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Loss and Separation

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Every spirit-soul in the material world has chosen to be in a great feeling of loss and separation away from Lord Krsna. It is their desire and that is why this world is here, to learn to Love Lord Krsna again. It is His Game and it is everyone's chance to try to find Him the best way that they can. Through 8,400,000 species of life we all struggle to reach the ultimate attainment of becoming human so that we can be a pure devotee of the Lord.

This is all of everyone's choosing. We all have a chance to try to be our own supreme controllers until we realize the folly of the situation. Once we do we realize that we need to Surrender. It is not a painful process at all though some choose to see it that way. I was observing some bumblebees the other day and Lord Krsna Himself showed me how gracefully they are extracting nectar and how they are trying to find Lord Krsna in those flowers. They are finding Him for a brief instant but they are not getting the Higher Taste though they are close. Every being knows that Syamasundara is in their heart but they have chosen to forget. That is the whole purpose of this material world is to at first forget about Syamasundara so that we will learn to Hear, Chant and Remember Him again! He is Acyuta and He is unconquerable. We all must find Him before it is too late.



Mahatma Amaranth Kalki Das

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"" cuotation some; -- It is their desire and that is why this world is here,to learn to Love Lord Krsna again. It is His Game and it is everyone's chance to try to find Him the best way that they can -- This is all of everyone's choosing. We all have a chance to try to be our own supreme controllers until we realize the folly of the situation. Once we do we realize that we need to Surrender -- day and Lord Krsna Himself showed me how gracefully they are extracting nectar and how they are trying to find Lord Krsna in those flowers. They are finding Him for a brief instant but they are not getting the Higher Taste though they are close -- That is the whole purpose of this material world is to at first forget about Syamasundara so that we will learn to Hear, We all must find Him before it is too late."" -- sravanaam.


in that best way finding Him, the bummble bee be this satisfied in extent when richin and so, hearing the rithm in the heart. it carries a strong vive, and change. but bein abituated at the condition of depending on on flowers, and material mind concoctions. Human souls we be at this - Parä or sannatana swarupa. we do not get the necesity of this to be fully sweet, but searching and surrender is neaded in extent - i mean does the bummble bee follow the regulative of the colonie principles ever, but by nature simple sence because we humans are not at this level depending on the condition, in variety of way even. me myself surrender means to aply in a dicsiplne and regulative principles to the extent and in concoction in mind. What should be the best way.. Prabhupada takes and rich the teach, in him, with the simple process of KC.


Me have heard so much. I was about talking last nigh with girlfriend some changes also conditions of be getting more better conditions, and knolwdge, it starts being a dropin, then when the nesecity arrises not the surrender takes place then, the dropins could also be in condition of nectarin flows of flowers arrownd me. and then all of a sudden became some catarats like, and fe having a bath became on deppending like in that stage of producing light with the watter matter flowing and growin like instantaneously.


now, i could see the majestic of Syamasundar so near that changes are sugested from surroundings also. what would be in opinion the change in surrenderin.. and in mental concoction??


mansa seva

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