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descriptions of Goloka (detailed)???

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Hare Krishna



I had a few questions about Goloka and what we actually do there if we attain Krishna's abode. I've heard many descriptions, but they seem too vague. Here is what i want to know:


-Are we alone with Krishna, or are there other jivas there with us?

-is there night/day?

-what do we look like?

-what languages do we speak?

-are we in constant association with Krishna, or only at certain times?

-do we realize what we have done in the material world in previous lives?

-what do the sorroundings look like?


any details would be appreciated.


I don't doubt Goloka, but i just want some more details, and I'm sure there are others out there who are starting to become KC that want to know things like this also.


thank you all for your guidance,


Hari Bol

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Hare Krishna


you can find out about what Vrindavan (Goloka or Gokula) is like by reading Krsna book. if you have read that, then you may also want to check out Ananda-Vrndavana Campu.



Here are my answers based on my study of Gaudiya philosophy (not realization, obviously):


-Are we alone with Krishna, or are there other jivas there with us?


many other jivas


-is there night/day?




-what do we look like?


depends on your svarupa. you could be a gopi, a peacock, cowhered, tree, etc.


-what languages do we speak?


Vrajabhasa, along with Sanskrit. perhaps others...


-are we in constant association with Krishna, or only at certain times?


constant association through rememberance, but not always in direct union. part of the ecstacy is meeting and separation.


-do we realize what we have done in the material world in previous lives?


presumably yes, since we have all knowledge (cit-sakti). but would we care/want to think about it?


-what do the sorroundings look like?


you can find descriptions of this in the books that i mentioned.


thanks. hope this helps. also, i hope you don't find me too presumptuous to answer these questions...


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