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I'm sure if God was a person sitting high up in the sky looking down at us, he would either be laughing or crying...for your combined efforts in foolishness.


All fingers lead to the same palm, all rivers lead to the same oceon, it..he..call it what you may...Jesus, Krishna, Mohammed...whatever..it's the same!! Thousands of years in battle and bloodshed...for what?


All of you people have no clue...books? Gita? Bible? Koran? What book did Jesus read? What book did Krishna read? What book did Budhha read. God is personal. It is not about gathering crowds. One on one. You find your own road. You people talk as if you own God. God belongs to none yet is in us all.


Luke 17:20-21 And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God

should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with

observation: {21} Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of

God is within you.


Stop arguing, stop with the ego-trip...that u're right he's wrong...go find first..then talk...by then I'm sure u woldn't want to talk anymore.


He who knows all speaks naught, he who thinks he knows speaks forever.

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Lord Krishna is sitting within our hearts waiting to liberate us from the cycle of birth and death.


You just have to surrender onto him now.


The easiest way is to chant his names.









There is no other way for salvation in this age. No other way. No other way.

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avajananti mam mudha

manusim tanum asritam

param bhavam ajananto

mama bhuta-mahesvaram




avajananti--deride; mam--Me; mudhah--foolish men; manusim--in human form; tanum--body; asritam--assuming; param--transcendental; bhavam--nature; ajanantah--not knowing; mama--Mine; bhuta--everything that be; maha-isvaram--the supreme proprietor.



Fools deride Me when I descend in the human form. They do not know My transcendental nature and My supreme dominion over all that be.

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from what i understand, Jesus was a reformer within Judaism. He was knowledgable about the Talmud and Torah, and quotes from Hebrew scripture in the Bible.


Sri Krsna went to gurukula and studied under Sandipani Muni, and He also quotes the Brahma-sutra in Bhagavad-Gita.


these personalities may not need to study or quote scripture, but they do so as an example for us--to show us that we should take the time to learn scripture, and not cast it out in favor of sentimentality.



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I didn't speak, I wrote. /images/graemlins/smile.gif Just Kidding.


And my motivation was seeing enough people use God as an excuse for execution (internally / externally / intentionally / unintentionally).


I wonder if Jesus or Krishna were alive today, would they have felt the same hopelessness in not being able to bring any sense to humanity. They tought so much yet it seems that we have gone a hundred steps backwards. Ho Hum.

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I wonder if Jesus or Krishna were alive today, would...........



Lord Krishna did not possess a material body and does not possess one. So HE did not die then, and will never die. HIS so called birth and disappearance are all transcendental.

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And you were the one standing next to Krishna during battle right? I'm sure Krishna whispered to you how he does not have a body right?


Yo! You were not there! You don't know! So stop talking like you were Krishna's best friend. If you're gonna believe books written by people centuries ago I don't see the difference in believing in the . that they show in CNN.


I rest my case!

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Hari Bol!

Prabhu, it seems u r a nice guy. so inquisitive to ask questions. the thing is people are being cheated by many unauthoritative persons.


u may not trust in God, but it is a fact. You may not accept God. But u have to accept that there is someone behind You controlling everything. You cannot say automatically universe came into existence.


U may still cross question me but there are answers for whatever u ask. the thing is u might not have approached a person who really beleived it or could explain how the whole cosmic manifestaiton worked.


U study the Science, then ur wish to accept God or not. Knowledge is important. Without knowledge u cannot know God. first study the science. Religion s science. Now there isnt many people following the scriptures.


Even is God is willing to see you, do u think u have the eyes to see Him. Ur eyes cannot even see what is in the dark. but still things are there in the dark. i suppose owl can know things in the dark. the rays from it can deduct where the object is?, howe its shape is?, exactly like it is seeing. Act in a way that God will automatically show His Form to u. We always speculate. that s the problem. b sublime.

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And you were the one standing next to Krishna during battle right? I'm sure Krishna whispered to you how he does not have a body right?


Yo! You were not there! You don't know! So stop talking like you were Krishna's best friend. If you're gonna believe books written by people centuries ago I don't see the difference in believing in the . that they show in CNN.



Ridiculous speculations. Fools talk out of ego and their puny intellect.


