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Closer to Syamasundara

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Hare Krsna,


In the Mode of Goodness everything that is Substantial and that brings Auspiciousness comes more into Focus. In order to Stay it involves Patience and Tolerance. Learning this can last a Lifetime. If every Spirit Soul could just stop what they are doing and just realize this very simply things would change. We all are being trained to Enjoy things properly.

At first we have to surrender to Syamasundara, that is the only way to live a Pure Spiritual Life of Ultimate and Absolute Perfection. It is a challenge to take this path. Most beings like to panic and react against the very reality that they are immersed in for they have chosen to be distracted by this temporary material realm. The dominance of false ego leads to self-destruction. Some think that this life in the material world is the rightful path and time and time again they are proven wrong. The only way to really free the self is to surrender to Syamasundara. This is really not a challenge at all once a being is acquainted with His Personality. Think of it this way, God is our Happiness, but it is Absolute Happiness beyond anyone's imagining. We can reach Him through Renunciation which means putting no sense of importance on anything but Lord Krsna. Once that is done everything starts to have more of a sense of completion, The Complete Whole, Perfectly Complete.

This can also relate to the nature of Atmarama or being Self-Satisfied.

"Let this Temporary Body be burnt into ashes and let the air of life be merged with the totality of air." So we have a choice to either be more spiritual or material. Already even though no one knows it on their own we are all in the process of becoming more spiritual as we slowly die bodily. Death is Renunciation and so is Life. We all have to learn to be Renunciated.

One comparison could be a serpent shedding it's skin. It is ridding itself of it's previous dress and now a new one is being revealed as it casts off old garments.

It's possible anyway that all of these bodies are already dead but we are being tricked into thinking that they are more alive than we are.

The way to end this sense of being so overwhelmed is just to surrender to Syamasundara. Once that happens we can live again as we are meant to. Renunciation is not escapism, it is simply realizing that the material touches of nature are all temporary and that all things must pass.



Hari Bol

Jai Sri Krsna Caitanya!


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  • 2 weeks later...
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I understand what you are saying, however, I have a 2 yr old son with downe syndrome. Is it therefore impossible to make any spiritual progress due to my considering he is important? What kind of mother would I be if I took care of him like he did not matter because only Krsna is important?


Sorry, about the tone, not trying to come across challenging. Just wondering, that's all.

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It would be impossible to make any spiritual progress if you did not take care of your child. That is your dharma. Krsna says one should not abandon their duty under any circumstances.

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"I understand what you are saying, however, I have a 2 yr old son with downe syndrome. Is it therefore impossible to make any spiritual progress due to my considering he is important?"


the opposite..... you will make progress only if you give love to your son with maternal care and giving him also devotion with hare krsna chanting, prasadam devotees association and so on.

He's your devotional service, the way to reach the Lord. If one does not love his sons, how he can love god?




"What kind of mother would I be if I took care of him like he did not matter because only Krsna is important?"


yes.... krsna is the only important thing, but inside krsna there's all creation, the devotees and your gentle and nice son, who has come in a family with a devotee mother with the purpose of making advancement to krsna and go back in goloka"


my prostrated obeisances to you.. and a kiss to your nice little devotee beautiful special child


(chant with him the hare krsna mantra.. he has come in your womb because he wants to listen it and chant it)


yasoda nandana dasa italy

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Thank you very much for your splendid reply. I notice you referred to me as a "devotee mother". I wish it were true but I'm a lowly karmi mother who wishes she had what it took to be a devotee mother. I always seem to be sitting on the fence. I want to take part in devotional service but I don't have enough discipline. Not to mention that my karmi husband is not interested and keeps referring to "hairy krisnas". Yesterday I begged him to say "Hare" not hairy. Can taking care of my son be my devotional service, can this alone lead to me becoming a devotee? Where do devotees find their spititual masters?

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  • 6 months later...

You need not drop your child nor beg your husband to do anything such, you need not even recite the mantra aloud, maintain that as one thought pauselessly instead (reciting more perfectly--with focus on the essence of such instead of how it sounds aloud, as how you recite it at the core of your being is far more important), see the lord within and trust your intuition with the utmost carefulness and sensitivity thinking and acting with your whole being. Do not cling to ideas that you are this body. Be aloof to the unaware disrespecting that which you value: devotion to krishna. Serve your child, your husband, and everyone else as though they are Krishna incarnate, Where is Krishna not present? Be ready at all moments to serve, to love, to be in communion with.

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