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Muslim chanting?

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I was interested to recently see TV pictures of some Muslims imprisoned (against international law) by the US at Guantanomo bay in Cuba, who seemed to be chanting on beads ?


What do Muslims chant on beads ? Allah Akbar ?


Chanting various forms of holy names on beads seems to occur in not only Sanatana Dharma but also in Buddhism, and Catholic Christianity.


Do all forms of chanting of names of God stem from mankinds original vedic roots ?


(Incidentally, I thought it was awful that US interrogators had been insulting and defiling the Koran in an attempt to get the detainees to yield information)



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In Christianity, Islam, Buddism, Hindusim, and the hara krishnas all chant as it's the prescribed method of devotional service onto God in Kali Yuga.


But some chant for material benefit and not to serve God. Just like the Christians go to church on Sunday to ask for their daily bread. Some Muslims chant to ask Allah to destroy their enemies. The Hindus chant for money or better health and so on.


Originally the reason was to serve God but this idea has now become corrupted in all religions.

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  • 3 months later...

It would be innacurate to say that Muslims are praying for their enemies to be destroyed. They too are praying in praise and remembrance of the Divine. The most common words used for their japa, which they call dhikr, are "Subhanallah" (Glory to God), "Elhamdullilah" (Praise to God), and "Allahu Akbar" (God is Greater than anything).


I hope this helps.


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"I was interested to recently see TV pictures of some Muslims imprisoned (against international law) "


Might have a look at your international law before making statements like this.


"(Incidentally, I thought it was awful that US interrogators had been insulting and defiling the Koran in an attempt to get the detainees to yield information)"


Actually what is awful is that people actually believe these rumors. Some Korans were not handled properly because guards were not instructed on specifics. The defilement was actually done by the prisoners themselves, might try doing a few simple searches. The truth hardly makes the headlines as much as the rumors.


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What respect do the Muslims have for the non-ismlamic religions?




In Islamic countries it's illegal to walk on the street with the Bible or Gita. Is this not evil?


The non-Muslims cannot even pratice their religion public.


The US interrogators are only doing their job of finding the terrorists. All glories to them.

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