I would rather go with what Lord Krishna HImself says in Gita and what great AchAyAs say than some fool born yesterday.

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  • 1 month later...

Aum ShreeVishnave Namah


Hello 'Prabu',

i think you should've , first of all, gotten yourself well-versed with the 'Philosophy' of Shree Caitanya Mahaaprabhu! Iskcon is based on That.

Krsna is Unborn so there can be no question of death or being a 'thing' of past, present or future, or even being a thing, for that matter!


Its He, Who has made, even the void, the darkness and light, the emptiness and the material universes, the concept of conceptuality, the silence and the sound, the mind and the state of no mind!



And you were the one standing next to Krishna during battle right? I'm sure Krishna whispered to you how he does not have a body right?

Yo! You were not there! You don't know! So stop talking like you were Krishna's best friend. If you're gonna believe books written by people centuries ago I don't see the difference in believing in the . that they show in CNN.



>>>>>So, then you must ask your mum to testimonize her motherhood to you by getting a dna taste! Jokes apart, man, this is serious! This is much much more (infinitely more) sacred than this! You better know! you didnt even know, if the name you have is whats been actually given to you!






Jesus, Krishna, Mohammed...whatever..it's the same!!


>>>>>With humility to other faiths, ShreeKrishn is without a second!




You people talk as if you own God



>>>>>Better be specific. 'You people' is too vague and generic a term. And if you hint at the Iskcon Movement by Srila Prabhupaad, better go digest the hidden logic. God is beyond the comprehesibility of body, mind, intellect and (false) ego.



It is not about gathering crowds. One on one.


>>>>>Who is gathering crowds? One on one? Its not a mediawar, claiming the minds to follow a bot-factory or a novel cult, trying to 'program' minds with one's own interpretantions! Its Vedaas. They're for all the 8.4m species withing our whole universe! And of course for human!




All of you people have no clue...books? Gita? Bible? Koran? What book did Jesus read? What book did Krishna read? What book did Budhha read...


>>>>> Hey, Geeta (at least), is not at all a handwritten and a concocted philosophy! Its a Truth! And Shree Jesus was already a devotee. So how could He have needed any 'books'?




Luke 17:20-21 And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God

should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with

observation: {21} Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of

God is within you...


>>>>>Definitely, what has been said/written by Luke, above, is not wrong! But if everyone would keep the secret to him/herself, what 'bout the future generations? Who'd have taught them to find it withing You. Even Luke then, according to you, shouldn't have bothered to say/right all this!




Stop arguing, stop with the ego-trip...that u're right he's wrong...


>>>>>However, the word 'Egotrip' that you said, is something that i'd agree with! You're right that one must get outta the clout of body, mind, ego and intellect and see the ONE, KRSN!



go find first..then talk...by then I'm sure u woldn't want to talk anymore...


>>>>>There's no doubt that, the Compiler of the Eternal Vedas who is, Srila Vyaasdev, being an incarnation of He HImself, needed to 'find' the GOD!




He who knows all speaks naught, he who thinks he knows speaks forever.....


>>>>>It might be right 'bout us Godless zombies, but ShreeKrsn, out of His Causeless Mercy, 'spoke' the BhagawatGeeta! Its 'bout Love. Its Causeless. Out of Sheer Mercy. Its impossible for us material bots to imagine beyond a condition. Now-a-days ,'Prem' or Love is awefully being used without even knowing its unfathomable depth!



Here, devotees talk about 'Pure Love' for the Lord! Unconditional! Everlasting! Its unquestioned! Its completely Voluntary, unlike the hopeless drag behind desires in the modern world! No intellect wasted!


Howsoever high may a devotee be, he/she can't even think of putting him/herself even on the equal level to that of THE ONE. A devotee can, at the most reflect the Grace of the Lord (not without His grace, though)!


We're not bullshitting 'bout some 'Objective Shibboleths', Krsn is not a objective or subjective 'name'. HE is the 'embodiement' of All that BE! Don't bereave yourself of this Nectar of Unconditional Love.


Hari Aum Tat Sat



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Lord Krishna is the only being who declared himself and proved that he was the supreme, and he says in the Bhagavad-gita that he is the only way.


So don't waste your life following a man, follow the supreme, Lord Krishna.

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