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Chaitanya in the Gaurda Puran

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Can Anyone tell me the exact verse or section that the predictions of Lord Chaitanya are mentioned in the Gaurda Puran. Because I am looking through my Gaurda Puran, and I cant seem to find it under Incarnations of Vishnu and all that.



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yad gopi-kuca-kumbha-sambhrama-bhara-

rambhena samvardhitah yad va gopa-kumara-

sara-kalaya range subhandi-krtam yad

vrndavana-kanane pravilasac chridama-

damadibhis tat prema-pradatam cakara

bhagavan caitanya-rupah prabhuh


The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Who enjoyed glorious pastimes with Sridama, Dama, and other gopa boys in Vrndavana forest, and Whose eyes glanced at the gopis' breasts, will again come to this world to reveal the nature of pure spiritual love. At that time His name will be Caitanya. (Garuda Purana)


yo reme saha-ballavi ramayate vrndavane

'har-nisam yah kamsam nijaghana kaurava-

rane yah pandavanam sakha so 'yam vainava-

danda-mandita-bhutah sannyasa-vesah sva-

yam nihsandedham upagatah ksiti-tale

caitanya-rupah prabhuh


The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Who enjoyed pastimes with the gopis, Who day and night filled the people of Vrndavana with happiness, Who killed Kamsa, and Who in the war between the Kauravas made friendship with the Pandavas, will come again to the earth. Of this there is no doubt. His arm decorated with a bamboo danda, He will be a sannyasi and his name will be Caitanya. (Garuda Purana)


kalina dahyamananam

paritranaya tanu-bhrtam

janma prathama-sandhyayam

karisyami dvijatisu


To deliver the conditioned souls burning in the trouble of Kali-yuga, in the first sandhya of that age I will take birth among the Brahmanas. (Garuda Purana)


aham purno bhavisyami

yuga-sandhau visesatah

mayapure navadvipe

bhavisyami saci-sutah


In My original spiritual form, perfect and complete, I will become the son of Sacidevi in Navadvipa-Mayapura at the beginning of Kali-yuga. (Garuda Purana)


kaleh prathama-sandhyayam

laksmi-kanto bhavisyati


sannyasi gaura-vigrahah


In the first sandhya of Kali-yuga, the Supreme Personality of Godhead will assume a golden form. First He will be the husband of Laksmi, and then He will be a sannyasi who stays near Lord Jagannatha at Puri. (Garuda Purana)


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Yes I know that is all what i was looking for but i cant seem to pinpoint where it could be, thats why i was wondering which verse # it actually is and in what part of the Gaurd Puran

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

ehh I got my Garud Puran from India so. But i still cant pinpoint the actual verse, ive skimmed through a couple of sections that i thought might have it, but nothing so far. If anyone knows be kind and tell us.

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ohhh reallly? i thought so...i wasnt sure though. I would think that most Gaurd Purans would be pretty similar or the same, or atleast mention mahaprabhu. but who knows really, if its in the garud puran i can find it, i justt dont know where to look, i tried under incarnations of vishnu but it just talks about the 24 that are mentioned in other scriptures, i thought maybe i could find some hint. i also skimmed through the vishnu sahasra naam stotra thinking maybe there is some mention, but i didnt really find anything significant. thats all i wanted to know is where i should look i dnt doubt its not thre, im sure it is, but i just wanted to see for myself, i just find that interesting. i'll start looking thru my sanskrit version to see if i can find those verses. ahhh shastras, soo many :-p hahah.

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I dont know for sure that there are different ones I was just speculating. That would seem to be the only conclusion if some people claim it is there and some claim it isn't. Unless someone is lying haha, lets hope that is not the case


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