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African Origin?

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Who has heard of this? There are certain African groups that teach that Africa is the original home of the Dravidian people. It says that they invaded India back between 3250 BC and 2750 BC. They also explain that the river Ganges is named after an Ethiopian King by the same name who conquered the lands all the way up to the Ganges river. They also thrive on the Aryan invasion theory and see Varnashram as a racial tactic for suppressing the darker skinned Dravidians (who they explain are descendants of Ethiopia). According to them, Hinduism was created in 3200 BC.



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If Africa is the origin why is it that sanskrit is the oldest language in the world?


The Vedic scriptures are the oldest in the world? Why not African scriptures?


The demons will always try to deny India as the supreme land (once). Now India is not so supreme due to Indians giving up the Vedic culture and that's why she is suffering.


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They would just reason that the Vedic teachings originally came from Africa. The funny thing is, they reject the modern scientific accounts pertaining to ancient Africa but they accept those accounts pertaining to Vedic culture. In this way they can make Hinduism's beginning at 3200 BC but then give African religion a date going back hundreds of thousands of years.

According to the Mahabharata, the Kings of Egypt were originally Kshatriyas who fled from Lord Parasurama.

The only thing I am curious about is if there is another explanation for the origin of the word 'Ganges'. They say that it was named after this Ethiopian King. Is there a Vedic explanation for it?

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Krishna spoke the Bhagvat Gita Billions of years ago to Sungod Vivasvan and the Parampara of Disciplic Succession is going on from there onwards to the present date based on Complete Authority and Faith based on old age philosophy and culture

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  • 3 weeks later...

Scientifically, India is not the orgin of LANGUAGE, SCIENCE, or even PEOPLE!

Face the common sense facts....Pangea (the large land mass) Africa was the heart of it the center. The most fertile lands are where? That's right North of Africa and East.

Sumerian (spoken) Cuniform (Written) is the oldest documented language in the world thus recorded, not sanskrit. Cuniform influenced ancient chinese characters. Do the comparison.

Do your research.

The only reason you have been told this lie is to build some sort of nationalistic pride.

Nationalism is .. Realize the truth! All your features, your history, your genealogy, your melanin, has its origins from where?--- give you a clue you racist ...... AFRICA. A land that you reject because you reject truth! Why do the neighbors of Africa reject its MOTHER so much? Hmmmm......lets look at a more recent example, GHANDHI.

"When he went to South Africa he was treated badly".--> This is an understatement!!

This bum had the nerve to start his whole "peaceful revolution" tactic on the fact that when he was thrown off a south african train and placed in a car filled with other Africans, not whites! Ahem....Ahem.

You mean he was treated like a BLACK MAN!??

Do your research!

He started National People of Color Movements without Black Africans who were SUFFERING from the insipient manifestations of APARTHEID. How the Hell are you going to start a colored peoples movement with are inviting your Host, the africans?

What apalling nerve!!?


"The ordinance, which the Indians called the 'Black Act', was passed and went into effect in July, 1907. Indians picketed the offices at which they were supposed to register, and when only about five hundred of the thirteen thousand Indians in the Transvaal complied with the new law, the authorities decided to act."

This Black Act---was called that bacause it meant that indians would be in the class of Black People and not treated in the same class like their gods, the whites.


This is only ONE profound illustration out of many.


White cracker . have you all fooled into believing that you are not BLACK. We are all taught that darker, midnight hues, are demonic, and fit for a lower caste.


In fact, it is your protection from the Sun God's Wrath and your connection to upper cosmic levels.

Don't think that I am not aware of your sick and twisted past. You are all pieces of refuse fit to be destroyed since you rather believe the lies your white master gives you.


Why do Indians have this air of superiority when it comes to Black peoples? It is totally unwarranted. There is absolutly NO basis for that mentality.


Seriously, Cut this . out before its too late.

If you have anything to say, you better come with the facts or shut up.

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A fool who cannot accept the truth wrote the above.


The Christians have been trying to defame the Vedic culture and civilization ever since they knew of it. They simply cannot accept a far superior civilization.


According to scientific evidence, the oldest document known to man are the Vedic scriptures and sanskrit is the oldest language.


NASA discovered the bridge built by Lord Ram some 1.7 million years ago. According to the scrientists, the African civilization dates back to thousands of years and not millions like the Vedic civilization.


The black man, white man and all others originate from India. All humans were once followers of the Vedic religion and they will again be in the future at the end of this demonic age which is full of irreligions.



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The age of the Universe according to the Vedic calculations is 155 trillion years and the Vedic knowledge was given to the first leaving being, Brahma, at that time.

Manu was the first man created by Brahma.


The Vedic civilization is the oldest and most superior of all, period.


According to Genesis, Adam and Eve were the first humans and they lived 6000 years ago. This is complete non-sense as there are bones of man dating back to millions of years in Museums.

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