ---does she have the virtues which would help you both lead a KC life---if you think so ,you can ask krishna---ask krishna whether about what he thinks---for if we all are like children ---we ask for thinks that may not be real good for us--if you just ask for krishna do what is appropriate,i am sure he would do what is best for u

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